MovieChat Forums > Trigger Warning (2024) Discussion > How many movies have this exact same plo...

How many movies have this exact same plot?

Man or woman or whatever comes to new town, or inherits property and the town has real bad thugs in it ... then they are all the same.


she is desperate for a paycheck I guess. how sad, she used to be the golden girl of Hollywood.


Actually she has a successful business going and just decided to come back and do some movies. Took time off to raise a family and still has a hot bod.


Jessica Alba is worth about $100 million so I don't think she's desperate for a paycheck. Alba makes more money in a week than you will in a year, Goober.


Desperate for attention then, which is worse!


Explain exactly how Alba is desperate for attention? It looks like successfull women frightened you.


Actually if you know about business, the picture is much less rosy.

Jessica Alba's net worth mostly came from the fact she was the founder of The Honest Company, Inc. (HNST), which was valued at 1.7 billion in 2015, and Jessica Alba owns 6% of it (around 5.6 million shares, including 1.4 million stock options according to regulatory filings in 2021), but that was the peak valuation.

The company was listed on Nasdaq in May 5, 2021 at about $19 per share, and now it is around $2.5, and I just checked its current market capitalisation now is around 247 million.

I think people like Jessica Alba have to hold onto their shares for a number of years (probably 3 ~ 5 years) after listing before they can sell, so her holding is likely worth about 10 ~ 15 millions now, depending on whether she excised her stock options, which I suspect she did not since share prices were falling and those options likely became worthless.

I think that could be less than the money she put into this business.

Still more than most people could earn in their life time, but it is probably not enough for an extravagant celebrity life style.

In April 2024, Alba stepped down from her role as Chief Creative Officer:

Which was a job she was paid a $700,000 base salary beginning in 2022, an annual cash bonus worth up to $500,000, and annual restricted stock units valued at $1.5 million, rising to $3 million in 2024.

Her stepping down could also indicate she was going to sell, because public listed corporations need to disclose when insiders (such as chief executives) sell, after her stepping down she is no longer an insider.

So she was not going into poverty anytime soon, but financially speaking she probably wanted to make movies.

I asked AI and it is estimated that Jessica Alba was likely paid 2 ~ 5 million for the role, a lot higher than her corporate job, in a lot less time.


Replace Jessica Alba with Steven Seagal and you've got yourself a straight-to-video action thriller from 1994.


I doubt this one has all the requisite necessary nudity for that, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong 😆🐱‍👤


Definitely not enough. Love this genre!

Dying for one in a Native American milieu, like Prey. Whether the baddies are the racist British or just other rando tribes doesn't matter to me. I actually...... might prefer it in Mesoamerica with Spanish and Native American empires on the periphery.... would be awesome.



"... then they are all the same."

not really , theres countless different ways it could pan out from there .

unlike "The quick & the dead" which i got round to watching last night 30 years late , it follows a very exact cut n dried formula called "battle Royale"


The Plot Is an Existential War between Good and Evil, The Dangers of White Male Supremacy.
The battle between the world and the evil mediocre white man. We all love strong women. Trigger Warning is about, non Jewish, evil whites.
