


Not going to label anyone for their opinions..that being said...bout 5-6 out of ten feels right. It WAS better than TLJ by a long measure!


You've been trolling this forum all week with your autistic shit, and now you've just put the cherry on top - right on.


Quite interesting to see how soyboys give so much head thoughts to the size of penises... XD


So we talking real bigots...I am assuming they are upset Solo is ..still white? or that Lando is ..still Black?.or something else? I have looked at a few, seems to be the usual, the film is not good, the lead is not good, Lando is ok, a lot of people seem to not like Clarke as an actress in general, the film adds nothing of value to the canon, it exists merely to milk the franchise, complaints of CGI, there is a droid people seem to particularly dislike, overall quality may be better than TLJ but still towards the bottom of SW in general...etc. That is from a few negative reviews I randomly chose. I don't think trying to label a majority of people that dislike the film a term that really only applies to a small handful of people is going to save this film.


What a dumbass reply. You can dislike the film, but no way is it a 1/10.


You write an ignorant post telling people the have small a penis (even the women I guess) and they are bigots essentially because they don't like a movie you like doesn't leave you much room to talk about quality of posts.


Also why not call out the 10/10 as well? there are 2000 + more of those than there are 1/10, why no outrage with that?


Because, dumbass, it's more believable that a film with a 70% Rotten Tomatoes rating has more genuine 10s than genuine 1s.


Lol so basically because you agree with a higher rating questionable tens are fine. Just like many people bias is fine as long as it’s bias the way you prefer. 70 is not a great score, it’s an ok one which leave plenty of room for someone to dislike at a 1 level.


7 out of 10 critics like it. Combined with A- cinemascore. It all adds up to most real people liking it and the tens being genuine and the ones being tiny penis owners who were butthurt by something.


lol Not everyone has to like it because you do. You are acting like it’s a personal attack on you. TLJ had better scores than this film and many hated that film. Why you think the worst performing and rated of the Disney SW films should be untouchable is beyond me. It’s just a movie. Relax, it will be ok.




Don't bother pointing that out to him. His iq doesn't permit him to understand such abstract notions.


A- minus cinemascore, dumbass -- that means the 10s are real 10s and the 1s are just butthurt boys with multiple accounts.


So does cinema score speak for everyone, or in your comunist world you are not allowed critical thinking, because your high authority (cinemascore) said so, sheep. Stay in your world dumbass.


It means most REAL people like the movie -- and that most of the 10s are REAL -- and most of the 1s are not. Cinemascore is a SCIENTIFIC POLL, dumbass. Simple as that.


So you are very dumb. Does cinemascore have a ceo or do they operate on donations.
Do the people who oparate it have integrity or if you donate some money you grades grow or not.
Only blind people and sheep follow some third party grades as if they're God himself.
Go back to the heard.
You belong in China boy. Probably in that country you would hang all those that gave it a 1.
On rottentomatoes user reviews stand on 54 or 57, so if you give it a 10 and I on 1 and we make the average guess were you end up.
So who is lying cinemascore or rottentomatoes?
Don't bother you are to dumb to understand what I am saying.


Dumbass, dumbass, dumbass. Anybody can sign up multiple accounts on Rottentomatoes or IMDB. Cinemascore randomly poll REAL moviegoers as they exit the cinema.

Their entire business model and livelihood depends on being independent. But dumbass can't handle the fact that logic and reason have reamed his argument.


So if Disney offered them 20 or 30 mi. Would they stil have integrity stupid.
Are you working for them to know for certain? You are just dumb and follow them like sheep.
And all those that gave 10's can't they register multiple accounts or they are reserved to those that gave 1'.
Man you are stupid. Rarely I encounter this kind of stupid person.


Yes, offer $20-30m to a polling company the general public hasn't heard about instead of buying $30m worth of more ads -- that makes perfect fucking sense, you stupid fuck.

As I've established, it's more likely the 10s are genuine because we have A SCIENTIFIC POLL that establishes that genuine people love the movie.

If you can provide evidence -- EVIDENCE, fuckface -- that Cinemascore has been compromised, then post it here.


Well well the monkey has come out stupid fuck. If you can provide evidence it is not compromised then I agree with you dumb fuck. It is worth spending 20 30 mil on cinemascore stupid just because stupid people like you take it seriously.
Probably should throw a banana at you so you would go away dumb fuck. Don't preach your shit to everyone stupid.


Cunt, you made the accusation that they've been compromised -- YOU PROVIDE THE EVIDENCE.

"It is worth spending 20 30 mil on cinemascore stupid just because stupid people like you take it seriously."

You mean for the rating that comes out AFTER the movie opens? The rating that is only known by a handful of movie fans? $20-30m on that? Uh huh, okay, fuckhead.

"Don't preach your shit to everyone stupid. "

Well, that's almost a coherent sentence for once. Hahahahahaha!


Man you are stupid as fuck. Provide evidence that some people created multiple accounts to Dani grate the movie and not to praise it stupid shit. You do know you live in a capitalist country stupid where money has the power dumbass. Even Facebook said that they don't sell you information to third parties and look how that turned out. Everything can be bought for the right price stupid. For 10 $ I could probably get 10 of you because how stupid you are.
So provide evidence that rotten tomatoes have been compromised.
You seem to vouch for them 100% stupid so you it seems you have inside knowledge why they shouldn't be doubted.Please provide that knowledge with me so I can agree with you, low iq wanna be man.


Tell me what "Dani grate" is, you stupid fuck.

Tell me why in a capitalist society it makes sense financially to rig the Cinemascore with $30m when less than 0.5 of 1% of people have heard about it -- and it comes out AFTER the movie opens.


Lol man you are stupid. For someone living in the 21 century, I hope you heard of autocorect, or is this you trying to derail the argument. So if the company is heard only by 1% of people then why you give it as an example for the 99% to follow. It means that they are irrelevant. The smaller you are the easier you can be bought stupid. It is simple economy.
Lol the argument that it comes right after the movie. Can it come otherwise stupid. Does it mean they have integrity based on that.



"Tell me why in a capitalist society it makes sense financially to rig the Cinemascore with $30m when less than 0.5 of 1% of people have heard about it -- and it comes out AFTER the movie opens."

You are contradicting yourself. You have essentially said:
Cinemascore has more positive reviews, so that means the movie is not that bad.
and later,
Cinemascore is only known to less than 1% of the population, so they are irrelevant.
How can they be pertinent and irrelevant sources of information at the same time? I don't think you have thought this out.
As far as buying good ratings, that is a proven fact. Look it up yourself. They will pay people to write good reviews and pay others not to publish their bad reviews.
What has never been proven is a similar ruse involving people paid to write bad reviews. I can't find any, but feel free to set me straight if I missed something.


I'm not contradicting myself, dumb-dumb. Cinemascore is accurate at taking the pulse of the general movie-goer, yet they are not known by name by the general movie-goer. Just like how pollsters like Rasmussen are excellent at predicting elections and taking the temperature of the nation, but only a tiny percentage of people have heard of them. Get it, dumb-dumb?


You are a dumb contradicting moron. You haven't provided any proof that rottentomatoes is rigged but you want to take cinemascore rating without doubting them. Shows how stupid you are.
Don't bother replying just enjoy your banana. Read a book from once in a while. Stop preaching that Karl Marx bullshit you dumb comunist.
The dumbness in you has reached astronomical proportions. So some irelevant polling company makes relevant statements and said company can' be bought.So why does some irelevant like you quote them.
The La Baker don't bother with monkeys, you just throw them a banana and hopefully they walk away. My parrot is smarter than him.
Polls are relevant only for those who belive in them. Tell me again what president America should have had based on the majority of the media polls stupid shit? Don't bother you are just dumb to answer. :))
Too bad they don't make a dumb and dumber movie again, you would be perfect for both roles. Check mate lol go back to your play kids, boy.



Boy, still stupid. Can't you read what you said
1 this: some epic dumbness
"As I've established, it's more likely the 10s are genuine because we have A SCIENTIFIC POLL that establishes that genuine people love the movie" - done by real scientists :)))) can't stop laughing at that one. Thank you for that
2. Anybody can sign up multiple accounts on Rottentomatoes or IMDB
It means most REAL people like the movie -- and that most of the 10s are REAL -- and most of the 1s are not. Cinemascore is a SCIENTIFIC POLL---,again :))) have a banana it is my treat for the fun time
Stupid if the Ceo of cinemascore, says the movie gets an A B C... I doubt your scientists would argue with the chief scientist. Boy you crack me up. Keep them coming. Only shows how stupid you are. :)



Still waiting for your dumbass proof of 100% integrity. How can it be scientific but be conducted by normal people.
Can normal people conduct scientific research?
Stupidity has gone through the roof with this one. If I am an auto mechanic can I conduct scientific polls? :))))
You do know anybody can conduct polls.
If I ask u what do you like between a peach and a banana I am conducting a scientific poll lol. (already know the answer boy)
My God you are stupid.
Don't allude that they are rigged then stupid. So you allude to that and now you play the victim whiny bitch.
But what do we have here " that means the 10s are real 10s and the 1s are just butthurt boys with multiple accounts."
Have another banana :))
Idiocracy in the making.
Someone wise said that internet gave voice to all kinds of stupid people coming out with something to say about topics they don't know nothing about"
You are the epitome of what is wrong with the internet. I hope you lead your people to glory.
Doubt you would understand the allusion, seeing how dumb you are. :))


I actually really liked it and I think if it was released before the last Jedi it would get more love, the fact remains that the last Jedi brought the franchise to it's knees , I hate tlj I hate rian Johnson and I hate lucasfilm for greenlighting that piece of shit script


I'm giving it a 1 just because of this post


You misunderstood -- I didn't say just because you have a tiny penis you HAVE TO rate it a 1. But thanks for being bold enough to admit your shortcomings.


I didn't misunderstand, I'm giving it one because people like you need a movie to have a certain score so that their own opinions feel validated. How sad.


I didn't even see this film, but I am going to rate it as low as possible on every public site, just for you and your ilk.


Ghostboy don't bother with the little boy. He obviously is infatuated with penises. Probably has some posters with them in his room. Feel pity for the little man.


Not true, HerbDirg! I am a whiny little bitch with a small penis, and I'd rate it at least 6/10.


I said all who rate it a 1 are whiny little bitches with tiny penises -- I didn't say every whiny little bitch with a tiny penis rates it a 1.


True, but you did say small penises, not tiny penises!


RussellNash Stop showing him the truth. He is to stupid to handle the truth.
