MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Discovery (2017) Discussion > It’s only Star Trek in name.

It’s only Star Trek in name.

Honestly, this isn’t Star Trek.


It took me 2 and a half seasons of this crap to figure that out. It's like current Doctor who. It has the title but it's an entirely new show made for a very specific PC woke audience. I'm enjoying Strange new worlds though. Better than Picard and Discovery.


TOS was woke as fuck


I think we have different definitions of what woke means. TOS was not woke to me.


fair enough,

thank you for your honest opinion


Then why do all you pretend Star Trek fans call Captain Kirk a misogynist?


1 i have been a fan longer than you, or anyone else on here

2 gay kissing on ST doesn't trigger me, just like interracial kissing on ST didn't trigger me 50 years ago


Gene Rodenberry and Rick Burman never included human homosexual kissing. They are the only legit Trek producers.




There were homosexual and transgender storylines in ST:TNG and ST:DS9.

LGBTQ bigotry is in the forefront now which is the reason the series addresses it now.

Racism was the main issue in the 1960s. The interracial kiss episode was banned in the South.


"There were homosexual and transgender storylines in ST:TNG and ST:DS9."

Nope, Riker had a bizarre relationship in ONE episode with an alien that gays interpret as a homosexual relationship. The Trill were aliens that transexuals interpret as transexuals. It's projection. No human, openly homosexual characters were portrayed in the 5 Star Trek shows under Rodenberry or Berman's watch.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Trill are a transgender species. I watched ST:TNG when it originally aired. Dr. Crusher didn't know the guy she loved was part of a symbiotic relationship - small squiggly creature inside humanoid body. She had to wait for her boyfriend's new body to arrive after his old one died. She did the nasty with Riker who had temporarily hosted the squiggly. Anyway, her boyfriend's new body was a woman!!!! Crusher was shocked and announced the relationship was over.

Gays were upset at Crusher's homophobic reaction!

To make amends, the episode about Riker falling in love with a non-gendered person who felt gendered was created. That episode was meant to address homophobia. Normal is NOT heterosexuality on Riker's lover's planet.

ST:DS9. Sisko called Dax "Old Man" all the time even though she was now a young female. There was a lesbian kiss in one of the episodes which made history. See for yourself:

That episode received a great deal of publicity. It may have been a first for a commercial TV series.

Also, Kira in the Parallel Universe said she wanted to have sex with Our Universe Kira! LOL!!!

The official Star Trek website addresses the issue further:

From its inception, Trek was always about pushing the envelope and addressing current issues and controversies.


Next time read what I typed. I said No HUMAN, openly homosexual characters were portrayed in the 5 Star Trek shows under Rodenberry or Berman's watch.


Don't be a sore loser.


Learn how to read.


Learn how to lose with grace.


I could have told you that all the way back in Season 1!

It's nothing more than woke Kurtzman fanfiction. Only reason the show has been left on as long as it has is because companies like Netflix were stupid enough to foot the bill for a few seasons, and Paramount is so bad off financially and in the leadership dept. that they'll leave it on so long as the 3 rich, gay fans of this show in the LA basin are still watching.


This is a weird concept re Star Trek because although Roddenberry was the creator, I'm pretty sure a lot of the TOS episodes were written by various sci-fi writers back in the day.

Therefore you could argue that ALL Star Trek is Star Trek in name only...

Re Discovery - It definitely had it's problems and didn't really fit in with its timeline. Having said that, they made an attempting at fixing that in the second season. I watched to the end of that and haven't seen it since as I considered the story complete and it was a half decent round up. Therefore I don't consider it as bad as some.


Various writers, maybe, but Gene Roddenberry had specific guidelines for Star Trek.

I highly doubt the current producers and writers of ST have ever heard of them. Didn't DSC writers name a janitor in DSC season 3 "Gene"?


No idea. Like I was saying I finished with season 2. I didn't think it needed anything further.


Here's a 50 sec clip of that scene:

They couldn't make it more obvious.


Yeah, that seems pretty poor.

Although, like I said, I'd stopped by this point. Tilly's half marathon victory - after stopping for a long chat! - was enough for me in terms of the problems in the show.

Having said that - I'd forgotten about that cocky engineer character in that scene. She was a pretty good character...


I stopped watching after s3. For me, the best that came out of DSC was Pike, Spock and Cpt. Lorca from season 1.


I wouldn't disagree with that. Lorca was excellent and the mirror universe stuff was, as always, fun.

Thought there was shades of him with Shaw in Picard season 3. Pity they killed they both off!


Shaw may be brought back for his own series. Plenty of buzz about it.


why not?


because it triggers snowflakes


It is not. It's embarrassing.
