MovieChat Forums > Anne (2017) Discussion > Anne's teeth and the new magical negro.....

Anne's teeth and the new magical negro...

Isn't she supposed to become attractive? She arrives when she's 11 in the books and then by the time she's 15, it seems like a lot of the boys like her even if she is oblivious.

With this Anne actress, those huge yellow teeth and dark freckles...

That being said, it's the least of the problems with this show. It seems absurd they can even use the Anne of Green Gables name for this melodramatic crap that has nothing to do with the books. It's hilarious. Mining for gold on Green Gables, Gilbert shoveling coal and delivering babies with the new magical negro. Hahahahha Lucy Maud Montgomery must be rolling in her grave.


I found Anne very self centered in the first 3 episodes of the new season 2. Chattering endlessly, not listening to anyone elses view..For example, Jerry tried to talk about the housemates in the barn, but she completely cut him off to ramble. Then when her parents took her to the beach, she was so excited that she just ran out of the car, scaring the mother. It was their first time at the beach as well, yet this season Anne is almost in such a one way state with blinders on. Sorry, but I found her annoying. Last season she was less frantic.

Yes, Gilbert delivering the baby was ridiculous as well. I will watch the rest of the season but I hope it gets better.


I liked season 1 as well but season 2 seems more 21st century centered and biased.


You had me at magical negro...


This reminds me of a girl I knew in high school. I really thought she was funny looking at the time, like I'd be embarrassed if people thought we were dating. We saw each other a lot, our last names were close so we were often in proximity.
Somehow, later in life, I began to remember how slender and tall she was, and how she always smiled, this big, goofy smile.
She liked calligraphy. Her hair looked like it was barely in control. She was cheerful. She was pretty, but I couldn't see it at the time. Kinda regret not getting to know her better, but she didn't appeal to me back then. I'm so stupid.

This young lady looks like she has the potential to be very attractive, and I hope people are positive and respectful.


You write as if you took a day off the day Epstein died, dude... brrrrr!


