MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Reasons why ENDGAME is the BEST MOVIE OF...


1. It’s epic. Four hours long and not a single dull moment.

2. I’m a strong man and I’ve only ever cried a few times. When my momma died, the nurse asked me why I wasn’t crying. I responded with “cuz I aint no libtard” and I’m right. Only sissy marries cry. This movie made me cry 12 times! It’s just that powerful and moving that even a strong welder like myself would be brought to tears.

3. It’s funny. We live in an era where only blacks, gays, or women can be comedians. This movie proves that straight white men are the kings of comedy! They joke around and say stuff that actually makes you laugj instead of saying “im gay!” And that being the joke, like most comedies today are.

4. Scarlett Johnannesn has some juicy tits! I find it hard to believe some girl could beat up Hawkeye but I’ll let it slide because of Scarlett!

5. No SJW bullshit. Every movie nowadays must star blacks or a woman. Every movie nowadays must feature men as the villain. Every movie nowadays must show women being strong and impowering. Well, here’s a movie lead by mostly muscular white men! These kinds of movies will be extinct in a decade. People only liked that STUPID Get Out movie because it showed a woke black guy overpowering white Trump supporters. This is a movie where masculine men fight like men and solve problems instead of pussyfooting around the way liberals want the media to be nowadays. A woman even dies in this movie! That’s amazing and realistic.

6. Flawless CGI. Everything in this movie looked real and unlike a video game. I’m a huge gamer but if I wanted to play a game, I’d hook up some good FPS like COD: BO4.

7. Oscar winning performances. Downey Jr WILL get an Oscar nom this year. Well, maybe not cuz the Oscars are SJW liberal pandering crap. The guy who played Thanos will also get an Oscar.

8. Fantastic fight scenes. Like I said earlier, this a movie where manly men fight it out like men should. They don’t cower and surrender like Hillary’s army would. The part where one guy punches another guy shouldnt fly in 2019’s politics, yet it does in this movie. In a normal movie, they’d start crying and one character would reveal they want a sex change, and then they both frollic off into a field while holding hands. Is that how the real world is?!! Maybe to college millennials!!!

Overall this a 10/10 movie for us real men. Libtards may not like it because Iron Man is white and doesnt get a sex change, but real logical thinkers will love it. I’m so sick and tired of every movie nowadays pandering to SJW politics. Im glad these marvel movies remind how awesome white men are, because we’re at war right now. Fox said white men will be slaves by the 22nd century unless we do something about it. Endgame is our wakeup call! We need movies like this to remind us that liberals arent avove us. Who agrees?


1. Its 3 hours long actually.

2. So does that mean you have turned into a sissy, whatever may that be?

3. Uh what? Look at comedians, they come in many colors. Actually if anything the women comedians tend to make horrible films (remmeber ghostbusters?).

4. I bet you also think porn is best movie of the year then. Even better tits there.

5. Really? No SJW bullshit? What was that females assemble scene that that everyone in the theater cringe when Mar Vel tried to carry the infinity gauntlet?

6. I agree the CGI in this was good, as it should on such a budget. Also lol at you thinking Black Ops 4 is a good game. COD hasnt been good since MW2.

7. Hey this didnt have DiCaprio in it so it actually has a chance for an oscar :P

8. Well considering that Hillary was the one who made her enemies dissapear, id wager her "army" would be the one fighting. As we saw before elections, it was hillary supporters that made the assasination attempts, not the other way around.

This movie cannot be 10/10 because it must loose at least two stars for the horrible time travel plot.


1. 3 hours 4 hours who cares. Math is stupid and pintless.

2. NO!! I fought in a war. Have you? Call me a sissy to my face, punk!.

3. People are obsessed with crap like Kevin Hart, George Lopez, Amy Shumer and other libtards. Kevin Hart’s whole shtick is going “IM BLACK AAAAAAAHHH” and audience goes nuts. No style or substance. Remember Larry the Cable Guy? He was actually fun and related to people who worked, like me.

4. I don’t watch a lot of porn anymore. It’s disgusting. Millennials are into licking asshole and feet and just gross crap. Besides, Scarlett is just totally sexy anyways.

5. Well there were some dumb SJW shit but I mean the women mostly got their sweet asses kicked by men, which made it realistic and redeemable.

6. Uh what? The COD games are AMAZING!! I can sit and play COD for hours. Much better than shit like GTA where you just run around and shoot people. No plot or story at all. COD is realistic and educational. Stick to Care Bears, sissy.

7. Who is Leo? Another libtard shill?

8. This is hilarious! You think libtards would actually want to fight? They piss their pants and cry at even the sight of a gun! Every single one of them.


1. Math is the reason you can even post this reply.

2. You said that only sissies cry and then you said you cried 12 times, hence you are a sissy.

4. You do realize you can filter by tags to watch the porn you want to watch, right? I dont get the feet fetishes either but i guess to each his own.

5. Except you know the "females saved the day" was the whole message?

6. COD is realistic and educational? And this comes from a person who claims to have been in a war? I guess your mind would blow up if you played ARMA.

7. Leos the guy who never gets an oscar.

8. Oh they sure would wnat to fight, they just would not be able to.


Well, we can see that someone is in "more dire need of a bl0wj0b than and white man in history"!


This post never fails to make me laugh. I revisit it once every few months and it cracks me up every time. REAL MEN!!!!


back again, brilliant stuff


manly post


ben sharpiro, is that you?!?!?


This movie is garbage. I wouldn't touch it with a stick.
