MovieChat Forums > The Predator (2018) Discussion > The last time I walked out on a film...

The last time I walked out on a film...

The last time I walked out on a film during the screening was on Transformers 4. With The Predator I did it again. I did quite enjoy some of the humour but all the rest was complete and utter bulshit. There's no tension whatsoever. I did find the 2010 "Predadors" film to be very average. But at least it justices for what it was trying to accomplish. Anyway guys what are your thoughts? Thanks for replying


crap film, started off ok , went down hill fast, there is only one predator film and that was made in 1989 , no other predator movies should be made after this POS


there is only one predator film and that was made in 1989
Which one is that then? Predator was made in 1987 and Predator 2 in 1990.


Sorry , i meant Predator 1, actually Predator 2 wasnt that bad , so make that 2 Predator films


Yeah, it sucked. I can envision the brainstorming and the idea of the van transporting a bunch of section 8 military joes getting redirected to a secret facility is not a bad setup. Would have been better if they skipped the intro scene and "our guy" was just another crazy dude who claims he saw aliens among other lunatics.
Had I been in that meeting, I would have said "yes, lets work with that!" But nope. They didn't get anything right. It was a full on idiot dance. Utter joke in the writing dept.
I walked out on Tank Girl, Toys, and the first Bill n Ted's (which I later rewatched with mild amusement)


I dunno, I don't think it was walk out worthy but it was definitely sub par. I thought it was patchy at best, some good ideas and sequences and a lot of jackass sequences scattered about too.


You guys suck. This was the 3rd best predato.Did you walk out of AVP AVP2 and predators as well?


I honestly havent seen those movies since my teen years (AvP ones). I honestly dont remember. I remember enjoying AvP 1 but that doesnt mean anything because me as a teenager used to like a lot of crap. But yes.. if I could bet money on which one I would like the most.. my money is on AVP 1, unfortunately


Ok since you liked AVP1 I'm really wondering what problems you have about Predator 3 (AKA "The predator")?


I havent said I liked it. I was in my teen years and I was stupid. I only remember really liking the atmosphere in that. But bro. Movie is subjective. I, like a lot of people, happened to have hated The Predator. You happened to have liked it. Thats all fine and dandy. Honestly I had a headache throuout the whole film, so maybe if I watch it again I may like it a little more. What I didnt say in the original post was I remmember the comedy worked just good and there was quite a few genuine laughs.

But the main problem of The Predator for me was I felt no tension what so ever. Thats it in a nutshell


"The last time I walked out on a film..."

How many times *have* you walked out on a film?


Not many.. I go to the movies frequently and I only remember walking out of Transformers 4, The Predator and maybe a couple of others. The fact that I don't even remember which those were says a lot by itself.


Very average stuff. Hard to believe that anyone thought this was worth the effort put into making it.
