About Jimmy

Is anybody else totally left mesmerized at how every season jimmy is able to snag all these hot women?

Like it's almost like the actor is the little brother of one of the writers and they're hooking him up. I know everybody has different taste and all but dear lord writers we can only suspend disbelief so much


I thought the exact same thing when the new 1 was drooling over him and ready to drop her panties in a minute. I'm thinking this dude isn't even good looking and he is the least manliest out of all the Cowboys.


Yeah she met him for a minute and was immediately wanting to fuck him, like she just saw Brad Pitt walk up on the ranch. She didn't waste a single second, just immediately asked him if he had a girlfriend and was wanting to go to dinner. Seriously? you telling me this really attractive woman in a place where theres no women surrounded by men has no boyfriend? and picks Jimmy no less?

Jimmy's a skinny looking meth head, you got all these manly good looking cowboys out there and she gets all in love and drooling over Jimmy's scrawny dope head looking ass?

Yeah i don't get it, Jimmy keeps having these hot cowgirls wanting to fuck him and they're all out of his league, and he's as you said the least manliest of all the cowboys you'll ever see, scrawny, no muscles and looks like he lives in a dirty trailer and cooks meth.


It was strongly implied that Jimmy is hung like a horse (the hospital scene when the barrel racer mounted him while he was in traction). Maybe that's got something to do with it.

Seriously though, Jimmy is portrayed as sensitive and thoughtful, especially for a ranch hand. Do women these days look for this kind of guy? I'm waaay too old to know the answer to that question.


And women use their x ray vision to see that? Both women were into him way before he got naked.


If this was the first season I'd never would have started to watch it. Too much Jimmy and not enough action.


So he's basically snagged two somewhat hot (7.5 for the first, and 8.0 for the 2nd) women. The 2nd one was not realistic, she basically said he was the only single man in the area. But its a ranch where you only have cowboys, and probably little use for women. So how is that possible?

Anyways, point well taken. Maybe just being in the right place at the right time.


I'm with you there. I like Jimmy, but come on, it's like they throw themselves so quickly that he doesn't even have to "work" to get them.

And the writer did this twice already. It's easily the most forced sub-plot on the show.
