MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > 100% on Rotten Tomatoes? Yeah Right

100% on Rotten Tomatoes? Yeah Right

How stupid does Hollywood think we are?


Very, apparently.


made you should go see the movie first


I went to go see it last night, and thought it was a very good horror flick. Not really cause it was overly scary, but the concept, the visuals, the acting, all across the board were quite well done.
But 100% is a pretty strange stretch. Definitely feels like that political element has biased the reviews.
Still though, really cool flick. Could see it sitting comfortably with an 82% or even as high as like an 86. But 100?


The fix was in for this film. It's been obvious for a long time that the studios have figured out how to make this happen. I feel sorry for the idiots who believe these reviews are genuine. If this was Vegas, the bets would have been called off, they would know something is up.


I feel sorry for the idiots who are so narcissistic and paranoid that they think any review that disagrees with their own opinion has to have been bought.

It must be painful being that angry and scared all the time.


Yes, there's definitely something fishy about 100%.


Do you decide if you like a movie based on what a small selection of others thought of it?


You realize a rottentomatoes score is not a rating right? It is an aggregate site for reviews and the score is based on positive vs negative reviews.


You can't be this thick.


Maybe you should spell it out. On rottentomatoes it says 167 reviews out of 168 were positive, ergo it now sits at 99% fresh. Are you insinuating there is some kind of conspiracy to give this movie good reviews? Maybe people just like the movie. I, for one, really enjoyed it.



What's funny is, for years, people laughed at the conspiracy theorist guys who said the government was trying to listen to everything they did.

Now, in 2017, Wikileaks and other sources have basically revealed that government agencies basically are doing their best to find out what is going on in our homes. Watch Narcos, a show that was set in the late 80's. They were tapping cellphones back then that weren't turned on. Now, they are tapping modern smartphones, laptops, even smart TV's and videogame systems.

You really think a movie studio can't manipulate Rotten Tomatoes? You're stupid and that's the way big business likes you to be.


Why would they manipulate the score of cheap horror movie, but not a tent-pole feature like Batman v Superman or Suicide Squad? That doesn't make a lick of sense. And I'm not sure what the CIA has to do with reviewing movies (or fixing their scores), so that part of your comment seems a little strange. And we've know for years that various government agencies had the capability to do those things, so not much new info there. Also, no need for the childish name-calling. Let's make MovieChat better than the shithole IMDB became.


They can't be obvious about it, and some companies/productions would do it while others don't, likely because they are already spending a ton of advertisements and special effects, counting on that to get people into theaters instead.

Imagine if you took the advertising budget and used it instead to bribe critics? Wouldn't be too hard to convince them to give a positive review, right? Think this isn't happening? What do you think a movie critic is going to do when they are fired because the advertisers, many who are movie studios themselves, refuse to pay for ads in their paper or website anymore?

Why do you think Consumer Reports doesn't accept ads?

Have you ever had a job and know how this works? Anywhere? Even Burger King? You're naive.


While all of this is plausible, it's all just hot air without any actual evidence. All these are at the moment are just baseless assertions. I don't pay much attention to reviews anyway, but for different reasons than yours I'm sure. I like to judge movies for myself, and reviewers tend to have their own (non-conspiracy related) biases.


I feel sorry for you if you don't think this is happening. I really do.

Please, get a job, any job. See what these people are like. I went to college with a bunch of super-rich kids. All they ever did was talk about the poor and working class like they were sheep that were nothing more than pawns to manipulate. Where do you think that's coming from, dude?


I'm really not following your train of thought. It's a little all over the place. First its studios conspiring to get 100% Rottentomatoes scores, then it's the CIA spying on us, and now it's all about "rich kids" spitting on the working class. And where do I think what is coming from? I went to very prestigious schools too and I've never heard anyone talk like that, let alone all the time.


Maybe you're just gullible and thick? Don't blame me for that.

Good night.


And apparently you're just an angry guy with a chip on his shoulder, looking for someone or something to blame for all his and society's ills.


You're a naive high school kid who thinks they know everything.

I'm just telling you that you're wrong. Very wrong.


I'm far from being in high school. And I don't know that your wrong, but you don't know that your right either. Evidence. It's all about evidence. All you've made are assertions.


I tend to find that the Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes more frequently reflects my opinion than the Tomatometer. "Get Out", according to the Audience Score, resides at 90 percent, which is closer to how I feel about it. Or, take another horror movie: "Drag Me To Hell." The Tomatometer awards it a 92 percent. The Audience Score, meanwhile, rests at a much more modest 62 percent. Like "Get Out", I prefer the Audience Score of "Drag Me To Hell."


You're a sucker. Just stop responding to me. Jesus Christ.

Sports books don't need "evidence" to know when they're being taken. They just stop taking bets when they see red flags. If you don't see them here, you're sorry.

I love how you're so arrogant about this too. There is actually proof voters in the awards shows are being wined and dined. Do you really believe critics who can influence the box office don't get similar treatment?

It used to be that people were ashamed of being ignorant and gullible. In the 21st century, people like you take pride in it. Sad.


What did you think about the movie ("Get Out")? (Not the issue of reviewers being bought off or a studio conspiracy to manipulate ratings and influence audience perception, but your own experience watching the movie?)


It was awful. Absolutely awful. One of the worst movies I'd ever seen.


What are some of the best movies you've ever seen in theater?


Not even wasting my time answering this BS question, find some other friends. I don't have to justify my taste to you.


It's a perfectly valid question. You just know that answering it would invalidate your stance because even you know that your taste is awful and deliberately contrarian.


Genuinely interested actually--I like learning about movies from forums. I saw your positive comments on "Logan," which I just saw and also enjoyed. I'm not asking you to justify anything, but I understand if you would prefer to post about movies you didn't enjoy.


So you admit your accusations of critics being bribed is based on your own personal bias, rather than any evidence.


lol at the op


Well.. I think the first negative review for the movie was from Armond White (the iconoclast film critic)... He got a ton of hate on social media for it...being called a troll and such...

I think one of the smaller actors in movie took the negative review personally and made a fuss about it...


Exactly, might as well believe Yelp reviews are honest when they accept advertising/payments from the exact companies being reviewed...
