Original Trilogy-only fans are too blame and are the main reason we got horrible poorly written unoriginal trilogy.

They hate everything after Return Of The Jedi, they think the Originals were oh so perfect with no flaws whatsoever, they think anything Star Wars-related that doesn't involve Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Stormtroopers, Ewoks sucks and that's a big reason why they hated the Prequels because they had much better lore and and much better lightsaber fights and special effects.

They think Star Wars should never evolve beyond what their precious cheesy black and white movies they grew up were with and or never try anything because they geezers who want to hold onto everything from the 60's, 70's and 80's forever. Their the type of guys that think The Beatles are still the greatest band ever and their favorite TV show is the original Star Trek.

They WANTED this trilogy to be nothing more apology letter for Episodes 1-3 and they WANTED these movies to be nothing more than a giant Original Trilogy-rip-off, just like they seriously thought bringing back the old cast was a good idea even they were old as fuck and Carrie Fisher wasn't even in good health to return.

Even if these movies were A LOT like the Prequels but with better scripts, better acting and better dialogue and execution, they would have HATED them still because it wasn't a carbon copy of the Original Trilogy.

This is why no one likes Star Wars fans...except well Star Wars fans. Oh well...who cares the Dragon Ball franchise this overrated franchise out of the water and replaced Star Wars as the "Star Wars" of this generation years ago...


next up "people who want good quality sofas are to blame for shoddy Chinese manufacturing. diners are responsible for restaurant sub par food and food poisoning"

sorry people like good films and have standards. Sorry Disneys entire strategy was minority quota to bring in the women, black people and Chinese over actually well written stories..


Me like disney star wars movies. Me no have to think while watching them.


Yup. We want movies with that magical feeling of imagination engagement and transportation to a new world. We wanted good, solid storytelling, characters we loved and cared about, and a cohesive narrative. We wanted themes we could dig on and that had enough depth to think about long after the movies. In other words: everything the OT delivered up. That's a tall order. But if you're going to follow an act like Star Wars, then boys, you'd best come correct.

But you're right: we do have high standards for this stuff and the fact that those heights weren't even approached (let alone rivaled or surpassed) was, indeed, the reason why we disliked the PT and now the ST.

Why is a desire for quality a problem...?

I can't speak for the other OT fans, but I don't want a carbon copy, and one of the problems with the ST is that it does carbon copy A New Hope and then dredges up a lot of the OT stuff as fan service.

For the record: the OT isn't flawless. Return of the Jedi in particular has some big flaws. It is a GREAT trilogy, though. They are not my favourite movies.

Nostalgia definitely plays a factor in everybody's appreciation of things, but even people who weren't nostalgic for these films came to LOVE them (the original '77 fans).

But there's lots of things that are new and awesome, just as there are lots of things that are old an awesome. The Beatles are one of the best bands of all time and they secured that spot with skill and artistic merit. But new bands are brilliant, too. Warren Zevon was a genius, Tom Waits is brilliant, Larkin Poe are wonderful. But if a new band formed up and called themselves The Beatles Part II, and they had the blessing of Apple music, and then they ripped off a bunch of the Beatles songs while mocking that legacy, and never coming close to the original greatness of those songs, well, I think an unfavourable comparison is merited.


kill yourself OP


I would tend to blame the people who made the movies being the main reason we got a horrible poorly written unoriginal trilogy, because, you know, they...made the movies. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Literally zero people wanted a rehash

Only dumbass posers wanted that - people who watched the ot for the first time in 2015 because of Disneys social media campaigns claiming to be 'fans'.
