Reunion Idea

Several years from now, there could be a reunion special with Bob Odenkirk in character as Jimmy/Saul giving an interview in prison kind of like the Charles Manson TV interviews in the 1980s. Would be a clever way to return to the franchise and give updates on the characters in the future!


Would work as in real life if something as big as this happened a bidding war would take place between the News Shows, Coming Up Next on 60 Minutes we talk to Jimmy McGill also known as Saul Goodman.

That reminded me though of when Bob Odenkirk played Charles Manson on The Ben Stiller Show in 1992:


Maybe it could be an hour-long mock special commemorating the 20th anniversary of the death of Walter White with interviews from people involved in the events of White’s drug operations and the fall of the Fring and Salamanca empires and mock news footage as if it were from telecasts of news coverage of events from the series and maybe people who claim to have seen Jesse. I definitely could imagine a teaser where the narrator says “coming up next, we talk one-on-one in prison with the man who knew White best - his lawyer. How he’s actually found joy behind bars!”


No thanks. The BB universe is over - please leave the remaining characters alone - while I wish everyone had died, that isn't the way the writers saw it.

Time to move on.


jesse will show up on the new walking dead show since they are the same universe.


Or someone in law school studying what Jimmy/Saul did and interviewing them for a paper they are writing.


This is what I was thinking. A Better Call Saul movie. Several years into his sentence, Jimmy has done very well for himself in prison. He offers advice and helps folks-- both prisoners and Correction officers. To that end he works with Kim, who has had her law license reinstated to work for an "innocence project."

The Feds are dealing with a case and decide to cut Jimmy a deal if he works with them-- sort of like the ending of "Catch me if you can." I think this truly completes the story- since Kim said they should use their skills for good.


Gilligan said no more Breaking Bad stuff.


They will do a movie in a year or two. He has indicated Kim’s (and Jimmy’s) story is not done.
