Adrian Jr. (spoilers)

So the carer told Tony that Veronica was Adrian Jr.'s sister and Sarah (Veronica's mother) was Adrian's mother. Well, the film implies Adrian Sr was the father but I can't help but wonder if Tony was the father. Tony being Adrian Jr.'s father is just about the only explanation I can think of which at lease somewhat explains why Veronica could still be so angry with Tony after all those years.

Any thoughts?


Adrian Jr looked like he could be Adrian Sr, and he was named Adrian, so, really, it's nit meant to be a mystery.


Yeah, there was that implication that he looks like Adrian, but still we are told it's the mother's child, so... what... did the mother have a go at Adrian, too, not just Tony? If so, I'd think we'd have seen some hostility for her mother to make that clear.


I think Tony has not come to terms with reality at the end, and that he is still delusional and re-writing his own history again as he has been throughout the whole film to avoid the reality...

Adrian is Tony's son... Everything fits...


I assume Tony was the father because of his evident attraction when watching the mother, her waving at him in that strange way, his comment on liking her, and the husband's comment that the daughter has competition (ie the mother.) But I came here to see what other people think, since I'm not certain.

Why would the boy be named Adrian? As a cover-up to the general public. Implies Veronica would have had to pretend it was her son all this time, when it was really her mother's. She wasn't maybe angry at her mother for screwing around, but angry at Tony for his nasty letter which I'm inferring may have tipped Adrian over the edge.


Can you imagine how upset you would feel if you were cheated on by your boyfriend and the third party was your own mother? That kind of double betrayal can cause a LOT of anger.


In the letter, Tony wrote a very nasty thing about Adrian and Veronica having a child. Meanwhile, its her mom that got pregnant. I think Veronica was angry at Tony for that letter, besides having to act like the baby is her brother.
I believe the father of the baby was Adrian, not Tony. They made Adrian Jr look exactly like Adrian Sr so I dont have any doubt on that.
Although Veronica never had sex with Tony, he was in love with her and she cheated with his best friend. The letter was venomous. It was intended to be, at the time, but years later he fully regrets having written it.
