MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > THATS IT! Rain Johnson is obviously a FU...

THATS IT! Rain Johnson is obviously a FUCKING idiot!

And Disney fucktarded!!! So many things wrong with this story...trilogy to the man that is currently watching the ruin of Star Wars...✔️ Another trilogy done on spec(no script...outline...nothing!!!)...✔️ Lack of concern from BOTH as to...ANYTHING PERTAINING TO THE FUCKING MOVIE IN GENERAL?!?!?!?...✔️ I literally threw my iPad across the room when I read that the timeline for which it is to be set is of no interest to him...if I approached mowing my lawn with this logic...the neighbors wife would end up pregnant...





So did your ipad break?


I don't think so.It's apple,they never break.


Looks like he will just write some story and just slap the Star Wars sticker on it. And I bet he will invent more force powers just to "make the story interesting", because he is an even worse writer than Jar Jar Abrams.


Writing a story takes time - I think that's all Rian is saying at this point.

It would be disappointing if he ended up freewheeling with the Star Wars concept and came up with something that had lost the character of Star Wars. But then again, what is the character of Star Wars? Everyone seems to disagree.


I wouldn't at all be surprised if this Rain project is cancelled...then again--maybe not. Disney's aggressive defense of Rain may be our answer: they want to undo everything Lucas ever did and redo Star Wars in their own vision. That's why that d-bag Rain was brought in. He seems completely uninterested with the Star Wars mythology and seems to quite oddly be in love with himself. Look at that smug idiot--he gas this "please punch me" type of face and is in love with his own dumb vision for Star Wars.

Why Disney is hellbent on doing to Star Wars what Sony did to Ghostbusters is beyond me.

Have fun losing money on Star Wars, Disney--we old fans are your main BO base and myself and many others are jumping ship. You think some "new generation" will save this? Watch reality set in as your returns for future films shrink further and further. Idiots.


Yup...glad you focused on his lack of interest...that is what sent me into a a lazy mule...want his attention...bring a pole down between his fucking ears! Hundreds of million dollars lost is starting to look a lot like a pole!


So it means Star Wars: Legacy comics is out of window.
