What did you want from this film?

Okay... So everybody seems to hate this film.
What exactly did you want from it then?

I've just watched it. For me, it seemed alright as far as fantasy films go.
It was stupid in parts but no more silly then the originals.
Could have done with out the CGI giant dog racing but apart from that what's your beef?


None here...I loved it!


A proper sequel to TFA would be nice. Instead we just got a "fuck it, kill it" to almost all the plot lines and new characters introduced in TFA.


The movie triggered my castration anxieties.


Po and Finn's reckless plan didn't save Mom (Leia) and the babysitter ( Hodo). Leia had to firmly but gently tell them to grow up.

Luke tossed his light saber (penis) aside and let a girl have it. And she's not even a girl born from royalty or the spawn of heroes, just a random girl with determination...and she's really good with a light saber.

Dad (yoda) showed up and mocked Luke for being weak and a coward. I felt bad for him.

When Finn tries to sacrifice himself and die like a hero, a girl driver hits him and firmly but gently explains that dying to kill your enemies is not as valuable as living to fight for the things you love. Finn really wanted to be a heroic suicide. I felt bad for him that he failed.

A little stable boy may grow up to be the King of Kings but I'm only going be entertained and reassured if he is a violent samurai, cowboy, smuggler or trigger happy jet pilot.


nailed it


Conan agrees and will say more.

The Mighty Cock of Conan has been offended : some old nagging lady tried to tell Conan that he should keep his Mighty Cock (which is made of STEEL btw) floppy and squishy and strictly in its pants (or loincloth).

But that is not what the Might Cock of Conan is for !

Conan is supposed to storm castle gates with it, lead his fellow Cimmerian tribesmen to victory and then flap it on the face of his vanquished foes !

Conan shall not stand for movies where old women try to keep strong independent men (like Poe) docile and domesticated : Conan shall flap his Mighty Cock as much as he pleases !

The Might Cock of Conan shall stand erect in defiance forever : because it is made of STEEL.


Luke not evaporate randomly after doing force astral projection (seriously ...) with the film only saying 2 lines of dialog because focus has to be on Mary Sue now.

Plus wanted less mary sue bs but that didn't happen either.

Loved how she trained herself as a jedi, went to the dark side 100% unaffected just because she is pure because womyn.


Who's Mary Sue?


More character depth, answers to TFA questions, more scenes with Luke and Rey training and building a relationship between the two, more scenes with Kylo, a more serious tone (it was more serious but was undercut with stupid jokes all of the time), all of the characters having an important role to play. That's basically what I wanted.


The depth of characters was in keeping with the originals though.
Luke and Yoda trained for about 5 minutes.
I don't get the obsession with Rey's parents needing to be some one.
The Skywalker family were nobodies 3 generations ago. That's not very far back in terms of family ties. Maybe it is for Americans, I dunno.
Surly though a story where some one comes from nowhere and rises to the top, is a more "American dream" friendly message then, 'she's only special because her parents are special' story?


Rey's parents don't need to be anyone important. I just think that after two movies, we don't know much about Rey, Fin or Poe for me to really care. I think Rey is a good character with a lot of potential that was wasted in this movie.

Even if Luke and Yoda trained for a short amount of time, they had interactions, real conversations and while we got that in this movie, I feel like it left a lot to be desired. Fin's storyline with Rose was still a waste of 40 minutes and Poe's storyline could have been solved if Holdo just told him the plan. I just feel like most of the movie was a waste of time and that they started shooting while Rian was writing the first draft.

This movie didn't need to be Empire (considering it's both Empire and Return of the Jedi), but I guess people just had higher expectations and this movie should have been made more for fans of the previous movies, even just fans of TFA. It feels like Rian just hated TFA and wanted to get rid of everything from that in one movie.


You nailed it.

I think everybody who is unhappy with the movie (which is half if not more of the fan base) wanted a truer sequel and proper continuation to the story. Just a good star wars movie that continued the story. TFA set everything up so well and TLJ just pissed it away and stated fresh. Problem is we are 2/3 of the way threw this story and are back at square one with all the characters. The Empire Strikes Back Developed Luke, Han, Leia, Chewy, and Vader. While at the same time adding amazing new characters like Lando and Yoda. We didn't get anything like that with TLJ. We got buffoon Hux and Rose.... ah jeez.

We wanted: Answers for the interesting questions raised in TFA We Got: FU it doesn't matter

We wanted: More Character Dev for Rey, Poe, Fin, Kylo, Snoke We Got: A huge waste of time, half the movie in Harry potter land. Luke milking a sea cow. A Chase sequence that's anti climatic at best.

We Wanted: A space battle and Light saber duels We Got: A Non sense bombing run, porgs, and Plastic Red Army Men battle that held zero emotional weight. Seriously, it's star wars and you have 200 Million dollars put a proper space battle in there.

We Wanted: Interesting intelligent dialog We Got: Cartoon Bad Guys, Throw Away Jokes, and the worlds worse romance

We Wanted: To know what was so special about Rey.. why is she so powerful how do Kylo and Snoke already know her. Who is she? We Got: She's nobody and she is just good at the force and with a light saber.. because that's what the story needs.

We Wanted: To find out who Snoke is how did he come in contact with the first order, how is he so powerful, why does he want Kylo so bad, how does he know who Vader is? We Got: It doesn't matter he's dead.

I guess for me personally. The TLJ is fine if you are not invested in the characters, story, or mythology. If you want to go to the theater and see pretty lights, CGI characters, and laugh at silly jokes it's fine. I just expected more


CoachGainz gets it. I expected all these things as well, because TFA set up these expectations.

However, I still cling on to some hope that Abrams can make good on some of these answers in Episode IX.


I love the mind-bending that tfa apologists employ in order to live with themselves.

There is not 'in keeping' with the originals regarding tfa, rey or any of the other bs.

The best part about sjw's is that they don't believe in facts, they live in fairy land where everyone gets a medal for being mediocre. Nice one.


Overall I liked it, but I did want a tighter and more streamlined product.


I just wanted the Luke I know, the one that does not sneak in the middle of the night to murder people in their sleep.


good plot, character development, fun
