I find the lack of hype disturbing

Even Episode 3 had a ridiculous amount of crazy hype months in advanced, and that was after Episodes 1 and 2 were dissapointments. You’d think with that logic that nobody would be excited for Episode 3 if the two movies before it sucked, but no, people were still lining up halfway around the block and losing sleep for ROTS.

You just aren’t seeing that with Episode 9. I’d say there is mild excitement but for the supposed last SW movie, that’s immensely upsetting. Disney has nobody to blame but themselves.


The Last Jedi was masterfully crafted to completely kill any hype most people had for the sequel series. I myself was pretty happy with Episode 7 and was a little hyped for Last Jedi, but the movie somehow not only managed to be a pretty bad movie but also made Episode 7 a lot worse by existing. You can debate whether that's on JJ or Rian, but the conclusion is the same.

I wasn't really there for the prequel hype, but I suppose that Anakin turning bad was at least a bit of a selling point as opposed to the nothing Episode 9 has to offer.


Don't be a hater... we all love SW and will see it opening weekend, if not day... ill see it day :)


I won’t see it at all.


It's called 'diversity'. Until Last Jedi, the franchise had a crazy amount of hype. Now, it hasn't. The hype is diverse: very high before, very low now. Let's rejoice, since that's politically correct XD


The Last Jedi subverted our expectations for the next film. People are about as hyped for it as an Avatar sequel.

It will have to have some pretty strong reviews, not just by critics this time, by the fans in general before I pay to see it.

JJ has been left with a pretty hard job with the scraps of crap RR handed him. Luke a miserable old man is gone, Lei alive but dead in real life.

Rey's parents are drunks, JJ is going to pull the rabbit out of the hat with this one.

Rey is the Emperors kid. Just like Anakin was a darkside kid.



That hits the nail on the head, I think - nobody gives a tin shit about these characters. Disney destroyed the characters that people actually cared about, and inserting Lando into this one isn’t going to make up for that.


I find it understandable after those two dumpster fires known as TLJ and Solo. Frankly, I have not enjoyed any of the SW films Disney has made so far, and after TLJ, I chose never to watch any made by them ever again. Even the Prequels weren't as bad as TLJ.

I'll stick with the first two trilogies, thanks.
