MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > Has Your Opinion of Hamlin Changed?

Has Your Opinion of Hamlin Changed?

Mine has. He seemed much more of a jerk earlier on.


Yes. Once it was revealed in Season 1 that Chuck was orchestrating all that crap, I instantly grew to love Hamlin.

Hamlin is the closest thing to a "normal" person in this show. He has a bit of an ego but it's a simple lawyer/boss ego you'd expect. He's just a man wanting to do his job and protect his reputation.

I actually hope for the best for Hamlin. The actor playing him is funny as hell and Hamlin has proven himself to be a reasonable man. He also has an undying loyalty to Chuck which (while possibly misplaced) lends a lot of credibility to the type of person he is.

Hamlin is excellent.


I'm guessing you're dteam from IMDb? If so, good to hear from you!


The one and only. ;)

Forgive me, but did we know each other from there?


I don't think we interacted on any of the threads, but I remember your name, and the impression that you seemed to have insight and expressed your opinions well.

I mostly interacted with danloki. When the boards were shutting down, I think it was you who posted a link to a private discussion group in a PM to me, but I didn't follow up right away, and when I checked back your account was apparently deleted.

I had a few postings on the old boards, which I think might have been imported to this one.


Ah, I see! Well, thank you! I'm flattered. I have a lot of passion for this show. Good to see you here! :)


*sneaky smoooch*


Ah, hello! Have we met?


Well this is a bit awkward. I thought I was sneak-smooching dteam6!


Actually, my error, I think. I'll give you two some privacy.


All of Hamlin's actions are perfectly understandable except for the fact that he didn't appear to support Kim becoming a partner. He didn't seem to care when she was sent to basically the HHM dungeon (I think this was in part for her 'support' of Jimmy's unapproved commercial). At least that is how I remember it, unless Howard played a bigger role in Kim being given the shaft.

After it became clear that it was Chuck and not Hamlin keeping Jimmy from being hired as a lawyer I didn't see him as a jerk, with the exception of how he treated Kim.



Agree. I was just coming back to say that I feel more balanced in my opinion of him now, as he's shown to be a supportive friend. I agree, though, that his treatment of Kim re Mesa Verde weighs on the other side of the scales.


He brought a 35-year old Macallan single malt Scotch whiskey. That costs about $1800. Probably should share it with better company. A 1926 bottle sold for $54,000 at auction.


Yes it has... still not sure if it's by the design of a slow reveal, or a change of heart on the part of the writers.

Marie in Breaking Bad changed for me a lot... at the beginning she was insufferable, by the end she was the most sympathetic character.


I never warmed to Marie, always found her annoying, though I sympathized with her. Actually, I felt the same with Walt, who I didn't like much, either as a wimp or a power-mad kingpin, though I did relate to his anti-hero escapades. I found myself sympathizing with even Gus and the cousins, among others, as we learned more about their backgrounds.

I wonder how others' opinions of various characters have changed as more was revealed about them.


Don't get me wrong... Marie was always annoying... but in the context of Breaking Bad where almost everyone was a terrible person... Marie comes off pretty well, especially with her devotion to Hank during his recovery and subsequent issues with Walt. I was impressed by Gus's competence, but I didn't sympathize with him any more than I would with a Wall Street CEO who only cares about money and power.


"the most sympathetic character"??

Are you talking about the kleptomanic wife of Hank who tried to kidnap her sisters child and showed up in Skyler's office forcing her to tell Walter Jr. about how his hero dad was a monster after she thought Hank had "won" by arresting Walter?

To me, easily the most unsympathetic, selfish and self-righteous of them all.


Kleptomania is a mental illness... not a moral failing. Walt had exposed his entire family to the danger of the cartel.

Marie might be obnoxious but she was a hero in that show.


Well, I couldn't disagree more. For me she went from being just annoying to a horrible person in that scene where she tried to wrestle her niece out of Skyler's hands, adding even more pain on her sister. If that's a heroic act by your standards we can only conclude that we see the world in very different ways.

Sure, kleptomania is a mental disease. But her not admitting having any such faults, even confronted so strongly about it after she gave one of the things she stole to her sister (can't remember what it was), combined with taking the high ground condemning Walt and family later, even after knowing that Walt payed for Hank's very expensive treatment, also adds to her being a very unsympathetic person for me.


To some extent. I still think he mistreated Kim, but it was interesting when it came out that Howard had never been behind the sabotaging of Jimmy, that it was Chuck all along and Howard just willingly took the blame for it so Chuck and Jimmy's relationship wouldn't suffer. Cowardly dick move on Chuck's part though, putting that on him. He should have just been straight with Jimmy all along. Interesting that Howard went along with it.


He's a bit of a bastard but not so much as we were originally led to believe. On the other hand, I have a real problem with his instantly believing Chuck when Chuck told him Jimmy had forged those documents. Even with the tape, Howard knew what was going on there and he would have assumed Jimmy had simply told Chuck what he wanted to hear. Anyone in the know would have.




Yeah, the one and only.


It's cool seeing familiar usernames appear. :)


I agree. He seems like a caring person. And if not for Chuck, he would have definitely given Jimmy a chance at the law firm since Hamlin clearly has respect for him.


That's what I was think when I was watching the latest episode. At first he seemed like a real dick, but now he seems like a nice guy. And he seems to genuinely care.
