MovieChat Forums > Little Women (2019) Discussion > Chopping up the timeline

Chopping up the timeline

Was a really bad idea. Firstly anyone unfamiliar with the story would have been lost. I am quite familiar with the story and I still found it irritating at times. When is it now ?

And the trouble with chopping up the timeline is that Little Women is a small and delicate film about the emotional lives of people. It needs continuity so it can build up to things. Chop up the timeline and we have things like oh no Beth is dead but whoops now she's alive again ! The film undermines itself. Beth's death has no emotional impact if she comes back to life. Why was Jo in love with Prof Bhaer ? Oh right at the end we see they had a love at first sight moment although there was no sign of it prior to that. It makes a nonsense of their romance.


I never read the book or watched any other adaptation. I read people's comment about the timeline so I expected to be confused as if I were about to watch Tarkovksy's Mirror. You have to be an idiot to no be able to follow the story.


I followed the movie fine, but I agree with OP that the timeline thing was not a good idea, and would have preferred it to be linear. The chopped version lost all it's mystery, and suspense, not to mention it's ability to carry emotion. Sorry, but you lose TheArgentinian. Big time!


I think TheArgentinian is very offended by my criticism of the film and is looking for a little payback. Well he/she will just have to take a number and stand in line !


My wife and I just watched it. Neither of have read the book, though my wife had seen one of the earlier film versions. The timeline jumps were a bit of a jolt each time, and it took a few moments for us to reset. But we felt it made us work just a bit harder for no good reason. Still, a very enjoyable movie.


I liked the way the timeline jumped. I'd heard about it beforehand and didn't think I would because it sounded gimmicky - but it worked for me. I did know the story well beforehand, books and various adaptations so perhaps that made it easy for me?


Couldn’t agree more. It’s a real shame, because this had the potential to be very good, maybe even half as good as many breathless critics have declared it to be. But the decision to edit it into flashbacks and flashforwards really chopped it up into a rather confusing mess. I really wonder if this was Gerwig’s original intent, or if it was a late decision made in the editing process out of some kind of concern that the linear narrative is too staid.. I suspect the latter. If it had been intended all along, I think there would have been more choices made with hair and so on to more clearly delineate the different time periods.

It’s not that I can’t handle nonlinear storytelling — to the contrary. I mean, “Pulp Fiction” is one of my favorite films, after all. But it just doesn’t work here, which is probably why the original source book was not written this way.

Still, the acting, costuming, production design, etc. are all lovely and keep the film from being a total disaster.
