
these guys shouldnt cast themselves in lead roles.

I understand and accept that it's a micro budget feature, but it's odd to see more invested in effects than basic lighting and sound.

Major disappointment. 96% on RT is astonishing.


That's why I find RT ratings to be really misleading


I'm usually a more harsh critic than most reviewers.


With RT scores you have to look beyond just the percentage. You also have to look at the number of total reviews

With little known indie genre films, usually they will have much fewer reviews than mainstream films

RT scores are just a percentage of: ((Positive reviews)/(Positive reviews + Negative reviews)) x 100

So if there are only 5 reviews, and 4 of them happen to say "not too bad for a small-budget, straight-to-video weekend watch" then you will see an impressive 80% RT score, because 4/5 is = 80% positive

With minor films like this you usually have to dig deeper to get a real sense of how good it is. I recently saw a film called "I Trapped the Devil". Nevermind that the title kind of ripped off the Korean classic "I Saw the Devil", the movie was fucking awful. D-level acting, directing, etc. but it had a good RT score because the few "professional critics" who reviewed it were judging it by the low standards of low-budget, indie Horror movies


i liked it quite a bit myself. we're all entitled to our preferences of course, and i'm not out to change your mind.

but i did find this to be a hugely enjoyable little mind-bender, a bit similar to some of the recent films in that style like coherence or the one i love...or, if you like, a slightly less skewed upstream color. i think people who fancy films in that style will find plenty to enjoy here.


I keep meaning to watch Coherence but I havent yet.

I like mind-benders but subject matter or genre isnt good enough by itself to excuse all else that goes into a film.

And even that aspect wasnt as interesting here as I'd hoped.


This film is not even on the same level as Coherence. Do yourself a favor and give it a go. You won't regret it.


Coherence is a nice story completely ruined by that horrible camera shake.


I loved it. Camera shake didn't faze me I guess


I think is OK If you watch it in a not so big screen, I watch it in on a 100 inches projector and the experience was not pleasant.


Coherence is an excellent movie! I highly recommend it!


I liked it too. Coherence and the One I love were really good too, especially Coherence. Upstream Color was not my cup of tea. Can you think of other movies similar to these? Recommendations would be welcome.


There are some movies I consider similar in their mood, not so much the plot.
These are:
The Sound of My Voice
Kill List
Dark Song
We've Forgotten More Than We Ever Knew
Everything Beautiful is Far Away


i will definitely second sound of my voice & kill list.
kill list is one of my favourite films of the century so far.
while i really enjoyed upstream color, i've never quite fallen for primer.
i know i saw a dark song within the last year or so, but i swear i cannot remember anything about it.

i haven't seen the other films on your list, but i like the films i have seen on your list enough to make me interested in those ones.

i'd recommend:
the incident - weird, trippy mexican film with a strong philip k dick influence, currently on netflix)
enter the void, though that's really more druggy, trippy psychedelia, with no sci-fi content. it's ludicrous, ridiculous, far too long, yet so so so great.
midnight swim - not sci-fi either, but has a strange, puzzling & dreamlike feel that i really love.
a field in england - period drama meets 2001 and takes a mushroom trip.

hmmph...can't think of anything else at the moment, but if anything else occurs to me, i'll come back.


I've seen the Incident, it was okay. I've never seen Enter The Void but i've heard both good and bad things about it. But all those movies sound interesting to me.


Probably one either loves Gaspar Noe's body of work or hates it. I've seen some of his interviews, he seems like a very nice guy, still, I cannot relate to his movies (


Thanks for the tips! The Incident and Midnight Swim are now on the watchlist. Will wait for the future recommendations.

I've seen 'A Field in England' (appreciating its director's previous work) and still don't know what to make of it. But it kept me thinking for months, that's for sure. The director is probably heavily influenced by Tarkovsky, especially 'The Stalker'.


Triangle (taking place in a boat w/a female lead)
The Ghoul

I'm semi-obsessed w/ high-concept Horror and Sci-Fi movies because I grew up watching The Twilight Zone, so I seek out these types of little movies

The Ghoul definitely fits into this genre and has a tone similar to Kill List, with a creepy time-loop twist. I recommend if you're looking for a strange sci-fi suspense flick. Surprised this movie hasn't been mentioned yet, but I guess when we're talking about these kinds of low budget indie genre movies many go by unnoticed. I'd say it's worth a watch


i like triangle, love coherence.
twilight zone was a formative influence for me as well. all you have to do to get me interested in any movie is say 'tz elements.'

i've never heard of the ghoul, but it looks intriguing & i really like alice lowe. it's now on my watchlist. thanks!


No prob, meng. Always happy to help fellow fans of TZ



I've seen The Sound Of My Voice and Kill List. Both were pretty good. I found Dark Song and I'm going to watch it soon. I'll try to check out the rest too. I've been meaning to watch Primer for a long time but I was so put off by Upstream Color that I keep skipping it.


Oh and Coherence, that one I didn't like at all, probably because of watching '+1' (2013) a few days prior. If you enjoyed Coherence you might give +1 a try.



I LOVED it: 8/10! These guys are brilliant, and know how to think outside the box, WAY outside the box!



Paradox - 2016
Synchronicity - 2015

Both are really cool time travel/loop flicks.
