MovieChat Forums > Jaha1313

Jaha1313 (11)



Here is a video where they go over editing tricks to stitch together shots and hide cuts. That said I do know 1917 was heavily rehearsed and they had especially long shots that the crew would spend days and weeks rehearsing for the 1 shot. Got it, thanks for the info and clarification. It didn't occur to me that her being deaf would have made it a lot harder for her to go out and do chores on her own, considering she wouldn't be able to judge the sound volume of what she was doing. Thanks for the reply! I was also late, I got to the movie and they were silently going through their day, the dad was in his workshop and they showed newspaper clippings of basically the world ending. I assumed we were in a post apocalyptic type society. Then the kids broke the lantern and movie went on from there. What I gathered reading online afterwards- at the beginning the entire family what out scavenging together, and they have 3 kids. The youngest one found a toy and was playing with it (the space shuttle), and it lit up and made noise. So obviously the kid was killed when the toy started making rocket noises. What I assume is maybe the older sister gave him the toy, and later at his grave site she fixed it so it could silently light up? This helps explain the resentment the rest of the family has for the older sister, and why they are apprehensive giving her responsibilities. It also explains more of why the young son is so afraid and skittish (on top of the fact there are bloodthirsty monsters out there) but these are my assumptions that fit with what I saw for the rest of the movie. Anyone else that could clear this up? This was one of my favorite movies of 2017 and a beautiful film. These boards are a cesspool of hate for pretty much everything. I stopped watching this exact same episode. The previous season was built up so much that one of the main characters was going to die. They get to the season finale- we finally we get to see- and it shows the bat hitting the camera and the episode ends. Everyone gets to wait another couple months to see who dies after an entire season of build up. It was so lame. I watched the next season opener to see it was Glen who died and then I was done. It just had more of the same feel and tone when this has happened many times before, and I felt this was just going to be another rinse and repeat story line. I couldn't take it anymore. TWD is one of my favorite shows of all time but it just needed to end. Just curious, what movies would you recommend as a 10 for being scary? Commenting like this and thinking you know everything when you haven't even read the source material. How typical. The story has amazing messages of courage and love among many others. I felt inspired during and after my time with it, even giving me the chance to deeply reflect on my own childhood. I can think of some shitty adult characters in the book that you identify with perfectly. How was there no continuity? TFA took many of the characters from ANH and simply re-hashed them. In this movie many of our preconceived notions of who those characters should be were dashed, and they were all great twists because now we have NEW stuff, finally. It wasn't perfect but as a longtime fan I found this movie to be incredibly refreshing. I'm sorry they didn't make empire 2.0 if that was what you wanted. I agree, I thought this was the best SW movie since the original trilogy. FINALLY some new plot lines, character arcs, locations, jedi powers, ships. It repeated a lot of themes but added a ton of new stuff. I disagree, I thought the movie had a lot of deeper meanings to it that you could infer but were a bit under the surface, same as the original. It touched on our thoughts and conflicts with slavery, also the belonging/ wanting to be a part of a family. To me, K wanted to be in a family so badly all along, but he never was, he was only ever loved by another machine. The whole "twins" thing- In a way deckard did have twins, one real person, and one replicant, since they both had similar memories. K was like a lost son in a way, and his last efforts were to get his "father" to his "sister", I think he loved them. He wanted to be in a family and was happy to die for it at the end, vs. dying while fighting humans. The sister may have even put her memories into K so she could have a "brother" out there somewhere in the world and not feel so alone. To me the world made sense also, it was falling apart in the original, and here is that same world 30 years later. It is even worse off, and I liked that it was a futuristic world in the universe of the original movie. (with the same brands!) I thought it was very imaginative- I was amazed at Wallace's offices and even when they say later how rare wood is, his office was full of beautiful woods. The whole thing had a sort of film-noir-future that the original had, and they brought that same feel to this. To me this is far better than Tron, I would pass on a "visual feast", for an engaging story and characters that make you think, and this movie had both. There so many more little nods and interactions that fleshed out the characters and the world, I want to see it a 2nd time. I will agree that the score wasn't as memorable as the original, and they could have put a little bit more of the original score into it, but all the scenes fit with the music I felt. View all replies >