Why Didn't They Plan The Trilogy Out?

What kind of imbeciles just make it up as they go along? It's not as if there was uncertainty about the movies being hits so they could have easily anticipated making all three before the first one even started shooting.

So what dumbass said... 'let's just worry about it later'?


I kept saying they should have recruited Kevin J Anderson and Timothy Zahn to write out a complete Star Wars Sequel trilogy, instead they just made it up as they filmed. It was brutal. I'm actually surprised George Lucas sold Star Wars without a caveat that Kathleen Kennedy and Disney in general had to write out the entirely sequel trilogy first before filming, it is one of his biggest mistakes ever.


He apparently didn't know Kathleen at all as a person, particularly since she'd been kissing his and Spielberg's asses for decades and putting on a good facade of being a helpful "co-producer." But the moment that weak-minded fool got a hold of Star Wars, she turned into a monster. Honestly, I think Lucas had no idea what was going on with the sequel trilogy until he actually saw the films, and was horrified like the rest of us.


They had set up story lines but dumbass Rian Johnson pissed on them and swept them under the rug because he didn't like them


I don't know why more people don't blame him. He made one of the most disliked Star Wars movies, but years later NO ONE talks about the FACT that hew threw off the trajectory of the trilogy. Christ, there's articles stating he rewrote The Last Jedi.


"What kind of imbeciles just make it up as they go along?"

George Lucas?


What kind of imbeciles just make it up as they go along?

Why Kathleen Kennedy, of course. She really does not have leadership material when it comes to heading Lucasfilm. Her actions and behavior in the last 6 years indicates that she only had two agendas in mind: re-write Star Wars in her own twisted image, and get lots of money doing it. Now she did earn lots of money at first, but think about how much the studio lost after the second of her horrible sequel trilogy came out in theaters, and she continued to lose them money after that. The only reason the company didn't go totally broke was because of international earnings, basically having bored, desperate movie-goers in foreign countries go watch her crap.

Her actions and behavior (particularly if you listen to what insiders witnessed from her firsthand) she is a very selfish, lying, insecure, weak-minded woman who had a "my way or the highway" attitude, was not as creative as she pretended to be, and did very little to earn the respect of anyone who wasn't a female, bitchy liberal like herself.

The fact that she and her minions had no plan for the sequel trilogy at all, and her constant meddling in all three films, just goes to show how immature, weak, and stupid she truly is.


I think the simplest answer is $$$$. They needed a return on their $4 billion quickly and I believe the board were budgeting for it in their projections. I understand this in isolation however when they had two viable outlines that was the safer move to get return quickly and have a cohesive story. I think when they show TFA, they didn't forsee the issues of pre-production starting before the proceeding flick was finished and then it was game over. They didn't need to make episode 7-9, they could have set a trilogy someplace else in the timeline but they wished to bank on Ford, Hamill and Fisher I think.


Arrogance. They just assumed that JarJar Abrams would rehash the OT and that no one would notice.

All they had to do was story board all 3 movies and ask for Lucas' help.


It's clear Abrams and Johnson had very different visions. Why Johnson was ever brought in is a mystery unto itself. Disney knew they screwed up with the Last Jedi, so they go into panic mode, and throw Abrams back in the chair to save the day. Johnson decided to subvert expectations and kill Snoke off in a gotcha moment, and with that being said Disney wasn't confident enough to pin all their hopes on Kylo Ren as the main villain, then all of a sudden out of the blue, Palpatine is back. No build up to it whatsoever, it is simply explained in the intro of ROS that he's back, bigger, and badder than ever. It felt like there should've been a whole other movie between TLJ and ROS that leads up to his return
