How is season 3?

Just wondering, without any spoilers please. I LOVED season 1 but was mild towards season 2. Did it get better again or go further downhill?


Opinions will vary, I think it's a lot worse, where as others think it's the best season yet.

I'll just say that it's different. Different in tone, it's a lot more lighthearted, there's a lot of comedy by comparison to the first couple seasons (or attempts at comedy), even the musical score at times is upbeat and goofy, visually a lot brighter and more stylized. The first couple seasons really felt like they were set in the 80s, this one kinda feels like its a modern show in an 80s setting.


I enjoyed it. The luster wears off on pretty much anything after it get really popular and anticipated I suppose. But I enjoyed it enough....


My feeling is it will break on gender. I think women will like season 3 more than men



Season 1 10/10
Season 2 8/10
Season 3 6/10

Everything is bigger, faster and more ridiculous in Season 3. The magic of the first season is gone by now.


I loved it! Although as someone who was 11 in 1985 when this takes place I may be riding off the nostalgia of the whole thing. But seriously I loved it and was really invested in the characters.


I'm one who thinks this brings back the magic of the first.

season 1 10/10
season 2 7/10
season 3 8.5/10

First season was phenomenal but second season wasn't that good but this bring back the 80's feel and the kids interacting back with each other and the adults doing there own thing with a finale coming together, was season 3 as good as season 1 no but much better then season 2 for me.


Well, unlike you, I didn't think that season 2 went downhill - in my opinion all the seasons are great.

For me Stranger Things is if not the most, then at least definitely one of the most enjoyable shows of all time. The way it pulls the viewer into that world and doesn't let go is masterly.


Each season is a bit different from the others. With every show there are those who lament the loss of the novelty effect. You only get that once. Even if a show's second season is better, some viewers will say it's gone downhill simply for that reason. But if you try too hard to replicate your debut season you'll get criticized for milking it instead of doing something original with the story.

I've liked all three seasons. This one starts off more lighthearted, with more goofy moments than the other two, but I think they did that to offset some of the events that had sad consequences. Season 3 could've been pretty depressing without the comic relief.

If you didn't like the bigger scope and more action oriented tone of the second season you might not like this one either. Plus the kids are growing up, their relationships are evolving, and rather than shy away from that they're leaning into it. The cozy feel of their little circle of friends from season 1 has changed. I don't know how else you tell a story about childhood friends coming of age though. With any show you should ask yourself: if this was the first season, would I like it? Judge the current season entirely on its own merits. Pretend it's a different show if you have to. If it's an enjoyable experience then you know the producers have done a good job continuing the story.


I'm really enjoying it
There's a mystery, dangerous creatures, 80s nostalgia, first romances, action, humor...
It's really very good so far (ep 4)


I have genuinely liked all three seasons. If I had the rate them, it would be #1, #3, #2. My biggest problem with season 2 is that it lacked the camaraderie of the other 2 seasons. Eleven spent 7 out of 9 episodes basically locked in Hopper's cabin, and didn't reunite with Mike or the other boys until the final episode, and then only briefly before being separated again when she goes off with Hopper to close the rift. On top of the that you had Dustin and Lucas fighting over Max, causing more divisiveness. Billy and Max were introduced, but weren't given anything of significance to do. I feel that season 3 rectified all the issues I had with season 2, making it more of a group effort and giving all of the characters a part in the plot. I have often likened Stranger Things to AC/DC. It's basically the same story each season, with minor variances, but at least you know what you're going to get. There's something comforting about that. I certainly do not want anymore of season 2, episode 7! I am completely fine with the story never leaving Hawkins. While looking forward to season 4, I'm also worried about what direction it might take considering how season 3 ended.


I think the biggest mistake they made with season 2 was that Mike and Eleven should've reunited when she went to the school near the beginning - then run off and done the road trip together. I take it they have plans for Kali (a.k.a. Eight) and somehow needed to get El out of town to meet her so they could skip the intro later on when she shows up again. But the way they put it in, Hawkins Lab was being overrun and suddenly ... we took a one episode break from an otherwise tightly woven plot for Eleven's adventure in the big city.

Mike didn't have a lot to do in Hawkins while she was gone anyway. His role could have been filled by someone else. Have Mike and Eleven bond on the road, show that thread a piece at a time alongside the events back home, so when the shit hits the fan they're already on their way back. A little rivalry, a tug of war between Kali's influence and Mike's, would have made things more interesting I think. I thought Max had a decent amount of screen time and importance. With Billy it was mostly a matter of establishing his character, although he did prove to be an obstacle. I loved that scene with the needle and the bat!

From the time they got the go-ahead for season 2 the Duffers have said season 4 would move the action out of Hawkins. And given the end of season 3 it looks like they're carrying through with that plan. It's hard to believe people wouldn't start leaving in droves after the number of mysterious and suspicious deaths that have happened there. At least one of the people who melted to become part of the monster was a boy who looked middle school aged. If people feel like their kids aren't safe they're going to be following Joyce's lead. It's really the characters, not the town, that make this show what it is.


Eleven was away in season 2 so she couldn't solve all the problems with her powers. In season 3 they gave her an enemy that regenerates and then removed her powers at the end to even things out.

I can already predict that Eleven will have no powers during most of season 4, and will then regain them like Robin Williams in Hook just at the right time to save the day.


I hope they don't go through most of the season that way. One possible storyline I could see is Brenner recapturing her (this may be where we meet her "sister" Kali again), and he ends up being the one to help restore her abilities. I'm guessing he'll have some new kind of restraint to control her, or someone's life to use as collateral should she decide to try anything stupid. If he's well informed that would be Mike.
