MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Things that would have made The Last Jed...

Things that would have made The Last Jedi better

1. Finn sacrificing himself instead of being pulled away at the last minute by his lame friend.
2. Get rid of the lame friend
3. Luke actually fighting Kylo and being killed in front of Rey to strengthen her resolve to fight against the First Order
4. Remove the Leia Superman sequence, just have her die in space at the hands of Kylo blasting the ship
5. Remove cucked Poe, he's supposed to be a rebel, not a little wuss. Poe should have witnessed Leia's death at the hands of Kylo blasting the ship and then become a stronger person and leader.
6. Get rid of giraffe neck Laura Dern


1. But we need a black quota
2. But we need an Asian quota
3. But that would be unoriginal and repedetive
4. I agree with this one
5. Poe was already a strong leader. For this to work he would need to be brought down first, like he massively fucked up with the bombing mission.
6. I agree with this one


- Not being afraid of "fan service"

It's fucking Star Wars, not some independent film on the Sundance channel. Fan service is apart of it. Guess how many people support this franchise not only by going to see the films, but also going to conventions, collecting merchandise, cosplaying, ect. The fans are the reason this IP is anything, so service them.

- Don't kill Luke, you assholes!

Luke Skywalker is important to sooooo many people. Mark Hamill is alive and still doing some great acting. Why the fuck are you killing him off in the middle of the trilogy!!? "Hey, this will be edgy and unexpected! Let the past die, kill it if you have to... heh heh he... Fuck you, Ruin Johnson!

PS. I don't buy Mark Hamill's backtracking of his statements made about not liking the way Ruin Johnson wrote Luke. Mark knows he was shit on by both Ruin and Kathleen Kennedy, but I bet he doesn't want to sour any relationship he has with Disney.

- Don't kill off Snoke.

Let me get this straight, your killing off the big bad before we get the chance to know anything about him, to even care enough that you're killing him off? Brilliant, no one will be mad about that...

- Poe and Finn had great chemistry in TFA. Maybe they should team up for a mission or something.

Nope, let's create a character that no one will like, send Finn and her on a pointless SJW side quest that no will like, and then shoehorn a romance even though they have no chemistry whatsoever, which no will like.

- Hmmm Admiral Akbar, who fans love, or Laura Dern. Tough decision...

- Remove Leia Poppins

That's just stupid.

- Watch "Return of the Jedi" again and then write your scene with Yoda

It's such a powerful scene between Luke and Yoda in ROTJ. We've waited decades to see these two again, but the scene plays more like two guys in a book club rather than two Jedi masters. "Page-turners they were not" Are you fucking kidding me? The whole scene was just off.


by CaptainObvious:

3. Luke actually fighting Kylo and being killed in front of Rey to strengthen her resolve to fight against the First Orde

@I have a hunch that Disney and the writers want Kylo to be redeemed by the end of episode nine so killing Luke was a no they offered viewers an alternative : Kylo "killing" Luke's projection. This way Luke will be back as a ghost force and will guide/ help Rey in redeeming Kylo . Luke confessed , he feels he failed Ben Solo and so he hopes Rey will bring Kylo Ren back to the light...just like Obi-wan felt he failed Anakin and wanted Luke to bring Darth Vader back to the light...

Idem for No 4...Kylo killing Leia was not an option ..due to redemption arc.

I agree on all the other points !


Sunshine, That makes a lot of sense, it would be way too difficult to pull off the redemption conclusion, if Kylo was responsible for the death of 2 beloved characters.


Thanks ghostboy!

Nice to know that someone agrees with my line of thought.


George Lucas should of written and produced the ST, just like he did with Empire and Jedi.

Rian Johnson shouldnt of been let any where near Star wars , and i still cant believe he is in control of a whole new triology , absolute madness.


I absolutely hated The Last Jedi. Thought the script was atrocious and that the movie broke to much of the "in universe rules".

Stumbled across the 46 min fan edit on youtube yesterday, for a goof I decided to watch it. It was really an eye opener. Seeing that edit really shows how the movie could have been made better.

Granted the edit was somewhat of a trolljob to trigger people but it showed how much useless stuff just acted as filler.

So what did I like about it? No Admiral Holdo, Rose, Canto Bight, Leia Marry Poppins, no poorly timed jokes( Poe prank calling Hux, removing tension etc), less of captain Phasma( that character just didn't work for me).
Luke was also edited to be less of a failure and Rey was pictured in a better way. She only fights one guard in the throne room which makes more sense since she has only known about the force less then 2 weeks, TFA being 1 week long timewise and TLJ 3 days or so).

The changes I liked could be interpreted I guess by some lunatics like I dislike women in Star Wars. Not at all. It was just that The Last Jedi have so many poorly written female characters. Also it has so much useless filler that when cut gives a more streamlined focused movie. For example lots of time in the beginning is used to depict how the pilot that destroys the Dreadnaught struggles with opening a hatch to drop bombs. The whole thing didn't work for me. Better would have been to use a character we know from before in her place so we are emotionally invested. This creates more tension. Also it was so stupid with how the ships were designed. Bombs in space opening a hatch into the ship. How slow fragile and nonsensical the ships were brought me somewhat out of the movie.

In short I would really advice people to check out the 46 min youtube edit. Like I wrote it actually shows how much useless stuff could be cut while still giving a pretty coherent story. Nvm the troll name "defeminized fan edit" or whatever.


- Better script
- Less female involvement
- No tokenism
- Not made by Disney


Built a overreaching story arc before they made this new trilogy,

Give Finn a real purpose, by actually making him a hero.

I have no problem with the first Order challenging the Republic, but having them be a massive force over night is a huge cop-out. I would have made them competitive to the republic but i wouldn't make them stronger than the republic

More action, because everything seems to have been done just to be anti-climactic. Including the action

Give the light speed ram death to General Akbar.

I would have written Laura Dern's character better, or at least make the conflict between her and Poe more understandable.

Dialed back the weird humor.

Make Phasma the actual bad ass she is hinted to be


I would add a #7. Tone down all the comedic elements of "space Vegas". It felt more like a ridiculous over-the-top sequence from the Anakin trilogy.

Oh and a possible #8. I REEEEALY could've done without the "milk" scene.
