original ending had BEN live and take the Skywalker name?!

what the actual F**K?


Well, he would be the last Skywalker. I think living his life as a hermit in shame would have been a good ending.


if he's telling the true, then I want to see this ending.


they should release a whole new cut, use every alternate scene, change everything


are you talking about that stupid "JJ cut" ?


no, there were supposedly several different cuts


Of course there were. It's called movie editing.


They probably wanted to, but the first movie painted them into a corner. Okay, they clearly wanted Ben to be the Sci-Fi Severus Snape, the mysterious character who seems to be good one moment and bad the next, and who keeps you guessing right up until the finale. The problem with that is that they had him KILL MY BELOVED HAN SOLO in the first movie, a crime so heinous and unforgiveable that they could never ever redeem the whiny bemasked dipshit.

After that, the only way I could ever have accepted the character's redemption was to see his tiny little mother slap the living shit out of him in front of the whole galaxy, and so utterly humiliate him in ways that no grown man can tolerate, that it would change his personality forever. But Carrie Fisher's untimely death made that impossible. So without Carrie on board to redeem him, and to forgive him on behalf of her beloved husband and all the Han fans, they had no choice but to just kill him.


Vader did far worse and was redeemed in ROTJ. All they had to do was have Palpatine manipulate him and it can go a long way to make him sympathetic.


Well, there's two reasons the Vader redemption worked, or at least, worked better than the Darth Emo redemption. (RotJ was never my favorite film, and I've never been as moved by Vader's redemption as some.)

One reason was that they kept his redemption a surprise until the very end, and didn't spend three fucking movies raising expectations for it. The other reason is that they made it immediately obvious that Vader wasn't getting away with anything, that even if he'd killed the Emperor he was still going to die for his sins, really, really, soon.

And oh yeah - nobody had any desire to see Vader carry on the Skywalker-Solo family line! That was something everyone was vaguely hoping for. Admit it, that even if you were like me and wanted so see that whiny prat suffer and die, you hoped he'd leave Leia a grandchild stuffed with midichlorians.


Nobody is worse than EMO Man Child


That's true but the fanboys would had revolted. You can get away with genocide but killing Harrison Ford? Burn them!
