

To make things at least a tiny bit different from what was done before?

Why does it even matter?



Because your own question appears to pretty redundant in itself.

You appear to be asking for justification for this creative decision. So some reasons from you as to why you are asking would allow the basis some kind of discussion, if that's what you even want.

Until then "why not?" or "Why did the character need to be a boy?" are acceptable answers.

Can you give reasoned response why they're not?




She didn't need to be a girl. She just is.

That seems like a reasonable enough answer for this level of discussion.



You might as well be asking "Why did Chewbacca need to be a Wookie?" or "why did C3PO need to be gold?" Give me a reasoned answer, if you can. Questions are not answers. Go... "

It's a character, it's what they wanted to do, there's doesn't need to be any reasons other than: that's the decision they made when they wrote the script.



I just gave you one suitable to this interaction.

Obviously not one you feel justifies a decision you spend too much time crying about.



Really? You consider this trolling?

You must be some kind of extra special and delicate snowflake then, aren't you just precious?



No I haven't.

Have you?

If you have, then surely you should have the insight to come up with an answer to your own question...



It is important to the story because there is another major character who is male and she is the foil to that character.

Her being female allows for possible "will they wont they" or romantic attachment to that male character in future plot lines, because as "progressive" as Disney want to make out they are they're not going to have a gay romance front and center of a Star Wars film.

Not until episode XVI at the earliest anyway.



"there is another major character who is male and she is the foil to that character." I don't totally buy this as a reason she is drawn as a female, but I see where you are coming from.

Really, seems like a fairly reasonable and obvious argument but if you need to sold...

Kylo Ren is the dark side, Rey is the light.
Kylo Ren is cruel and evil, Rey is (at the moment)compassionate and good.
It's a binary thing 1 and 0.
Kylo Ren yin to Rey's yang.

So if Kylo Ren is male then for the purposes of the way the story and characters are constructed it makes so much more sense to have the foil to him be its natural opposite which is female to contrast this aspect of his character rather than have a droid or a wookie or a human man.

Seems like a no brainer really.

Also Ren and Rey are totally being set up to bang. He asks Rey to rule the galaxy with him and she get's flustered at seeing him half naked. And the "hate you but I love you but I hate you" romance the favourite dynamic in Star Wars.



They haven't utilized her gender to make any kind of story point with it.

Ah yes, she must use her vagina in order to be justified. Good one!


You're now on my ignore list, troll. It's sad, because I feel that if you weren't such an obvious prick, you'd actually have something insightful to say.


"Really, seems like a fairly reasonable and obvious argument but if you need to sold.." As per your examples, it could be a male vs a male foil, just like Vader and Luke. So, Rey being female just to a female foil, to me, doesn't seem like a strong enough reason. They haven't utilized her gender to make any kind of story point with it. People will say, "well, maybe in the next film." But, it's too late for that. Great writers establish characters gender as part of their story arc, so Rey being a girl should have a strong reason for being such as part of the story, and not "just because."

But we're not talking about Luke and Vader are we. So that's irrelevant to these characters in these films.

"So, Rey being female just to a female foil, to me, doesn't seem like a strong enough reason." And you're conveniently ignoring all of the other reasons I stated that would that would make her character being female a "reasonable" decision.

Again. It's about her being a contrasting character to her antagonist and gender is just another character trait that can achieve and strengthen that contrast.

So, you asked for a reasoned answer I've given you what you asked for.

But seeing as you brought Luke Skywalker into it how much time was spent justifying the gender of his character? None. He just was was he was. Nobody thought twice, and you don't seem to be having any trouble accepting that.



Ahh right, so men can't write female characters and, I assume, women can't write male characters... lol

Not convincing.



Mangled, you are dealing with one of the dumbest, most deranged, idiotic trolls on these boards. This piece of human excrement is simply not worthy of your time. He/she isn't really interested in an answer and wouldn't accept a good one, which you can see in the opening post and the fact that your perfectly acceptable responses were rejected.

Really, don't bother with this loser.


Yeah... but I'm bored!


Hey, if interacting with that moron entertains you, then who am I to complain? You come off looking better and smarter at any rate.





Because of the day and age we live in



gender equality and racial equality is being forced upon us , in the 70s 80s no one gave a shit, now movie studios are being run by feminist terrorists that have a number of boxes that need to be ticked before a movie begins production



you have artistic freedom on low budget indie type films , a script or story is written , its made into a film, big budget movies , as with the new star wars trilogy , no story , but I bet you 100 million bucks they have already discussed that it must have at least 5 chicks, 4 black dudes, 5 Asians and they all must crack stupid jokes.



style over substance is what im saying , George Lucas probably had legitimate stories , or some other acclaimed writer , if there are no stories there are no sequels, just movies for the sake of movies , this is what we are seeing here.



Why did Luke need to be a boy?

Give me a reasoned answer, if you can.



Why did Luke need to be a boy?

Give me a reasoned answer, if you can.


landofree is not honest enough to ever address this point. Misogynist pigs don't like to face the truth.



In early drafts of ANH, Luke was going to be a female character. So maybe Disney picked up on that and chose to realise that original concept in Rey?

Unfortunately, the most probable explanation is that Rey is female in order to push a gender politics agenda. I certainly can’t see any particular story reason. The character could have just as easily been male.


There's no reason for any women in Star Wars then. Nerds will be more comfortable because there won't be any girls in the theater.


There’s plenty of reason for women in Star Wars, just like any other story. If a character works better being female, then the character should be female. If the character works better as a male, then it should be male. But the decision should be driven by the story. If the choice of gender doesn’t affect the story, then it’s purely at the discretion of the writer.

Therefore, I’m not suggesting for a moment that Rey *should* have been male, only that it probably wouldn’t have made a difference either way.


Therefore, I’m not suggesting for a moment that Rey *should* have been male, only that it probably wouldn’t have made a difference either way.

Ah but see, landofree is literally declaring in this topic that a character should only be female if the story NEEDS a female... Otherwise it's an agenda.

Male characters are excluded from this gender microscope of his, obviously.

Oh and he has also said many times that his constant obsession over female characters has nothing to do with gender and it's not misogyny or sexism.

Basic troll crap, really.



What if for some reason, Rey WAS the last and only Jedi, but she got pregnant with "a New Hope". Now her gender has contributed something uniquely challenging for that character.

Oh my god...Smh.



Artistic choice, I guess. It’s a hard question to answer because Rey did not need to be female.



In Alien the Ripley character was original male


Two words: Kathy Kennedy.




I just think Kathy just wanted a girl to root for.




No, there's no logical story reason that I can discern. I'm sticking with my theory. KK simply wants a girl she can look up to and root for.



It’s a classic case of self-insertion





Boys already love star wars, with a female lead it now opens star wars to the female population of the world. Double the money



I dare say that Disney only cares about business reasons


Isn't it obvious, so that Kylo, Finn and Poe can treat her like a piece of meat.

Seriously, Rey calls Kylo a monster and scolds him for killing his father then when Rey sees Kylo shirtless, her womanly urges give in and she wants to change him. It mirrors a woman remaining in a abusive relationship. Kylo is psycho but she can change him.



1. The outline for Episode 7 from George Lucas had a new female Jedi apprentice (I believe Kira was the name) traveling to find and train with Luke. It was actually almost identical to Rey finding Luke on Ahch-To, all the way down to the terrain, the old Jedi temple, etc. The preproduction art is included in the Last Jedi art book.

2. Luke was originally planned by Lucas to be a female main character.

3. You're so intimidated by females, it's hilarious.


1. I'm sure George Lucas had a reason, as he is a master storyteller. I'd be curious to know what that reason was.

2. Well, it didn't end up that way, I'm sure for a good reason.

3. Why do you make up fake scenarios about me to make your points? It's disturbing. I ask a question, and you immediately resort to sexist reasons. You've got some strange fixations.


"Why do you make up fake scenarios about me"

LOL it's cute how you think anyone would buy this kind of B.S. You're the one who made yet another topic about females.


"You're the one who made yet another topic about females." Yes, do you not like talking about women? Are you a misogynist? Can we not talk about women here, or are women just something to you to be oppressed?


Lando, you really need to get laid. Seriously. Just let it go, man. This is not doing you any good.



I'm sure they teach in literature class "Make all your characters male UNLESS there is a reason in the story necessitating they be female."

You're a moronic troll and you're only getting worse.


Wow!!! You are a smug dummy, aren't you? You get more annoying with every post.
