MovieChat Forums > Stranger Things (2016) Discussion > do you think this show will only have 6 ...

do you think this show will only have 6 seasons or less?

do you think this show will end with season 6 or less
I think this show would be pushing it at 5 but yeah or could it end with 1989?


Good god, I hope it doesn't last past Season 4. What more can they do? I mean, I love the show. But, I'd hate to see it go to crap via the Lost effect. That show was completely ruined by greed.


Another poster who seems very knowledgeable about this show mentioned that the creators have most of it planned out, or at least the major milestones. I'm very skeptical because I also read that they [spoiler]originally planned to have Eleven killed off at the end of S1[/spoiler]. To change something that major tells me they are already halfway to the dreaded Lost effect.

Here is the full article I'm referencing (spoilers):


Yes, that was their plan if season 1 had been a limited series/standalone 8-hour movie. That plan I believe was changed by the time the show was officially picked up by Netflix. So they working as they go in the sense that season 1 was all they had initially, but I do think since then they have ideas in terms of where an endgame would be, which some of the cast like David Harbour have alluded to.


I'm sure the Lost people had "ideas of where an endgame would be" also, but that's very different from executing it.

Look, I can't blame them at all for cashing in. Success in the entertainment world is a fleeting thing and you have to strike while the iron is hot sometimes. But I already saw evidence of unhealthy stretching in Season 2, so it concerns me when they say things like "Everything changes as we move forward so we’ll see” (Ross Duffer).


See, I actually felt in season 2 like not enough time was spent on some of the ideas they had built rather than stretching ideas out. I'm going to reserve on what their supposed future plans are, but if it's anything like episode 7 it's not going to be my thing.


Minimum 4, maximum 5.


That's is where I think it's at I don't know if Netflix goes CW on a popular show. so the show ends 1986?


Yeah, depending on how long they make the time jumps I guess. It would seem like next season will pick up in 1985 based on Dr. Owens saying to wait about a year.


Love this show
This would be fine
Keep it smart and chilling


If The Duffer Brothers aren’t tempted to go past 4 (which they have said that’s about as far as they’re willing to go), then I think 4 seasons it is. I feel that’s appropriate.

But depending on how well the show continues to do, I could see them making a fifth season. Or possibly, just maybe... a big screen film? Anything can happen.


With some of the kids reaching their teens, the next season is apparently supposed to take place a few years down the line to be more in line with the characters age. We might get a season three set in the late 80's. I wouldn't mind a nice trilogy with maybe one more season down the road set in the 90's when the kids are in college or something.


6 seasons minimum... Plus feature film... Plus spin offs for side characters...

They'll milk it for all it's worth and then some... They do that for every successfull series and Stranger Things is ideal for fandom as far as TV shows go... It's born out of fandom and nostalgia!

They don't have to be constrained by the kids age, as they can introduce side characters or take the series further in time, or slow down the pace of time by putting in a couple of younger kids next season, or making the series more about some of the adult characters, shoot 2 seasons per year, etc...

I thought the concept wore thin after the third episode of the first season, but that's just me. People love this concept... From listening to how people talk about the show, it is clear they have formed an emotional attachment to the characters...


I think 4 and possibly maybe a 5th depending on if Netflix is still getting strong numbers or not. Part of attraction to the show is the child cast a couple of them will be adults by then and will lack some of the same appeal.


The Duffer brothers have said four seasons is the goal.

Things may change, but they may not want to be locked into the show longer than that.
