MovieChat Forums > Squid Game: The Challenge (2023) Discussion > pretty accurate sample of human trash

pretty accurate sample of human trash

this show is so full of 2 faced scumbags it's like a case study on society. that's also the reason I'm enjoying it though, because it's fun to see everyone eliminated. practically every one of them is an entitled lying ass piece of trash so I'm getting great pleasure in watching them fall one by one haha.

the very thing that makes me hate reality shows in general is actually making me enjoy this one.

also I'd love to see some funny cuts, because you know out of 400+ piece of trash Americans they didn't all go silently. I bet on red light, green light alone there were a handful of Karens who had to get thrown off the set because they refused to accept that they moved after the doll turned its head.

I bet a bunch of them are probably suing the show for eliminating them


I still would prefer if they had surprised everyone in game one, that the game is real.


haha yeah I think the only major thing missing is that they don't shoot these arseholes. if they did that I'd even think of upgrading to top tier Netflix.

Netflix I hope you're listening!


Ha, harsh but true. Same as I always wanted to see all the dickheads on 'Survivor' arrive at an island and be told "this is for real, last one alive wins you self absorbed shitheads".


Yes. This show with their sneaky challenges showed how trash society and humans are. When money were right there - they betrayed their supposed friends in heartbeat. They tried to be play nice and pretend to be better then they are. But could not hide their greediness in those challenges when they had the power to eliminate someone.

Which I was surprised why on earth they were even pretending to get new friends. When it's literally only one will win and all your alliances dont make sense. Everyone will be eliminated including your friends. But they were fake wishing good lucks and fake crying when their fake friends were eliminated.


You're better than everyone, aren't you?


better than you for sure, since you never contribute anything to a discussion besides your whining


If you watched the Behind the Scenes special, they showed the 1st game eliminations had to be verified and signed off. I'm sure they did it to protect themselves legally, like how you mentioned Karens.
