Unintentionally funny

The clothes were beautiful, the soundtrack was perfect, the actors were wonderful. I could not figure out where this story was heading. At the "surprise dinner", I burst out laughing..."a gun-do you have a gun?" All in all, a very weird film.




My wife and I laughed several times throughout. DDL plays the asshole to perfection. Whether it's Planview, Bill the Butcher, or Reynolds Jeremiah Woodcock, I can't help but laugh at times. He's so good, the laughs are usually followed by sympathy and an ouch face.


Au contraire, it IS a comedy. Paul Thomas Anderson recently did a Q&A on twitter where he was answering fan questions. One use asked if he would ever do another comedy, and he responded: "I just did one". If you don't have twitter, don't worry, neither do I, here is a link to the thread.


It's a little difficult to navigate because the way twitter works is confusing.


Unintentionally funny? I thought that it was clearly written as a dark comedy. I laughed several times. Was I wrong to think that it was intentionally funny? Did we see the same movie?


It's a comedy, as others have mentioned above. I laughed quite a few times, and the brilliantly droll, deadpan performances of Day-Lewis and Manville, while complex character studies, are also consistently amusing.
