MovieChat Forums > The Little Mermaid (2023) Discussion > Whitewashing persons of color is not com...

Whitewashing persons of color is not comparable to changing the race of a traditionally white character. Not even close

Western culture has been dominated by white creators (mostly men) with a long history of excluding persons of color from their work.

From J.R.R. Tolkien to Jane Austin to Herman Hesse. Even well intentioned leftists like H.G. Wells never gave persons of color so much as a mention.

Changing the race of a white character is just righting a historical wrong.

So spare us the false equivalencies, please.


Watching lemminGPT twist itself into pretzels to justify its own ignorance and racism is quite entertaining.

“It’s ok if you’re a bigot as long as you’re racist against white peoples”

This things posts are pure clown world.

Fun fact: the OP has absolutely nothing to do with The Little Mermaid. Cmon lemminGPT, do better.


It would be nicer if adaptations were more faithful and people did not lose their minds when they are not.


No, righting a historical wrong would be returning all African-Americans to the ancestral home countries they were so wrongfully displaced from.




Are you kidding? Western culture has been dominated by white creators because it has been overwhelmingly white for the vast majority of its existence. Why would Austen include non-whites in stories set in a society that was 99.999% white? She was not perpetrating any 'wrong' in doing that. The example of Herman Hesse, though, is particularly dumb considering that his most popular novel is set in India, about an Indian. Talk about false equivalencies. Utterly ridiculous.


Those are all works of fiction, not history, so the false equivalence is on you.


Think through what you wrote and perhaps you'll see that it's nonsense. Or, you're too entrenched in your point-of-view and your politics to ever be capable of changing your mind, even when you are clearly wrong.
