Critics get it wrong again


So the antifeminists who love Max Landis and followed his "Rey is a Mary Sue" marching orders probably tanked the Last Jedi score intentionally while inflating the score for this one, because he wrote it.

Bright looks atrocious. I could barely even finish the trailer, literally. It's also one of the only movies (maybe THE only) where I couldn't tell what the title had to do with anything.



The critic score should be even lower. The CNN review by Brian Lowry is a completely negative review yet it shows up as Fresh. It's the first one listed.



No...critics got it right. Now we know you are a fan of crap like Despicable Me and Minions and Suicide Squad but you really need to keep your anti-Disney vitriol in check.

They are a better studio than your shitty, beloved Universal and Warner Brothers.

Deal with it!


Really Queen? Nopers, critics got it WRONG! Universal and Warner Brothers ROCK, stupid Disney is STUPID! Learn to cope, you wannabe loser trainwreck!! KISS MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!
So hey Dark, want to hear something weird? I just watched, "Bright" on Netflix, right? And wanted to pull it up here to see what people thought of it. I also saw The Last Jedi just last night and hadn't had a chance to further dwell in it's negativity, so pulled that up in a different tab to read about it after. So I skimmed the few comments there were about Bright...people seemed to like it, I thought it was pretty good for Netflix movie. K, so clicked over to the Last Jedi tab, pulled up your link and...its to the movie "Bright". that on my end somehow? Seems almost too coincidental. Reading about Bright, come to read about The Last Jedi and am reading about Bright again. What?
Anyway, figured I'd point that out in case it was a mistake on your part.

Er on topic, I didn't care much at all for the movie either. Luke fricking Skywalker has been a cultural icon for what, 40 years now? And he just deserved better, IMO. Anyway....just my two cents.

You're a WHORE, Queen, a filthy froth-chomping WHORE!


You're an admitted Minions and Jurassic World fan...they RAWWWK dude!


Hey jehosophat...I bet you end up editing out your embarrassing statement "Universal and Warner Bros ROCK" before the day is done.

Were you drunk when you wrote that?


Don't worry, Jurassic World 2 is just around the corner and before you can blink you'll have Suicide Squad 2, Sing 2, Secret Life of Pets 2, Minions 2, Despicable Me 4, Trolls 2...


Hey Queen ....Nice call on Jumanji Topping The Last Jedi this Weeknd....

lol This is another one of your CHILDISH predictions that failed on a Truly Epic Level and will go along nice with some of your other Epic Fails that I love to quote....

"300 Million Domestically is Dead for Thor 3"

"850 Million Isn't going to happen for Thor 3"

"JL Will Make 150 Million +, No 133 Million, No 115 Million, ok so JL made 94 Million opening weekend but you just wait, JL Will dominate Thanksgiving and have excellent holds due to Great Word of Mouth"

and Now "The Last Jedi Will Struggle to Top Jumanji"

lol worth noting, I'm not kidding or exaggerating, YOU Queen May be The ONLY person on earth who actually predicted Jumanji to top The Last Jedi...

Stop and think about that, think how many "Haters" are out there, think how many Star Wars fans are out there that are angry and want nothing more than for The Last Jedi to fail, Think how many just plain Idiots there are there, and literally NOT ONE of them were dumb enough to predict what you did....

that should really tell you something about yourself, You either truly are a complete idiot who is so clueless about box office that You expected something to happen that NO ONE ELSE on Earth expected...

Or probably much more likely, Your so broken and Beaten by DCs and JLs failures your now stooping to absurd levels to try and make yourself feel better...

I got to believe that Not even you truly expected Jumanji to top TLJ, I think you are just so upset,angry and Desperate that You've had to watch JL get brutally Laughed and ripped apart this last month for its Pathetic box office run, that Your now just SHAMEFULLY trying to troll on TLJ to feel some sort of release...

next post


You deep down have to know that TLJ's box office is Incredible, the movie is going to make around 1.5 Billion and Is a universal Success, But due to the absolute Pain and Shame you've felt this last mouth(and if were being honest the last 4 years really) 4 out of the 5 DCEU films have truly brought YOU and Other DC fans nothing but Pain +Shame, and also extreme Jealousy, considering 2 of the DCEU films have directly went against MCU films and Lost in every possible)

and to make matters worse, Those 2 DCEU films were easily the 2 DCEU films DC fans cared about most and films that DC fans spent YEARS Guaranteeing would dominate and KILL the MCU

I mean, sure Watching BvS and JL get ripped apart by critics, Watching these films get Awful Ratings and Audiences Scores, Watching these films have HORRIBLE box office performances and have historic box office drops due to POISONOUS Word of mouth, Watching these films be brutally MOCKED for embarrassing creative failures like "Martha" and "Mustache Gate" must have truly been awful....

But you know whats even worse?

Watching Marvel Studios put have 2 MCU films at the exact same time, that have The exact success you dreamed of for the DCEU You didnt just have to watch BvS fail, no you had to watch BvS fail while directly going against Civil War and Watch Civil War Succeed in every ay you dreamed of fir BvS, You had to watch Civil War come out and gets Excellent reviews, Get excellent ratings and Audiences scores, You had to read article after article where they went into detail why Civil War was so much better than BvS and Why Marvel Succeed and DC failed, and finally you had to watch Civil War easily pass the Billion dollar mark that DC fans so desperately wanted BvS

and then It happens again, JL comes out completely shits the bed in every possible way, sure that had to suck, but you know what made it worse.Marvel Studios releasing Thor 3 and once again Succeeding in every way you dreamed of for JL

next post

reply looks like The Last Jedi will suffer a much worse drop on it's second weekend than JL could ever have dreamed of.


And bill brown is also a Universal fan it seems...Jurassic World 2 will RAWWWK dude!


You as Hardcore DC fans, have had 4 years of nothing but failure and Pain having to watch the Thing you LOVE MOST(DC) Fail and its been made Dramatically worse by having to watch The thing you HATE MOST(Marvel)Succeed

this has resulted in YOU and Other Hardcore DC fans Literally being Drove Crazy, You if actually stop and think about the behavior you and Other hardcore DC fans have shown, the depths you sink to, the absurd things you say, simply put no normal Person would do these things

you have Been PUSHED to do these things, you have literally been drove crazy by DCs failure and Marvels Success, you now say and do things that are simply childish,absurd and Shameful, You literally Live in a fantasy world

this is why you say things like "Jumsnji will top the last jedi", something so absurd that NOT ONE other person on earth would say that, It is something that has ZERO chance of happening, but you say it because its gives you some kind of release, some kind of break from the Hell your going through watch DC fail and Marvel Succeed.

and of course you've chosen to do this because The Last Jedi is A Disney movie, Disney who owns Marvel and Produced the MCU films that has brought you so pain and Jealousy

this more proves how much Damage Marvel Studios and The MCU films have done to you, They have drove you mad, but hilariously, The MCU films are So Successful, They are troll PROOF, The MCU films Succeed on every single level so your now left with trying to make fun on DISNEY and other films they make

lol but once again theres a huge problem, The Last Jedi Is easily going to be one of the highest grossing films ever made, Its got excellent reviews, Its a Great film, where do you go, how can you possible make fun of a film this successful?

well this is where Your "fantasy world" comes into play, no normal person would try to suggest The Last Jedi is anything but A Grand Slam, But your not normal, you've Literally been driven Mad by Marvels Success and DCs failure


Bill Brown...I LOVE The Last Jedi and I'm saddened that it's not doing better.


"Bill Brown...I LOVE The Last Jedi and I'm saddened that it's not doing better."
Let me ask you this, Queen. You ready?? Here goes.
Why are you sad that its not doing better? The movie is going to be a huge financial success, that much is pretty much guaranteed, right? No matter what your opinion is as to whether or not it deserves to be? It'll make Disney a lot of money, it'll make enough for there to be another one...why do you want it to make more? And how much, exactly, would you like it to make? What's the ideal number you have in mind?

If I had to guess, I'd say upwards of about...74 billion or so. Why? Because it'd show all those rotten bastards who thought it was no good that they were wrong. REAL wrong. Those jerks and their stupid wrong opinions HAHA eat THAT!

Myself, I really wanted to like the movie...I really did. Who would want their very favorite franchise to put out a crappy movie? Someone who just hates Disney that much? If that were the case then that's just sad, really. A full blown case of pathetic, and definitely not someone who's a fan of Star Wars. Nobody who wanted this movie to fail is a true fan of Star Wars, that is GUARANTEED. Because if they were, they'd want a shiny new edition of it to watch over and over, to get just as lost in it as they did the original trilogy.

You don't have to prove those goofballs wrong...they're already wrong just by wanting to be right bad enough that they'd cut their nose to spite their face.
"Haha my favorite franchise just took a nose-dive hahah!" Should never be a sentiment uttered by anyone.
75 billion?


Hey Jehosaphat...since you're an unabashed fan of that "rockin'" Universal...did you catch YET ANOTHER sequel of theirs this know..."Pitch Perfect 3"?

I'm so glad we still have great studios like this instead of just "stupid Disney".

Raaawwwk on, duuuude!


No Queen, I wasn't drunk. The only things I ever really drink are water, milk and THE BLOOD OF MY ENEMIES, YOU UNIVERSAL HATING WHORE!!
Lol okay I was being facetious. I'm not caught up in whatever studio debate is going on...I don't really care lol
As a lifelong fan of movies, I guess I'm one of those rare types that's just rooting for good movies to be made, regardless of who puts them out. MCU versus DECU, that whole thing, the idea of people who'd root for a crappy movie from one of these studios is mind boggling to me...I imagine that, outside of visiting forums like these, its probably not something that most people would even be aware was a phenomenon.

A good movie is a good movie, and it sucks that DC hasn't done a better job because, along with Marvel, they've brought a lot of characters from my childhood to the big screen, something that wasn't as possible to do back then as it is now (we got Howard the Duck), and it'd be nice for it to be done in the most compelling way possible. Good movies mean they'll make enough money to make more good movies. So anyone rooting for one studio over another just isn't thinking right, in my opinion.

And people posting with glee about a movie not doing well, chomping at the bit for it to fail, they need to get their priorities straight, I say. Oh sure, they'll be able to say toldja so to "froto3947" on some discussion board, but the problem with those kind of messages is that they're stupid. Lol everyone has to sort through them...of course, some will take umbrage, new beefs will be created, the cycle perpetuates itself until, BOOM, suddenly thread after thread is giddily tracking box office receipts ("Only 74 million opening weekend, UH OH (teehee)") alongside the already popular, "Seriously the worst movie I've ever seen!"s and even legitimate discussions, the reason for the forum in the first place, become bogged down in inane bickering, then everything sucks and you're sure humanity is doomed to fail.
Rawk on!


I guess you're now done defending the DCEU?
