Did U Feel Sorry for Harrelson?

Tragic end for him


He reminded me a lot of Col. Kurtz from Apocalypse Now, and when I got home I even saw on imdb that his character was modeled after Kurtz. So yeah there was definitely an element of tragedy to him.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-https://youtu.be/rNiWZkK6xJg




No, I did not. I'm just glad he didn't shoot Caesar before he turned the gun on himself.


I he was tragic in this sense: I think the trauma of killing is own son forced him to find a new purpose to existence, driving him over the edge, leading him to imagaining he is the new savior of the human race and thus had to do everything to preserve it


He brought that on himself. Who kills their own son?


Yet why did he do it? In his mind, he was saving the human race from becoming primitive


Isn't that what the Nazis thought they were doing?


As they've shown with the doll, the mute-ness is contagious.


Woody also may have done it because he thought he was putting his son out if his misery. Although it may have just been ending the misery of having to see your son become a drooling mut, so, selfish maybe.

By the way, with this new virus, the human race really is screwed. When Charlten Heston lands on earth in the future, he'll have a farm loads of human cattle to impregnate.




No, he got exactly what he deserved.
