MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Dont watch it (contains spoilers)

Dont watch it (contains spoilers)

Its the usual dark movie with some horrible plot and especially plotholes.

Again: Spoiler warning!

At the end half of the Avengers and all living creatures in the universe are dead. But that doesnt matter a lot cause the members of the Avengers exchange at a rate like you switch your socks at the morning. Now Spiderman isnt an A rank hero anymore. He is just a sidekick of Iron Man. And other members of the Avengers are .... gone. And BTW The masculine toxic Hulk is treated in that movie like a complete idiot.

Then there were some unbelievable stupid scenes like when Starlord avoided that Thanos could be stopped. Just seconds before the glove was removed from his hand Starlord hit him a few times, cause Thanos killed Gamorrha. And no, Starlord couldnt wait with his pointless hits a few seconds and then kill the almost defenseless THanos. No, he has to destroy half the universe, cause .... reasons!

And Doctor Strange took the green time crystal with him directly to Thanos, cause .... reasons. Cause if this stupid doctor would have simply destroyed that one crystal, Thanos wouldnt be able to turn back time at the end and he wont be able to kill half of all living beings in the universe.

Those are the most amateurlike and stupid plotdecisions since The Last Jedi.

It isnt such a huge desaster like The Last Jedi (beside those extremely stupid plotdecisions the movie had even a few good moments), but avoid it if you can. ps: Thor 3 were made completely pointless thanks to that movie :) .


So it's in the spirit of the comic books then?

It is well established that Starlord is an impulsive emotional idiot, and he loves Gamora.

The time stone thing will be explained in the sequel. You're welcome not to watch it.


I dont give a sh*t about next movie! This is cinema. If they arent able to do real movies, they cant do movies at all. I remember perfectly how all thos last fanboys stated "Yes, Force Awakens ist braindead POS, but everything will be explained at TLJ". Yep, how perfectly everything was explained :) .

So no .... this stupid "But read the premovie novel" or "But at the next movie everything will be explained" isnt part of a movie. Thats part of a tv series. And if i like to watch a tv series I surely wont pay US $ 18 for one view per episode. Cause that would be just incredible stupid!

And I dont give a f*ck about Starlord being whatever. Its a stupid plotdecision, cause its as cheap as possible.


To summarize your remarks: If you aren't capable of understanding a complex film, avoid Infinity War, and stick to simple films with simple resolutions.


Which film are you talking about? Possible future films? Then you are absolutely correct. Cause they didnt even exist! Therefor they are really hard to understand!

And using a dummy as a plot device isnt complex in any way. Its simply lazy and stupid.


All of your reasons for disliking Infinity War can be summarized by saying you didn't understand the film. So yeah, we get it. You need a simpler film. You are why the make Transformers movies, so please, have at it. Go enjoy one. Watch the same one twice and you won't even remember you've seen it before.


You could defend bad movies as much as you like. But that doesnt make them better in any way. Its pointless to state "Yes, that movie is stupid, but the next movie will explain everything!". I paid for THAT movie. And here and now all thos facts are still facts. And lazy writing is lazy writing and not complex writing. Using an idiot as an plot device is the most lazy way to produce suspense. And its also as obvious as it could get.


Nothing was stupid, and nothing needs to be explained. Nothing about the writing seemed lazy to me. Having Starlord punch Thanos in rage after learning Thanos killed the woman he loved is not lazy writing, that's reality.


Nope, thats lazy writng. They didnt knew how to make the scene suspenseful and choose the most lazy and stupid way possible. That scene would have been even laughable by almost any viewer during the cheap movies during the 1950s.

So they like to make that scene full of suspense? Show like some subordinate of Thalos is trying to reach him to save him. Or show how his mind is slowly fighting against the control through one of the Guardians. Or whatever. But pulling the "Im the biggest idiot in the universe" trigger would be even shamful for a children movie.


I've known many, many people who have done much stupider things. Not everyone, and I'd say most people, lose the ability to think big picture in moments of stress and rage. What Starlord did was the most realistic thing that could have been written. That YOU didn't like it is your own business, but I think most of the rest of us understand, and know plenty of "that guys."


It wasnt. Cause it was the old and since the 80s never again used method "Put idiots into a scene when we have to make it suspenseful". Thats supercheap and is one fo the things which is better at new movies then at old movies. We dont see girls trip at the slightest sight of any monster instantly! And we dont put stupid sidekicks into hearos scene anymore to make them virtually suspenseful. Thats stone age screenplaywriting.

And if you going to defend such obvious and stupid plot devices you will get that stupid plot tricks back. Instead of being glad that you dont see girls trip every few minutes at horror movies. Are you willing to pay that price only cause of your blind defense of that movie?


I do not agree with your points all have an understandable reason for those decisions, being either character decisions or movie plots, I'll elaborate:

Hulk is afraid, is the first time he's been almost killed, the first punch he gets to the jaw from Thanos even I felt pain OMG... he's afraid, and therefore he does not want to show up. He probably will when he's needed on the next Avengers, since he's probably one of the most powerful characters in MCU, alongside Thor and Captain Marvel aka Code Red (end credit scene).

Starlod, just lost the love of his life as so to speak. If you understand how characters and personality works are quite understandable that he would react that way, he's bold, brave and perhaps a bit stupid. if you understand his character you totally buy he would punch you if you kill Gamora, he won't care about the situation. And all the other teammates see that coming, even Stark says something like do not do it, we are almost done do not do it or something like that.

Dr Strange giving the time gem. Not sure why he did it but I am certain he had a reason. Earlier in the movie, Stange said, that if he had to choose between Tony, Parker or anyone over giving the time stone to Thanos he would not even think twice and let them die. In the end, he did not. I think you have to ways to read this, one Tony has grown in him, he cares about him so he can't let him die, because that would not make him a better man. Or because he knows something, he said: "It was the only way". We know there was 14 million or something like this scenario in which the only one they defeated Thanos, perhaps this is the way they defeat him, by letting him win first. Thanos won, for now, we will see how it evolves in a year.

I personally am really excited, the movie gave an "empire strikes back" vibe to MCU, getting past the Weak Ass Villian issue they had. Thanos is Badass, has a motive, and is powerful and won't hesitate to kill you if he fancies it.


- Hulk appears automatically when Beener gets angry or fear something. So letting him now be jsut a stupid coward is nothing else then politics. And that doenst have to be part of a comic book script.

- Starlord doesnt have to be allowed to be there. Its that easy. And even the biggest idiot in that universe would have known that he kills almost half of all living beings of the unvierse if he hit him at that moment. So the complete scene is just trash. They built it into the cript cause they had no smart way to make that scene suspenseful. So they used the old "let some idiot too stupid thing" method to built up virtual suspense. But that stopped working when the sidekicks of western heroes did it during the 1950s!

- And Strange was shown as a complete dumbhead in that movie. Destroy the time stone at the beginning and the movie stops to exist, cause Thanos wouldnt get anything at all anyway. So the problem wasnt that Strange was portayed as an dumbhead which gives a sh*t about the living beings at the unvierse. No the problem was that some incompetente fools did the script and realized way too late that their script has an major holöe which makes it worthless. that the time stone is the center of everything. So let Thanos steal that one first (so noone knows about his plan). But in that way the Avengers knew perfectly what he was planing to do. So no person on that planet wouldnt have destroyed the most essentiall of thos six stone within the second he realized that plan (otherwise the Avengers would have been the new bad guys :) )! Thats what the screenplaywriters realized way too late and thats what they tried to fix with the most obvious plot device within the last few years :) .


- I don't think that's how Hulk works, he's an individual being, that can take over when he pleases (i.e. Thor Ragnarok) Bruce and Hulk have a relationship as someone that has multipersonality of some sort. So yes, usually it gets triggered when Bruce gets angry, but not necessarily all the time he gets angry he has to appear, he works as a unique being, therefore, he can choose not to, as it happens on IW. As I mentioned my take on why he's not showing up is because he's afraid of Thanos, as he almost killed him.

- Starlord does not have to be allowed to be there? that makes no sense. He cannot be banned from coming. No one knows that Gamore is dead, therefore they could not predict that perhaps Dr Strange did but did not tell for some reason, you could argue why he did not tell in case he knew, but many explanations would work, as he ran about 14 million scenarios I have to assume some of them included telling Starlord about Gamore being dead and it did not work. Also, seriously? not allowed to be there? lol. And yes everyone there knew that if he punched Thanos that would most likely get him freed from Mantis trap and release him, getting the gauntlet and the plan failing.

- OMG, yes mate, if you destroy everything you do not have to protect it (smart, dude, real smart). That's not the point. They could also travel back in time and kill Thanos in his crib... It's a superhero movie, not an Independent French Drama. Not all decisions have to be 100% rational and cold-blooded, they are humans and sometimes they drive on instinct and emotions. Dr Strange whole purpose is to protect that stone, not destroying it. He gives it to Thanos, yes, but I am expecting to see a reason behind it, perhaps is the only way to defeat him, let his first win, we still have to see the role that Antman, the Wasp, Hawkeye and Captain Marvel have to play. Perpahs all this was part of a bigger plan or simply the plan failed, it happens the bad guy wins. And I for once I appreciate it.


- Youve seen in Thor Ragnarok that Hulk takes over control. But now .... for the first time .... Hulk is a spoiled child :) . BTW Thor Ragnarok? Isnt that the movie that was made completely pointless thanks to the first 10 minutes of Avengers 3?

- Starlord shouldnt be there cause one of the movie fans here stated that its known that Starlord is such an idiot. So why do you want to have idiots nearby you when you try to literally save the universe (or at least half of it)? Thats why I stated he shoulndt be there at all. But my main point (beside that fanboy argument) was that Starlord is so dumb as he was described by that moviefan. That he perfectly would knew that Thanos would be completely defenseless within a few seconds and then could torture him as much as he wants. But no .... the screenplaywriter instead meant that Starlord is just a dumb sidekick destroying everything. Instead of using a modern and smart polt device to avoid that the Avengers stopping Thanos from destroying the universe. Like some subordinate which fights against them and then at the last moment helping Thanos enough so that he get contorl again. Or whatever. But using the "Dumb sidekick makes funny and stupid stuff" is superdumb and lazy screenplaywriting which died appr. 30 years ago. Before it was reanimated by the dumbheads whcih did that script.

- Wait a sec. Each and every Avenger knew what Thanos is going to do. And each and every Avenger perfectly knew that if Thanos succeeds half of all humans will die a painful dead. All of them? No, one small Avenger ignored all of that: Dr. Spoiled Child aka "No, no, no ... I wont give up my treasure!" :) . And whatever his strange plan was .. neither was it shown at the movie (making the movie as a movie worthless, cause this isnt a tv series) nor did it avoided that billions of people died in heavy pain. Wow, what a hero! We all should be proud of them :) . Compared with that a**hole Superman at the end of Man Of Steel appeared like a saint!


What a dick. You saw a film you didn't like and have concocted a twisted thought stream to support that. I thought it was the best of the 19 MCU movies to date. Each to their own.


He's fixated on Dr. Strange destroying the time stone, and has illogically decided that any other plot is lazy. Let him rant about it, while the rest of us enjoy an intelligent discussion of the film. :)


Intelligent discussion about a stupid movie plot? Have fun :) .


Those were (obvious!) bugs at the script. Its that easy. And smart movie viewers hate lazy writing. But have fun watching "girls trip always when monsters hunt them" plot styles :) . Because thats what you support.


Could it be that every male character at that movie made stupid decisions?

- Strange "Im a spoiled child and dont want to destroy my favortie toy. Doenst matter that half of all humans would die a slow and painful dead as long as I could keep my favorite toy a few hours longer!".

- Hulk "Im a toxic masculine hero. So I have to be portrayed as a complete coward! Beside that that never ever happened before"

- Thor "Yes, I destroyed my home city to save a few of the people there. But .... half of them died now anyway".

- Spiderman "Im now not a real superhero anymore, but instead some Iron Man apprentice with some tech toys at my arms"

That leaves Black Panther (he did neither anything especially good or bad during that movie) and Iron Man (he let Strange go through with the defense of Stranges favorite toy instead of fighting against him (which he already did for far less important reasons)) as part time heroes.

Compared to the amazing Avengers 1 this clearly shows that politics is now more important then a well thought script. and that its a good decision that the MCU comes to an end. Its already flatlined anyway.


[1/2] I get what you mean, stupid decisions from your rational point of view.

But when you watch a film you cannot think from your own perspective you have to try and think why did the character react that way, what's the backstory, taking that into account, ask yourself if him reacting that way makes sense.

- Hulk: "I'm a toxic masculine hero. So I have to be portrayed as a complete coward! Beside that that never ever happened before" Right, a coward, he is afraid, is the first time he gets beat to a pulp. Bruce Banner is the brave one now, Hulk is the afraid one, the papers have turned from the first movie, where Hulk was the brave one and Bruce was the scared one, that's called character development. If you make Hulk a linear character that only smashes and that's it makes it a bit boring in my humble opinion.

- Thor. ""Yes, I destroyed my home city to save a few of the people there. But .... half of them died now anyway" How could he possibly know that this would happen? Unlucky yes, but that's it...

- Spiderman: I'm now not a real superhero anymore, but instead some Iron Man apprentice with some tech toys at my arms" Yes, he's growing as a person and as a character, he's a kid from Queens that has always admired Tony Stark, even before becoming spiderman, therefore makes sense Tony being his hero, and when he becomes a superhero he wants to emulate him, that makes complete sense to me. He's what 16-17 years old? he's a teenager trying to impress an idol. Give him time, perhaps if we get more movies will see him grow as a superhero and as a character.

- Ironman is not god. He can't force anyone does anything, as much as he wants he simply can (i.e. Civil War). What makes you think that he could force Dr Strange to destroy the time stone, Dr Stange can fight him if he pleases, which would be a bad move to start fighting between them instead teaming up. That Stark understands now after Civil War so he chooses to go with it and try to solve the problem.


...try to solve the problem.

That's something that we may follow up on the next movie, how that decision and perhaps guild will affect Tony.

About teaming up, I think is the key. I'll explain.

After Civil War, the team is broken and Tony refused to call Cap to help him - which Bruce did afterwards. First mistake. If all of them were together, they may've gotten a chance against Thanos. If all teamed up instead of fighting him in small groups they would've won, which is why I think teaming up is the key. Instead of that, they fought in different small teams:

Guardians vs Thanos = Thanos wins
Thor Loki, Hulk Hemindall VS Thanos = Thanos Wins
Iron Man, Nebula, Starlord, Spider-Man, Mantis, Dr Strange, Drax VS Thanos = Thanos Wins.
Cap America, War Machine, Bucky, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Bruce (not hulk) Banner and the other heroes on earth VS Thanos = Thanos Wins

But all of them together against Thanos = Will see who would've won.

Anyway, I do get your points but I don't see a huge lazy writing as you see, I just see decisions that can be questionable but totally understandable form the characters point of view.

Hope at least you enjoyed the action sequences.


Thats most likely what will happen at part 4. I presume you are correct. But half of all humans died at the end of the movie, while it could have been avoided wiuthin a few seconds. So what heroes are they and why should they still be supported? When they are as guilty for killing half of all living beings in the universe as Thanos himself is.

And indeed they will use the time stone so that everything will return back to normal. But all of that deaths already happened and werent avoided by the Avengers, but instead even supported (by incredible stupid decisions and ..... a incredible lazy script).


- Hulk almost died a few times. And the reason that he is afraid is one of the reason why he shows up instead of Benner. Unitl now :) . But that was the smallest problem. Taking politics into scripüts is something which is done now by each and every Disney film. So this isnt much of a surprise anymore.

- Thor: Yes, but that way he isnt the superhero anymore which is even more powerful then Thanos with 4 crystals. He is just a loser whom destroyed anything he ever liked. Again: This a problem of portrayal. Not directly of the plot development. That almost all people of Asgard gonna die was perfectly knwon when Thor 3 was released. So why wasting our time and money then when the developers already knew that Thor 3 would be as relevant as filming Thor while he is waiting for paint to dry ;) ?

- Spiderman: Thats where the real trouble starts. Spiderman always was a good superhero. He was one of the first superheroes which even got its own movies. And now: A child without any meaning at all (without Starks suit he would have been killed within the first half of the movie). That movie destroyed Spiderman almost like The LAst Jedi destroyed Luke. For what purpose? Why does Disney hates its IP?

- IronMan: Indeed he isnt a god. But he didnt even tried to stop the spoiled child namend Strange. He fought against Captain America without any real problem. But when the whole universe is in danger, then .... there is just one sentence and nothing else he does :) . While he perfectly knew that if the stone isnt destroyed half of all humans will painfully die. Again ..... wow, what a hero!


So, I HAD to skim though your post history. Have you liked ANYTHING, EVER? You are such a sad, angry person. Really, seek help. No one should be this pissy all the time.


Either you havent skimmed through my post history or your read just the half of it. Clearly stated that im a star Tek and Bond fan. And indeed I like serious movies as much. Also stated at a discussion about recent movies, that the 10s arent the best movie decade ever (not even close :) ), but that there are still some really awesome movies (I personally really like Shin Goshira).

So thanks a lot for your advice :) . And BTW Im not angry at Avengers 3. If you like to see my angry read my Last Jedi comments, cause beside im not a Star Wars fan, this was pure moviegoer scam! But im sad about the missed oportunity with this film. Ive seen how sad the ending with all thos dying humans and superheroes should have been, but felt nothing, cause thos supersmart screenplaywriters destroyed anything with Strange saying "No, my toy. Wont give ayway!". Cause not only was that a script bug. For experienced users it was also at the start of the movie clear, that Thanos will get all stones. Cause no character would ever to such a stuborn move without regreting it later. Thats part of any book about Action movie basics ;) . So if some experienced screenplaywrites would have assist thos existing ones (the core of this plot was good!!!) most viewers at our cinema would have been surprised when Thanos got all stones and it would have been really sad seeing half of them die. But by that plot bugs .... the ending of the movie was revealed at the beginning of it. And that way destroyed an potentially good movie.
