7 Force Awakens plots it TOTALLY WASTES



You got anything to actually say or just posting click bait horse shit?


Some of these know it alls should write the screenplay then. This was the best Star Wars in 37 years. These 20 something nerds know nothing.


Or one of the worst


No continuity from Force Awakens. Ignoring Star Wars lore, established character development and storyline from the first movie is lazy writing.


Agreed with all of the above. Still sad about it. Usually I would watch it multiple times in theatres but once is enough to last a lifetime!


From what I've read, Episode 9 will be even more disconnected from 7 and 8, than 8 is from 7. Basically a standalone movie. And where can you even go from the end of 8? No one is alive (IRL or in-movie) that matters anymore. Even Mary Sue was relegated to being just a force-user like hundreds of other kids that are "awakening". So basically, 9 can only be about the reformation of the Jedi with completely new faces. That would support their plans to extend the universe further with another trilogy unrelated to the original three trilogies. They would basically restart the movies with the new cast that will be established in Episode 9.


Hm, I’m conflicted hearing that. On one end, I know they want to branch out and do other SW universe stories but they should have done that outside of the Skywalker trilogy. If it’s truly separate, then make it separate and not mixed in with a story that has been in the works for over 40 years. Create a new legacy without throwing out another. The lack of creativity in Hollywood is disturbing.


How was there no continuity? TFA took many of the characters from ANH and simply re-hashed them. In this movie many of our preconceived notions of who those characters should be were dashed, and they were all great twists because now we have NEW stuff, finally. It wasn't perfect but as a longtime fan I found this movie to be incredibly refreshing. I'm sorry they didn't make empire 2.0 if that was what you wanted.


"How was there no continuity?"

In Last Jedi, Luke said he came to the island to die and wanted to be left alone. But in Force Awakens, he placed a hidden map in R2 to be found. Huh?
Where did Maz get Luke's lightsaber? What happened to the Knights of Ren? why would all of Luke's students - not just Ren - turn on him when they weren't evil? Why did a Skywalker lightsaber call out to Rey? When Maz asked whose the girl how come it appeared that Han knew just before they broke away?

Last Jedi is not a standalone movie. It was part of a trilogy so it should've continued the story-telling process. Johnson writing "Forget the Past!" is a copout that most of the fans aren't falling for. Also, he already told Hamill that Luke's personality would be altered to fit a story. That's bad writing. Johnson could've did the creative work to make the movie smarter while being creative. Instead he chose the easy or lazy way.

"I'm sorry they didn't make empire 2.0 if that was what you wanted."
It's not an either or solution. He could have done both. Make a creative movie with an intelligent script.


But they did make empire 2.0... just in reverse. Not just storywise but also as an end result: The worst Star Wars movie ever instead of the best Star Wars movie ever.


Bye Felicia.


I agree, I thought this was the best SW movie since the original trilogy. FINALLY some new plot lines, character arcs, locations, jedi powers, ships. It repeated a lot of themes but added a ton of new stuff.


The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.


Actually Rogue One is the best.


Yeah it was pretty good.



Great list. Shows why this movie was a failure.







This should be the go to source for anybody who is confused why fans don't like the TLJ. It should also be mailed directly to Kennedy. Send this to Johnson too so he can see why everybody is pissed at him.

Now he needs to make a video listing all the stupid jokes.


I'm beginning to think these people really did deserve the prequels. George Lucas made pedestrian, connect-the-dots, little boy masturbatory fantasies. Anything non-linear, expectation subverting, or at all inclusive and they start kvetching like eighty year-old grandmothers.

Do any of you watch GOT.? Did you see Abrams Star Trek. Did you see Inception or Memento? Did you see Unforgiven? Do the names David Lynch, Robert Altman Quentin Tarantino mean anything to you? I feel like I'm in some time-warp where Rod Serlings Twilight Zone is just way too mind expanding for the audience.

It's been six Lucas films and forty years later. It would be the equivalent of someone watching A New Hope and complaining that it doesn't follow the conventions of Buster Krabbe's Flash Gordon serials. Open your minds people and enjoy what is being presented to you and stop fixating on what was presented before by Lucas. It was special but not special enough to close yourself off to other possibilities. Certainly, not special enough to be squelching the creativity of current, working artists who are not multi- millionaires.


