why didnt Jon Favreau direct VIII?

he's done great on The Mandalorian, why didnt KK give VIII to Jon 'IT WAS MOLTEN!' Favs to write/direct? Ok CowboysvAliens was pretty bad and bombed but he spectacularly kicked off the MCU and Jungle Book was a huge hit for Disney in 2016 so you'd think hed have got the job over Rian Johnson, and based on The Mandalorian it would've been a more fan pleasing movie that probably would've hit 2b


Begs the question doesn’t it, I agree with your every word! We can only wonder how things might’ve turned out.


The Last Jedi had already begun production before The Force Awakens was released and started shooting before Jungle Book was released

It only begs the question why they didn't go back in a time machine and change the directors on already shooting productions to the ones who will direct future hit movies.

By the way. The Last Jedi was a massive hit film.


The Last Jedi was a massive hit film

Thanks for the laugh, needed cheering up today.

Money does not equate quality.


Then why did the OP cite Jungle Book's hit film status?


"Money does not equate quality."

7.0 at IMDB, 90% at RT, and 84 out of 100 at Metacritic. That + money = definition of a hit.


Oh God, here we go with the trolls again. TLJ didn't make anywhere near as much money as TFA, as I recall.


The most profitable movie in theatres, 2018.

Money doesn't equate to quality though. Haven't you heard?


Transformers films made over a billion each and they are crap

So yes money doesn't equate quality


Then why are Jungle Book's and TFA's grosses being waved in our faces?


I'm sure Favreau didn't want the burden of trying to salvage this mess of a trilogy.
