MovieChat Forums > Captain Marvel (2019) Discussion > Why are people talking about her buttock...

Why are people talking about her buttocks

She is an actress, buttock has no meaning. Talk about film,not buttock


It will be very nice once the movie is in theaters so people can talk about that instead of conducting the proxy war that is going on here now.


Talk about film,not buttock

Man, if ONLY it ended at buttock. First it wasn’t enough smiling for them triggered humpty drumpfty worshipping proud boys, then everything the Reich wing troll army is known for crying about... they cried about. A total shitshow.

If only the moderators could step in and somewhat control this carnage like they did with Black Panther last year (legit racism thrown its way), but then again that would only make ‘em proud boys cry harder about they hate/free speech like they do whenever other websites grow tired of their actual bs propaganda. *commence the blockage*


If only the moderators could step in?

Dude, just ignore it. Why censor people just because you disagree with what they say. Just fucking ignore it. You open Pandora's box (which has already started to happen) when you try to get things you don't like and don't agree with banned. Simply ignore it, and it loses it's power.

You had to have been the kid in grade school who raised their hand to tattle on every single thing everyone did that might not be "following the rules."

The world needs to re-grow a backbone. 18 year old kids storming the beaches of Normandy back in the 40's facing certain death, to young adults today crying in the fetal position begging for things to be banned because someone said something they disagree with or said something mean to them about a comic book movie. Fucking ignore them.

Also, Brie has very nice buttocks. Sue me or ban me for being a "sexist" because I find a woman attractive. Jesus. Lol.


Nothing wrong with a nice buttock, but then the limp wing get all pouty about it.


How do you get around when you're so completely stuffed full of shit?


Dude, you're being unfair here. People talk about her buttocks because they are constructive and positive: they focus in the best part of her acting :-)


But all you hear is buttock buttock buttock. Is crazy to just hear buttock all the time
