Absolutely no buzz regarding this franchise any more.

The prequel boards were busier 10 years after their release ... and hardly anyone liked those films.

tfa board stayed active for 2 years until the tlj dumpster fire was released.

This board is dead within a month lol.


Star Wars celebration happens in August of this they will announce their next film slate then possibly give them a chance to succeed I like The Sequels as much as The OT and more than The PT Star Wars is not dead look on twitter Lucasfilm's is deciding were to take the next films as i write this


Sorry don’t kid yourself. Star Wars is as dead as doornails. No one gives a rats ass anymore thanks to Ruin Johnson.


Star Wars is not dead it will did you the hype for The Clone Wars on Social also everybody seemed exciited when JD Dillard was announced as the next director the star wars post-Skywalker saga will be new across the board to quote HelloGreedo thats when its at is best Also Threequels Generallly Gross Lower the The First and The Sequel thats the cycle and norm


I agreed. Star Wars is not dead. they have a lot of new star wars stuff on Disney+ and they are going to announce their next star wars movies.


There's buzz. It's just that it's forced. And it's hard to notice as, well, buzzy, when the franchise has hit the point of over-saturation. I think the sequel trilogy would've maintained a more epic, buzzy feel had they not forced the spin-off movies, at least not when they did


Most of us wanted as much Star Wars as we could get however after The Last Jedi premiered we were in state of shock. No one could believe the way they destroyed Luke’s legacy. After this film Star Wars was dead for the majority.


I 100% agree with this. The only interest I have in the franchise now is a kind of morbid fascination in how much a massive multi-national corporation can severely mishandle one of the greatest (and most valuable) franchises in history. This will be taught as a lesson in what not to do in film classes, as well as business classes for decades to come. Kathleen Kennedy is the most to blame, and apparently I'm okay to point that out since I'm female but all you 'butt-hurt fan-boy in-cels' need to pipe down, lol...


It is not dead....yet, but they are working hard on it. And yes, I detest what they made to Luke.
