MovieChat Forums > Superman (2025) Discussion > Why are people excited for this???

Why are people excited for this???

James Gunn is one of those guys that people act like is a name people should get excited about but honestly, I've never been interested in any movie he's made. Outside of his Guardians trilogy I'm not sure if he's ever made a good movie. Slither was awful, Super is poor man's Kick-Ass. His Suicide Squad movie is admittedly better than the other one, but that's a really low bar and his SS movie wasn't great by any stretch. Even Guardians 2 is lame and I love Kurt Russell. They are also making this movie way too quickly and I think they should push it back to 2027 or 2028 to garner more hype.


I agree!!!!


same, me too.


His guardians movies are awesome


Your opinion ... Not mine.


Apparently any Superman film without Henry Cavill is an automatic fail, the Snyderverse and the image of Cavill's Superman has affected people's brains.


Nope, try again.


Fuck off


The expected response from the knuckle-dragging superhero fanboy.


I'm just looking forward to a take on Superman that is not Man of Steel. Glad to see the character in simple red and blue rather than dirty red and midnight blue. Glad of another shot at dealing with Superman's do-good nature that probably won't culminate in his breaking anybody's neck - That was a development that would have felt significant, with Superman having to overcome deeply held beliefs... if it hadn't been in the FIRST movie. Literally the only sequence in Man of Steel that resonated with me was a very brief bit where Superman showed his leadership while addressing a military unit - and I don't remember that very well as I have only seen the film once.


James Gunn is Troma trash. He can not create, only destroy.


Tromeo and Juliet is by far the worst Major Troma Title.


I tend to not like his style in films and find him grossly overrated. He certainly has talent and it works in some settings, like Peacemaker, but he can't seem to drift away from that particular type of style. However, I understand I am in the minority as most people enjoy his stuff so I can see why there is excitement. Get ready for lots of pop song action sequences, slow motion walks, and quirky one liners.


I dont know of anyone that is excited for this. Its the opposite actually. The only "James Gunn" fans I have ever seen are people online that are likely just studio plants like everything else these days. I dont consider him anything other than a director for hire hack that just does what hes told. I see no evidence of "Vision" in him as a director. He basically just vomits out "The Formula" in his films. Whatever impact on Cinema he has long term it wont be respected in the future. None of these current directors will that I can see. People will still be talking about directors from the 70s, 80s, and even 90s.

Theres a reason Nostalgia is so beloved and comparing someone like James Gunn to a real Director like Richard Donner is kind of laughable. Then there is the actors which have become a joke. Even if they used Cavil which they wont of course LOL. Comparing Cavil to someone like Christopher Reeves is a joke for a role like Superman. Reeves could portray class and dignity which you kind of need for Superman along with stoicism. Films are a product of culture/society and we are at the level of Idiocracy and muck now. Films are either juvenile or completely dark and disgusting. The result is either exaggerated flamer films or straight up pornographic and brooding portrayals that make people want to take a shower or even become more self destructive after watching. Its both "Activist" Cinema and Self Destructive mainstream programming. Those are our choices and most people are choosing to ignore it all which is why Cinema is failing so hard.

Watch Superman and Superman 2 with Christopher Reeve, Hackman, Kidder, Brando, Glenn Ford, Stamp etc. They are great films and wont depress you.
