MovieChat Forums > Daredevil (2015) Discussion > Am I the only one that thinks this show'...

Am I the only one that thinks this show's fanbase is kind of terrible?

Now I don't mean its fans. I am a fan of the show and I love how it showed people the grittier, adult side of Marvel. I know most if its fans, like any show, is just normal people who want a good time.

But fuck I'm too afraid to go into any article or discuss anything about Marvel or Netflix shows because I know I'm going to see fifty posts of DArdeVIL RuLz EvERything ElSe SUUX. Like anyone who wanted intelligent discussion asked. Why are you putting it on a pedestal above things that are comparable in quality? There are things in reality that are not Daredevil that are good to!

Mini rant over.


Well the word fan comes from fanatic. Frankly the only time the show got interesting was when Punisher was on loose for 4 episode in the second season.


I agree. The fight scenes were okay. Everything else was filler, hyped by a lot of internet shills. As P.T. Barnum said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”


I agree 110%. There hasn't been a single Marvel TV effort that could compare to any of their films. These TV shows have so much padding, they make Build-A-Bear look like pikers. And the costumes are only so-so.... at best.


Well they are gonna have some padding. It's a damn tv show. But that "padding" makes the characters much more interesting and real than the movies, which seem to throw as much shit on the screen as they can. Which gets damn schizophrenic after awhile. There are very few great character moments In the movies as there are in the tv shows like Daredevil.


Are you sure. Because all that padding did for me was bore me to death. I got so bored with the first season half way through i skipped to the last episode. I just don't think you need to know how many times a day a character took a dump to relate or care for a character. I care more for Rocky Balboa than i did for any of there characters in the Netflix Marvel shows. Just saying.


Well millenials and beyond like you were raised on this schizophrenic shit I'm talking about. It's all you know. So you dont have much tolerance for character moments. Well at least you like Rocky Balboa.....just saying man...



Well actually im old enough to remember when an episode of a tv show. Was more like a mini movie starring the same characters. Instead of one part of long boring overrated 10,000 page novel that mostly ends horribly. With very few exceptions. The only one people seem to agree didn't end like shit was breaking bad. Mainly because there making this shit up as they go along. When your writing a novel or making a movie. You can make it as long or as short as you want. Whatever best for the story. But with Serialized TV. You have Quota of how many episodes you need. Which means lots and lots of pointless filler. And frankly i think Star Trek TNG did a good job of having a continuity without having force you to watch EVERY FUCKING EPISODE IN A ROW. And im not interested in wasting 60 hours of my life on each show that mostly pointless filler and has a horrible ending.


I had this issue with the 2nd half of season 3....

I usually "stick through it", but here, I'm glad I skipped a couple of episodes and went straight to the finale. Probably should've skipped more episodes TBH, but at least it's 2 hours I got back.


On old IMDb, I wanted to have discussions about Terminator Genisys. I found out very quickly, it was like the "cool hangout" for the trolls and you could not have an intelligent discussion to save your life. So I think I understand what you felt.
