MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > I can't wait until the MCU stop making f...

I can't wait until the MCU stop making films that make lots of undeserved money at the box office...

...and start making films that are critical flops with critics and audiences alike.

You know it will happen. No one goes on undefeated forever.


Hmmm...butthurt about how lame Justice League turned out, eh?


No, Justice League (2017) sucked donkey balls as well and I'm not some stupid DCEU fanboy either. I hate all comic book films being made these days.


Yet you have a hardon for Tobey Maguire.



Yes homophobe, the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films destroy your stupid MCU toy commercials.


Just for you, cakeboy!:


Unfortunately it will happen, eventually.


The MCU doesn't make the movies, the MCU is the movies. Just sayin'


Unfortunately true about the state of American cinema at the moment...


It will happen eventually, sadly.


I can't wait until the MCU stop making films that make lots of undeserved money at the box office...


Man You got a difficult next 10 years then......

With The MCUs upcoming films, you sitting back hoping and wishing for flops quite simply can ONLY result IN PAIN, Shame and Failure....

lol lets take a look real quick at the Upcoming MCU films-

Ant-Man and The Wasp----650 to 800 Million
Captain Marvel-----600 to 850 Million
Avengers 4----1.7 to 2.3 Billion
Spider-Man 2---850 to 1 Billion +
GOTG3----850 To 1 Billion +
Black Panther 2---900 M To 1 Billion +
Doctor Strange 2---700 to 850 Million

Then Comes Phase 5---
X-Men Reboot into the MCU
Fantastic Four Reboot into The MCU
Deadpool 3 or X-Force
A New Wolverine Movie With Jackman returning or A New Actor
Avengers 5----With Black Panther,Captain Marvel,Doctor Strange.Spider-Man,Star Lord, Ant-Man, Drax, Falcon, S.Witch and any of dozen or so other Avengers Leading the New Avengers films
Avengers 6
Doctor Strange 3
Spider-Man 3
Black Panther 3
Captain Marvel 2

lol least a decade of MCU films dominating....

at this point, this is not an exaggeration....being an MCU Hater truly could be the single worst JOB In The world.....because It brings you NOTHING but Pain, shame and Jealousy...

quite simply put , YOU've picked The single worst Possible subject to troll/hate on...You Picked a subject that Is Literally The Highest grossing franchise in Movie history, a franchise that has more Billion dollar + films in movie history, and franchise that averages 850 Million dollar Per film....

and the worst part is....."You know it will happen. No one goes on undefeated forever."

^ this isnt true....You are living in a Delusional reality....You have FALSE HOPE.....You are excepting The MCU films to at some point just starting Flopping and Marvel Studios to shut down....

thats just never going to happen....were past that point now...when You make 19 Films in 10 years that are all successful and hits, and Box OFFICE is still Growing with each film ....

thats a BRAND....That means you have audiences trust...Its means Audiences are invested in the characters and Movies...

I'm sure at some point Marvel studios Will make a film that doesnt do well at the box office or with critics....but the brand is too established and too Large for it to matter...

and Most Importantly and MOst Frightening for People like you sitting back hoping for MCU films to flop....the Main problem you have is.....The UPCOMING films are FLOP PROOF.....The upcoming MCU films are Franchise Proven box office earners coming off universally praised and Loved Films...


Doctor Strange 2
Doctor Strange 3
Black Panther 2
Black Panther 3
Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 3
Avengers 4
Avengers 5
Avengers 5
Ant-Man 2
Ant-Man 3

^^ theres just ZERO chance any of these films flop....Audiences are already just too invested, All The Previous films have been huge at the box office and received excellent audiences and critical reviews, Meaning Sequels Will perform as Well or better

did you know Marvel Studios has produced 14 Sequels, and in 13 out of the 14 cases The Sequels as Performed BETTER than its predecessors

lol....YOU have NO HOPE.....The MCU films that are coming out in the next 5 to 7 years are FLOP Proof...They are sequels and part 3's to Universally Loved and Praised films....they all are GUARANTEED to make at least 700 Million WW

this is not an exaggeration, If you truly sitting back waiting for MCU films to flop.....In the next 7 to 10 years is going to be PURE HELL for you....

Your future is gonna consist of watching Franchise Proven MCU films come out at least 3 times a year and have Troll Proof Success, Year after year, Movie after Movie....

reply you know I'm not biased....

I was a regular on the IMDB boards for years...In 2014....Hardcore DC fans went on a trolling rampage after BvS and the DCEU slate was announced...DC fans claimed, that Now that BvS and The DCEU films were announced and coming out.....All upcoming MCU films would flop and Marvel Studios would be forced to shut down in late 2016....

Of course this was absurd, but I actually had a "reasonable" take on it....

I explained, ok look, I clearly dont think Marvel Studios is going to shut down, but if you do, I want to see how thats possible, so what I said was...

If your honestly thinking or hoping Marvel Studio is going to shut down, Your look at the wrong date, You predicting late 2016, and the way I see it, The ONLY way I see Marvel Studios shutting down is after 2018...

what I said was.....lets just be realistic here....You have TOO Many Franchise Proven sequels coming out between now and 2016....

You got Captain America 2, Thor 3, Age Of Ultron, GOTG 2 and Civil War.....I said these films are coming off Universally praised films, they are all going to make as much or more than thier predecessors..Its literally impossible for The Marvel Studios to shut down by late 2016....

I said, I get it, Your expecting All the DCEU films to come out and Make more money than the MCU films and Put Marvel Studios out of business....but thats not possible With the upcoming MCU films, They are just too established...

I then suggested a scenario where IT COULD HAPPEN....I wanted DC fans to try and just for a minute live in reality and see a real scenario...

I said, heres the deal...The MCU films coming out between now and 2016 are Sequels to Established franchises, They are all going to be hits....But Its entirely possible, after 2016, Marvel Studios could struggle, They will be introducing new franchises in , Ant-Man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel...I said theres no guarantee any of these Will be hits, especially If The DCEU films are HUGE hits...

So I said, DC fans, If you want to troll and claim Marvel Studios is going to shut least do it by thinking of a realistic scenario...

Theres no way Marvel Studios Will be shut down by late 2016 with the Sequels coming out between now and 2016 that will all be huge hits....But Its entirely possible that If The DCEU films hits Gold, Marvel Studios could really struggle after 2016 With New and Unproven franchises...

the point of this just like you, DC fans claimed in 2014 Marvel Studios was gonna be shut down and upcoming MCU films would flop...

and just as I'm doing now, I Pointed out, The Upcoming MCU films are flop proof, in 2014, the upcoming films were Captain America 2, Thor 3, Age Of Ultron, GOTG 2 and Civil War.....and Now they are the ones a listed above...

and whats really frightening is...even when I tried to think of a scenario where the MCU you could struggle, Marvel Studios instead had even Greater success....

I mean think about it, in 2014, It was perfectly reasonable to suggest Marvel Studios may struggle to launch Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man and Captain Marvel...Or they may not have the same success as Thor, Cap and Iron Man....

but stunningly..Instead Marvel Studios, not only Launched new Franchise....But they started 6 new franchises in GOTG, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Spider-Man and probably captain Marvel....that Will have More Box office success than Thor,Cap and IM....

bottom line...we are past the point of Marvel Studios shutting down or MCU films suddenly flopping....there was a Point or possibility of that happening, Maybe If Marvel Studios struck out with The new franchise like BP, GOTG, AM, and Doctor Strange....maybe The MCU could have lost steam

but were past that now...You have 19 films that have audiences invested in, Box office results are stunningly still growing, The New franchises are more successful than the Old franchises, and you have at least 12 upcoming films from Franchise proven box office earners...

at this point the only realistic scenario to hope for, If Your really are hellbent on believing the MCU films are going to flop and Marvel Studios will shut down...

You've got to now Pray the Fox deal falls through, this would result in Marvel Studios having to Launch completely new and unknown Franchises in Phase 6 after BP,AM,CM,GOTG,SM has had thier 3 films and ran thier course...

basically the next 5 to 6 years is hopeless for you....Marvel Studios Will continues having Troll proof success and dominate.....But Maybe If The fox deal falls through and Marvel Studio then has to launch new franchises like The Inhumans, Ghost Rider, Daredevil, Sub Mariner.....Maybe these new Franchises could struggle....of cpurse I suggested the same thing in 2014, and Marvel Studios instead Launched BP,AM,GOTG,DS,SM with even higher box office really its pretty much hopeless...

basically you need to start praying Kevin Fiege Dies


Dude, most people in real life that exist outside of the Internet couldn't give a crap about any of these flavor of the month comic book films or how much money they make at the box office. What are you a teenager or 10-year-old kid???

One day you'll grow up and realize that just because something is popular and makes a lot of money doesn't make it good and it doesn't mean you have to like it.

I also wouldn't bet on all the future Marvel being huge successes like all their current films have been so far because you don't know if all of them will even get made, the MCU could have a sting of bombs starting in 2019 for all we know. Like I said, nobody stays undefeated forever.

Never count chickens before they hatch.


Dude, most people in real life that exist outside of the Internet couldn't give a crap about any of these flavor of the month comic book films or how much money they make at the box office


yet you made a post CARING about how much MCU films make.....

maybe think before posting?

never a good idea to suggest Your better than someone because you dont care how much a film makes, but hilariously forget you made this thread because It bothers you how much money the MCU films makes...

Epic Fail

One day you'll grow up and realize that just because something is popular and makes a lot of money doesn't make it good and it doesn't mean you have to like it.


no money doesnt make the MCU films good.......excellent reviews, excellent audiences,great ratings on all sites and Universal praise does.......

and yes you dont have to like the MCU films just because The Majority does.....I like plenty of films that are considered Bad, everyone is entitled to their own opinion

The problem for you is, Your opinion doesnt seem to be enough FOR YOU

It bothers you that everyone doesnt "Not Like" the MCU films like you...

I dont like Age Of Ultron, IMO its an awful movie, But I'm perfectly fine excepting that My opinion is in the Minority, I except that most people liked it and I just dont...

You dont seem to be happy doing that, Instead You basically trying to say "who cares what The reviews,ratings,scores,box office and Majority consensus says, the MCU are terrible to me, nothing else matters"

it all comes down to....You are free to have your opinion, Your more than within your right to hate every MCU film, Unfortunately though for you...Your in a very small minority and YOU KNOW IT....

having your opinion that "They Suck"...when The Majority thinks they are Great....just bothers you...

I also wouldn't bet on all the future Marvel being huge successes like all their current films have been so far because you don't know if all of them will even get made,


yet again for someone who claims "NOT to care about box office"....You seem awfully concerned!


and No I'm not betting on EVERY future MCU film being huge successes....Just the 12 That are FLOP Proof....

Doctor Strange 2
Doctor Strange 3
Black Panther 2
Black Panther 3
Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 3
Avengers 4
Avengers 5
Avengers 6
Ant-Man 2
Ant-Man 3

^these films are guaranteed successes...

I completely admit its entirely Possible Marvel Studios could stumble with other MCU films, Launching Captain Marvel could be a miss, starting new franchises could miss...

and Yes YOU can GUARANTEE all of these 12 films will be made(Maybe Avengers 5 and 6 could change, I've read some rumors that Marvel Studios is thinking about going with An EVENT FILM with all the MCU characters in Phase 4 instead of An Avengers film...but the results will still be the same, the film will get made and it will make over 1 Billion)

the MCU could have a sting of bombs starting in 2019 for all we know. Like I said, nobody stays undefeated forever.


lol actually we do know....Marvel Studios is releasing 3 films in 2019....and 2 of them are FLOP PROOF...

Avengers 4 and Spider-Man 2....

Avengers 4 is guaranteed to make at least 1.7 B and SM2 will make between 850 to 1 Billion...

Captain Marvel is an Unknown...It could Flop...or more likely just be another huge hit...

regardless We can say with 1000% certainty there wont be "a string" of flop in 2019(heres a thought, Maybe next time LOOK at the schedule before suggesting a string of had you looked you could have seen Avengers 4 and Spiderman 2 starring at you in the face and could have saved yourself some embarrassment)

but to your overall point, Yes I know no one stays undefeated forever, I have no doubt Marvel Studios Will release a flop at some point....but the thing you dont understand is....we are past "Marvel Studios shutting down" or their films All Flopping...


when you produced 19 straight successful films and box office and audiences are still growing....YOU are a BRAND...You have Audiences Trust....1 flopping isnt going to start the downfall of a Studio...

Pixar, Just recently had a run of 15 + great reviewed and box office hits....then They released a loser in Cars 3.....NOTHING HAPPENED...the franchise didnt suddenly shut down, Instead they just started producing hits like usual...

thats where Marvel Studios is now....1 flop, 2 flops isnt going to hurt....It would take a complete collapse, where they produced 3 or 4 awful films in a row that were not only Bad but Offended people for Marvel Studios to have the kind of downfall your hoping for ....

I mean my god, The DCEU just made 4 out 5 AWFUL DCEU films, literally some of the worst CBMs of all time, and audiences still hasnt completely abandoned them...

I'm sorry...were just past the point of Marvel Studios shutting down or Producing a string of flops...

Your just going to have to be a happy with maybe a flop here....or a flop there....but they have no real impact overall...

look heres a scenarios for you ...Its entirely possible that Ant-Man 2 comes out to great box office....then Captain Marvel comes out and Flops badly(It could happen)....but quess what happens next(literally 2 months later)?

Heres comes Avengers 4 making 1.7 Billion + and Then a few months later here comes Spiderman 2 making 850 M+....

A MCU film flopping could happen, Its just not going to have the impact your hoping for ....the brand is too established...

Never count chickens before they hatch.


I feel extremely confident counting at least 12 "Chickens" before they hatch....

the 12 franchise proven Sequels and Part 3's....are as FLOP PROOF as you get....

I mean we are talking about the highest grossing franchise in movie history here, The franchise with the most Billion dollar + films, A franchise that started "The Cinematic Universe" concept that Literally every major Studio has tried to copy...I studio that Just produced 2 biggest back to back hits of all time, A Studio is averaging 850 Million dollars in box office per film...

I feel pretty good about counting those chickens early...

I dont mind you replying back....All I ask is you think before replying....please dont pull another "Hey I'm gonna suggest your a loser for caring about box office, but forget YOU MADE A BOX OFFICE thread)

and Please do some research, Please dont suggest a string of flops is coming in a year When Avengers 4 and Spiderman 2 is coming out...

basically if your going to reply back...try to make sense


I can’t wait for them to continue this winning streak with both audiences and critics alike for at least another decade. That’s right, I doubt Marvel Studios (Kevin Feige specifically) will in the near future stop hiring amazingly talented writers, directors (indie directors), actors, etc. Whether those joining the MCU are big Marvel fans or they see the potential... even honor... of working in these films, fact is the MCU isn’t going to stop attracting major talent anytime soon. The biggest franchise in film history perhaps can’t stay on top forever (or can it... Star Wars lasted for decades didn’t it?), but I can guarantee you its popularity isn’t gonna fade away anytime soon.

If/when it does happen, the MCU will leave a great legacy nonetheless. Yup, many of these films shall go down as some of the greatest in Comic Book/blockbuster history. A large number of them also happen to be superior to your beloved Raimi Spider-Man movies. You heard that right! And you can tell yourself otherwise, but regardless of what any anti-MCU/Disney and superhero movie hater says, what the MCU did for cinema will never be forgotten about; their impact and success was simply unprecedented. If you are so fond of non-MCU superhero movies btw (LOL... Batman Forever the second greatest Batman film and this guy says the MCU’s success is undeserved), well then you better hope DC gets their shit together pronto because Marvel (soon Marvel will have a sole identity seeing how the X-Men could likely join the MCU) is the brand/studios keeping these kinds of movies so popular and is a big reason why Hollywood keeps making a good profit.

But just keep talking out of your ass and pulling your hair out over the WELL-EARNED success of the MCU. Over the years many have been hoping and praying for the MCU’s downfall, and guess what, the MCU is bigger than ever (potential 3 Billion alone this year, sucka). Having said that, why bother arguing over this matter with someone who sees Batman Forever as the 2nd greatest Batman film? As well as confidently declares Spider-Man 2002 so much greater than some of the pure cinematic Comic Book films made by the likes of James Mangold, The Russo Brothers, Joss Whedon, Christopher Nolan, Taika Waititi, Jon Favreau, Bryan Singer, Alex Proyas, James McTeigue, and so on. Not to mention he sees The Dark Knight Rises as worse than Batman & Robin.... You’re killing me, Smalls! Only those existing outside the internet know the MCU isn’t worth a damn? Uh, do I need to go on with the asinine statements you’ve made, you tool? Hilarious troll behavior, so the irony and foolery is strong with this one. In conclusion, here’s your toll, miserable troll. Now cut the check!
