MovieChat Forums > Welcome to Marwen (2018) Discussion > One of the Worst Trailers I've Ever Seen

One of the Worst Trailers I've Ever Seen

Leave it to the director of Forrest Gump to make a movie so saccharine that I hate every single character before I even watch the movie

And also, the CGI performance capture thing is TOTALLY unnecessary in the telling of this man's story. I know that Zemeckis loves to make movies with this technique, but it is REALLY out of place and disrespectful in this instance. They are making it seem like Mark Hogancamp is schizophrenic and/or mentally retarded

Instead of telling you the biographical story of this man in a straight and direct way, this emotionally manipulative piece of shit film is telling you right off the bat "you will feel uplifted and inspired by this story. the one and only thing that you need to take away from this tragedy is that the triumph of the human spirit is blah blah blah" or some shit like that


Agreed. It also reinforces SJW habit of calling everyone to the right of Stalin a "Nazi".

Trailer 2:


lol if I am not mistaken the film portrays the men who beat him as literal Neo-Nazis e.g. swastika tattoos. Are you uncomfortable with neo Nazis being called Nazis?


Only Lefties would make them Nazis. Whatever happened to rednecks in a pickup?

In much of the Muslim world they would have hung him from a lamppost.


He said car insurance is for nazis. What does that mean


"Are you uncomfortable with neo Nazis being called Nazis?"

That was my question. So, since you tried to derail the convo with irrelevant info, I guess the answer is yes?


Can I answer for them?


Go ahead.


Why should I answer a loaded question from a fucking SJW?

There is NO mention of a Nazi attack when I googled "Marwencol ". So I'm correct in suggesting that lefties just made it up!


"There is NO mention of a Nazi attack when I googled "Marwencol ". So I'm correct in suggesting that lefties just made it up!"

Not the point. One of the trailers showed men with swastika tattoos as defendants. I am not asking if Hollywood added neo-nazis into the story. I was asking if you are bothered by neo-nazis being called Nazis. You still have not answered that question.


I agree that its one of the most offputting trailers I've seen in a while.

Still, that "Pokemon Detective" one beat it for cringe factors!


It's in the running for biggest bomb of 2018. Justice is served.

Your description of "emotionally manipulative piece of shit film" is exactly the impression I got watching the trailer.
