Should I watch this?

I'm one of the few people who liked the 2003 Daredevil movie and was thinking about watching the series, but I know that it has been cancelled.

My question for those who have seen it -- does the Netflix series end satisfactorily or is there some kind of unresolved cliffhanger? Would you watch again knowing that it would end where it did?

No spoilers, please. I just don't want to invest time in a series that has been cancelled if the ending is going to be frustrating.


I didn't really like the Ben Affleck movie very much but I think the TV show is great. I don't think the ending will frustrate you at all. The series is worth watching for Vincent D'Onofrio alone, he was born to play Kingpin.

My biggest complaint is that he doesn't wear his costume enough. I know there was some Internet whining about the costume design so maybe that's why they decided not to have him wear it so much, but I thought it looked pretty cool and I wanted to see him and a certain nemesis of his (no spoilers!) in their costumes for the big finish.




I wasn't even a big Marvel fan but found the series amazingly well acted and written..Dare Devil made me a believer.
It also doesn't end on a cliff hanger.

There are definitely things we would've liked to see moving forward. But it gives closure to many things and ends satisfactory.

I'm still hopeful they'll find a way to move forward and you probably will too after you watch it.
It's just that good.




Yeah, it’s worth a shot. If you watch the series after season 2, you have to watch the Defenders miniseries before going to season 3 to make sense of things. Defenders is basically “Daredevil And Friends” so it’s still enjoyable.

For the most part everything is resolved by the end if season 3. They have a set up for season 4 but the show isn’t ruined without one.




It's a great series and wraps up just fine, no cliff hangers
Most of the fight scenes rival anything in blockbuster level movies

Shame it was cancelled





Guess I should sit down and watch Season 3?


If you want to be bored. Differently watch it.
