MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > How Do White People Feel About This Movi...

How Do White People Feel About This Movie?

I've read around on social media that a lot of white people felt Get Out was "anti-white" or "racist against white people." I feel like the only way you could be truly offended by this movie is if you were an actual racist, as this movie holds a fun-house mirror up to racists showing a distorted, disturbing version of what you own hatred could turn into.

I can't imagine a non-racist feeling targeted by this movie, as it's just that, a movie (thank God, although American slavery did actually happen). I'm curious how white people felt watching this? If you felt it was racist to have white villains, why so?


I liked the movie, but thought the last 2o minutes were a bit much. It felt out of place with the rest of the film.


I am a white female and had no problems with this movie; I have seen it several times. I was not offended at all.


I'm white, and I loved it! 8.2/10. I particularly enjoyed the way they skewered white liberals.



Out of curiosity..where does the .2 comes from? :)


MovieManCin was my handle on the old IMDB (curse their eyes!), but when I tried to register here with the same name, they wouldn't let me. I guess they were sort of still linked to IMDB. So I just added the 2. "Easy, peasy, Japanese."



I didn't feel it was "racist againt white people" nor did it affect me. But there is this undeniable race card undertone. Even if it didn't change anything to my appreciation of the movie because I loved it, I can understand why someone would take it as another movie where black people are victimized while white people use them like objects. Slavery was definitely a background theme.

Once again, I am myself satisfied with the movie. However, I don't feel like it's total nonsense to feel that it's somehow racist...


I can't speak as to how white people felt, but as a clear person myself I am outraged at the treatment and depiction of clear people in this film! Mostly, the rest of the cast just ignored them like they weren't even there. And in car scenes, instead of driving around my clear brothers and sisters, the other actors would just run them over and keep on going without a second look. Hell, they even stopped to check things out when they hit the deer! It's just the kind of things my people have to deal with on a daily basis.


Moonglum, I'd give you a big hug, but I can't see you. Sorry.


Its has racial undertones, as for it being racist? It depends on what standards you use. If you are easily offended or want to be offended you can find it in this film. If you are not easily offended and just looking to watch a solid film than its perfectly fine.



I'm white, and you hit on the point: these were not average white people, these were crazy, sick white people, and I was as afraid of their little cult as any person would be. If anyone is standing up for them, that's crazy too.

