MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Should the Rebellion make an ethnic clea...

Should the Rebellion make an ethnic cleansing of white males in the galaxy?

According to the narrative of the modern Star Wars, white males are inherently evil nazis psychopaths. They can't help it, it's likely a biological evil feature. So... should the Rebellion kill all non-hispanic white males in order to bring Peace, Progress, Human Rights and Social Justice to the galaxy?




Luke couldn't avoid killing little Jedi kids, like his father (Annakin at least didn't fail, though).

Probably killing little Jedi children is some kind of compulsion that overwhelms the male members of the Skywalker family. It's just a matter of time before Emo Ren starts to do the same. Who knows if every white male Jedi has it too? It's likely.

Luke was another evil psychopath.


Even the most noble aspirations of white males are tainted with evil so they should be exterminated from the face the Galaxy. It's the only way to be sure.



I didn't think about "nazichlorians". Good one.

She does NOT want white men to continue to be a part of Star Wars fandom

Not only white men. Many women too. Not to say people in China, Korea or Japan who don't like the SJW narrative at all. You demonize white men, you're losing a lot of clients. Star Wars movies were intended to be the new Marvel movies, making tons of money during the next decade. Three movies later, the franchise is mortally wounded.

As food for thoughts, a good way of measuring fanaticism is seeing how much money they are willing to lose because of it. And here we're talking about many many millions.


Lots of your clients? Ahahaha. Clearly you never seen the population decline of whites as majority. By 2050 it'll be like 52% of the population if not less from 77%. They're slowly trying to replace whites with illegals, blacks, muslim.


You wouldn't patronize a restaurant where the waiter verbally abused you even if the food was good.

You don't know me!



Cuckoo. That's a good name for you!


They already tried that with the Matrix.


I'm a white male and my wife is an Asian female--does that mean I get a pass?

Kathleen Kennedy: "Are you Hispanic white or Caucasian white?"

Me: "I'm Caucasian white."

Kathleen Kennedy: "Hell, no! You don't get a pass! Interracial couples are only acceptable if the man isn't a white Caucasian! Apologize now!"

Me: "Fvck you, you racist, Uber-PC, feminazi b!tch."

Kathleen Kennedy: "WHAT?!!! How DARE you speak that way to me?!"

Me: "You want women to have equality, correct? I'm speaking the same way I would to you that I would a man."

Kathleen Kennedy: "No! 'Equality' is you being subservient to all women!"

Me: "That's not equality, you delusional psycho." *Walks away*

Sadly, I'm not even exaggerating that much.


Sadly, I'm not even exaggerating that much.

Not at all.

I love Asian movies (South Korean ones specially), and characters look completely different from Asian characters in "diversity" western movies. In western movies, Asian characters (and blacks, and hispanics) are written like standard white middle class Californians, something that tells me that Hollywood doesn't like REAL diversity that much, only as an aesthetic ornamentation. And same happens with gender equality: it's OK as an aesthetic claim, but don't dare to treat Ms.Kennedy the same way you would treat a man.


Well said on all counts.




The two Hispanic males in TLJ were also put in their place. As was the black male.


...and you just know Solo will be a 2-hour scolding of Han Solo by Danaerys-face... the masculine archetype of the cocksure scoundrel will be dismantled, just as the image of the noble selfless hero was violated in TLJ.


Emilia Clarke is gonna eat him alive. This is the actor trying to look like a badass in one scene... and he can't help looking like a crybaby in the second half of the scene.

Was he young, Harrison Ford would NOT have got the role nowadays, white males actors are supposed to look like psychopaths or like pathetic crybabies in modern Hollywood.


*Sigh* I knew it. I guess I'll be crossing Solo off my list as well. I guess someone forgot to tell Kathleen that, if you want to speak out against sexism and bigotry, be sure you're not indulging in it yourself.

I'd take any of the prequels over this crap.


It was predictable :( Right now characters must fit archetypes depending on their race and gender: white males are either psychopaths, violent abusers or pathetic crybabies. The only exceptions seem to be characters written decades ago (when they don't change them, as they changed Luke) and Nolan movies. We won't see any Harrison Ford or John Wayne or Cary Grant or Sean Connery or Kirk Douglas in the near future.

As an interesting thing, Asian characters are supposed to stay in a secondary role. Real badass and fuckers are reserved for white females and/or black males. You'll never see Ken Watanabe or Yoo Gong getting the top main character in a Hollywood movie. Damn hell, in Dr.Strange you had the holy kung-fu-folkloric monastery in the mountains ruled by... a white female and a black male!!! I couldn't believe it when I saw the movie!
