MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > l3 is the jar-jar binks character for so...

l3 is the jar-jar binks character for solo

When TPM was released most people liked it, with 1 exception - everyone that I knew at the time HATED jar-jar, the rest in history as you know. Obvious the film has been picked to death since then, but jar-jar was the catalyst.

It's funny how disney went and added their own jar-jar character in the form of l3.

The difference is that they had the nous to kill the character (at least they sowed us how weak and pathetic the characters conviction was in the process) so that it can never return.


I kinda liked her, and she got some laughs when I saw the film in a theater.

Nobody has ever like Jar-Jar, or laughed at his joke lines.


Nobody has ever like Jar-Jar, or laughed at his joke lines?

Only a Sith deals in absolutes (and personal incredulities). And you clearly haven't ever watched Jar Jar with kids.

The droid character will be lucky if anybody remembers her name in a few months.


Children like that horror???

I shall redouble my effort to avoid the little bastards!


Funny because people here keep starting hate threads about her. Seems like they're determined that nobody forgets her, in that sense.


Not sure there are going to be any more threads about 'the droid'. I had to re-look up 'the dorids' full name to be honest.


leave Jar Jar out of it, hasn't he suffered enough. Also, the Jar Jar fanclub is growing and ready to retaliate.


Just an unnecessary character with bad dialogue and voice that took me out of the film whenever she spoke. I guess they needed to hit their quota of female characters by putting her in here, in order to appease the SJWs.


L3 has nothing on Darth Binks.


Fair point, binksy did a lot of damage during his tenure.


I don't think she was as bad as Jar-Jar but she was pretty cringeworthy.Why does a sci-fi fantasy movie about an iconic male action hero need SJW undertones.It just felt shoehorned in and out of place here.


l3 voice was even worse....... did not sound like a droid at all, just a regular human........ sounded fucking awful and unconvincing


L3 really wasn't that bad but Jar Jar is the worst movie character of all-time.
