MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Could Christopher Nolan save this franch...

Could Christopher Nolan save this franchise?

I mean he saved Batman from Joel Schumacher and made 3 amazing Batman films, could he do the same for Star Wars?




How so? Memento, Batman Begins, The Prestige, The Dark Knight, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, Interstellar and Dunkirk are all rated higher on IMDB than all of the Disney Star Wars films.


Have you seen Dunkirk?

I'm starting to realize that is the last place where reviews are not being paid for - because you see real discussions about how crappy dunkirk actually is, while on rotten tomatoes and its kin, you only see glowing reviews.


Dunkirk was actually one of Nolan's lesser films, I was let down by it but it was still very entertaining.


You hating them is one thing but to suggest the franchise needs saving is silly. You may not like it but it is doing fine. Okay that is your opinion. Why were you presenting it like it was an indisputable fact Nolan's other 8 films were masterpieces? You throw numbers out there and then I present you to Johnson who also has good numbers you say well only one film is good.

Um the numbers say Last Jedi is solid just like Looper. Brick has good reception as well. Basically what I am getting is that your opinion is suppose to be treated like it is a fact and the rest of us have to bow down to it.

Do not pick and choose. If you can claim Nolan's films to be great because of numbers we can do the same with Johnson's.


Nolan's films have far better numbers than Johnson's and Nolan has 3 Oscar Nominations while Johnson has zero. Nolan absolutely ass rapes Johnson on all fronts. Nolan has made 8 masterpieces and Johnson has one episode of Breaking Bad. The franchise has absolutely raped my childhood, the Disney Movies are complete garbage and I think Nolan can return the series to the spirit of the original trilogy and the prequels. The magic seems to be wearing off, TLJ doesn't seem to have nearly as good of numbers as TFA did and I honestly think the only reason TFA did well was because it had been 10 years since we had a Star Wars film, everyone was excited for it and they were going to like it no matter what because they wanted to say it was better than the prequels (which it wasn't).


Again on all fronts? When we compare the filmography of each Johnson has a much shorter one. Looper and Last Jedi are on par or better than a lot of Nolan's work. The only stuff above those critically is The Dark Knight, Memento, and Dunkirk. If we are going off of career accomplishments Francis Ford Coppola beats Nolan on all fronts.

So if Nolan has made 8 masterpieces going by the numbers than that would mean Johnson has made 2 masterpieces correct? I mean since Looper beats The Dark Knight Rises critically that means it is also a masterpiece correct? Remember critics is the original argument you made for Nolan. So imdb is irrelevant as it has no critics on it.

He has many more Oscars than he does as well. It is a bit silly to compare Johnson and Nolan. A more accurate and fair comparison would be probably Tarantino vs Nolan. Both different but both have about the same amount of films roughly.


They have been directing for just about the same amount of time and Nolan has had considerably far more success than Johnson you cannot deny that. Ford Coppola for all I know could be a great choice as well but what really gives me confidence in Nolan is that he turned dogsh!t (Batman Forever and Batman and Robin) into gold (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises). He has that ability which is why I feel he could get the franchise back to the spirit of the OT and the prequels.


Did you just mention the prequels in a positive light? You know the numbers on those is pretty bad right?

I never did deny Nolan has had more success. I made the point that Nolan has a much longer filmography than Johnson does. As of now Nolan is more successful though yes I never disputed that. However you need to acknowledge that Coppola has more career accomplishments than Nolan does. Coppola has 5 Oscars Nolan 3 nominations.


Again Nolan has done far more from 2000 - 2017 than Johnson did, both were directing during that time. I personally thought the prequels had their fair share of faults, I did not like the overreliance on CGI, or Jar Jar or the corny love dialogue but they at least felt like Star Wars, the Disney films do not. The prequels felt like one man's vision coming together as they told a coherent story and clearly understood their characters. I feel the Disney films are just making this up as they go.


Again let me say this again. Nolan is the more successful film maker! Got that? The thing is though how many big budget films has Rian Johnson done?


Maybe if Johnson had proven himself the way Nolan did he would have been given the opportunity.


Some film makers prefer to work small more consistently and less on big budget films. Richard Linklater is an example of that.

Anyhow why is it you are allowed to act as if it is an indisputable fact Nolan's films are masterpieces because of great numbers and then turn around and tell the rest of us we can't do the same for another film maker? Looper and Last Jedi have great numbers. On par or better than a lot of Nolan's work. So Johnson has two masterpieces and the numbers support that.

Since you're such a numbers guy you realize the Disney Star Wars films destroy any of the prequels in numbers right? Since you made the claim that it implies Nolan is factually better than Johnson because of numbers the same logic applies here. The Disney films are factually better than the prequels because of numbers.


And that's fine but still the fact remains that Nolan and Johnsons' resume's are not even in the same ballpark. Nolan is a well know, critically acclaimed director and barely anyone knows who Johnson is.

According to audiences TLJ is 53% on RT, that is nothing to brag about, other than the MC numbers Looper doesn't have much to brag about either, yet Nolan's films are consistently cultural phenomenons.

Again I know the prequels had their share of faults and with the Disney films they did well initially just because of the fan service but look at this message board, look at the 53% on RT, look at youtube, the magic is wearing off. The Disney films never felt like Star Wars and Nolan is certainly the guy to get the franchise back to its roots. He did it once, he can do it again. Plus I really love his style of directing and I think it would work very well in the Star Wars universe.


Um Johnson has only done one big budget film. Nobody knew who Nolan was when he did Batman Begins. It was after that is when he became a big name.

Again we are not talking audience we are talking critical acclaim. The point you keep going away from. On RT the critical reception for last Jedi is rather solid. Other than MC numbers Looper has nothing to brag about? Um you forgot RT. On there it has amazing reception as well. Better critically than The Dark Knight Rises.

No the numbers suggest the prequels are not even good. Not just faults but bad numbers.


I wouldn't say that, he was very well known after Memento and he even got his first Oscar nomination for that. Nolan started out with success and his career has gone nowhere but forward. You keep pointing to Looper and yeah it has a decent MC score but Nolan has films that are higher and not to mention Nolan also has 3rd place - 9th place. Nolan destroys Johnson you cannot deny that but you can can it with the excuses.

His style of directing would work very well with Star Wars, he would never turn it into a comedy like Disney has.


Not to the degree that he is now. Batman begins catapulted him into the Blockbuster genre. Before that he only had smaller films underneath his belt. The only films that beat Looper critically are The Dark Knight and Dunkirk.

With Memento it is more or less a tie. On MC Looper has the edge on RT Memento has the edge. Box office goes to Looper as to be expected and Memento got the award nominations. While this is very close I would give the slight edge to Memento. Honestly this can go either way though.

Also what do you mean Nolan has films that are 3rd-9th place? You talking imdb? Because if you are that point is irrelevant. It is irrelevant because in your original point you boasted critical acclaim and box office as a means to prove Nolan's films were good.

Imdb has no critics on it. I think what has happened is you are resorting to that because you got called on the carpet.


Let's just say that Looper beats every film except Dunkirk (at least by MC) what else has Johnson done that 's so great? I mean there's an episode of Breaking Bad but that's all he has. Nolan has 8 films that have reached complete critical success and are all in the IMDB Top 250 (Memento, Batman Begins, The Prestige, The Dark Knight, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, Interstellar, Dunkirk). Again for every masterpiece Johnson has, Nolan has 8.


Do not forget Last Jedi. Also a film with solid critical numbers across the board. Again did I ever say his filmography can topple Nolan's? Nope I simply said if you can claim Nolan has 8 masterpieces because of box office and critical numbers we can make that case for other film makers work as well. Why does everyone need to be compared to Nolan anyway?

There have been other great film makers who have more accomplishments than him and I do not see you referencing them. Why is that?


Because I believe Nolan's style would do well with Star Wars and he has proven that he can take a franchise that has been reduced to a complete joke and make it great again (The Dark Knight Trilogy)


I personally am not a fan of his to be honest. I do not deny his accomplishments but I like other film makers more.


These are my favorite films of the 2010's:

1. Inception
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. The Wolf Of Wall Street
4. Interstellar
5. Blade Runner 2049

3 of which were directed by Nolan


I guess I should say I am a fan of Nolan but not like you. I liked Memento, Batman Begins, Dark Knight and Inception. Not a fan of the Dark Knight Rises or Interstellar.

I do not want him taking on Star Wars I think it is headed in the right direction.


Both The Dark Knight Rises and Interstellar were visionary, thought provoking and very intelligent films. SW is now juvenile, unoriginal a flat out nonsensical. That is why I believe Nolan could save SW.


Disagree. I found the Dark Knight Rises to be a slow boring bland film. Interstellar I found to be poorly paced with a lame message. SW I find to be the best it has been since the original trilogy. I still like the originals more but I am enjoying these far more than those awful prequels.


The Dark Knight Rises and Interstellar were amazing films with strong characters an engaging story and very powerful and thought provoking messages. The new SW are nothing more than a cash grab, all Disney is doing is throwing as much nostalgia and fan service as they can at the audience so they say "that was in the OT, I like that". They are a one trick pony and it is starting to lose its appeal.

The prequels had their fair share of faults but are still miles better than anything Disney has put out.


Sorry I will have to agree to disagree. I am not a fan of either of those films. Whatever though you are entitled to think whatever you want. I think the new Star Wars films are masterpieces myself.


Yeah I have no idea how its possible to think that but I wish you the best.


Looper and Last Jedi are on par or better than a lot of Nolan's work.




No logical response got it.


Nah he's overrated even with the batman trilogy.


Naw he's an amazing filmmaker, even his lesser films (Dunkirk, Insomnia) are still competently made, the Disney Star Wars films are overrated.


lol, no, his only solid movies are Interstellar, Batman Begins and to some extent, The Prestige - rest are edgelord pretentious crapfests.

EDIT: Even BvS had better characters/development/story than TDK and TDKR, and better cinematography even - and I don't particularly like BvS. That a majority of people expected something else is understandable.


Franchise - yes
this trilogy - no


I think the first thing that needs to happen is Jar Jar Abrams needs to step down and Nolan needs to immediately take over production of Episode IX and the following spin off movie. I know Han Solo spin off is just about finished but I do have faith in Ron Howard.


Nobody wants to see a dark and dreary Star Wars movie. The tone would be wrong.


It'd sure be better than the spoof that Disney is turning it into. I really think Christopher Nolan could return the franchise to its roots and go back to the tone of the original trilogy.


LOL! He did not make 3 amazing Batman films. He made one decent enough one, which was only so because of Heath Ledger's acting.


The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises are both on the level of Empire with Batman Begins not far behind. Force Awakens, Rogue One and Last Jedi all belong on the IMDB Bottom 100.


If you think The Dark Knight Rises was good then you need your head examined. Popularity does not mean something is good, just look at Justin Bieber.

Not to mention that Dunkirk was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, especially Tom Hardy floating around in a spitfire for the last 30 mins of the movie. Ridiculous!


The Dark Knight Rises was an amazing film and was by far my greatest theater experience ever. I could not sleep that night because I couldn't stop thinking about it. The problem with TDKR is that so many people out there simply don't understand it and falsely assume something must be wrong with it.

As for Dunkirk, I did have issues with it, I didn't hate it but at the same time it did let me down.


It would be difficult to not understand Rises. It's a very simple movie.


Apparently it isn't considering most haters think that Bruce quit because of Rachel or think that Miranda Tate helped Gordon mark the truck or don't get why Talia slept with Bruce, etc.

TDKR is far deeper and more well written than these piece of sh!t Star Wars movies we keep getting stuck with.


This, my friends, is a Nolanite in one of it's purer forms. Observe, learn, avoid.


Lol, I know. If you don't like the film I love then you didn't understand it, lmao! I understood loud and clear, I just thought that it was lazy, stupid and an utter disappointment. Deep my ass! The Dark Knight was the strongest of that trilogy and if you removed Heath Ledger's performance, it's really not that great.


Batman Begins is okay, but the rest are pretty meh. Nolan hasn't made an enjoyable film since The Prestige.


Yes! What the Star Wars franchise needs more than anything is cynicism, no humor, and heroes who are screwed up and unlikeable!



Yeah, I'm joking.


That's pretty much what we have right now. I really feel that Christopher Nolan is the only hope for this drowning franchise.


Come to think of it, maybe that's why Darth Emo isn't working for me.

He's like the messed-up hero of a Christopher Nolan movie!


I don't think SW franchise needs "saving." I like Nolan's movies but I don't want to see his style in SW.


What an idiotic, reality-free thread. The current Star Wars films are raking in tons of cash and getting great reviews. There is no rational universe in which they need "saving".


Christopher Nolan would be a dream choice for the franchise. He could definitely return Star Wars to the spirit of the OT and the prequels. The man has never made a bad movie and I know the Star Wars franchise could benefit from his direction.

Maybe there's a way to erase The Force Awakens, Rogue One and The Last Jedi as Cannon, just hit the reset button, start over from scratch and give full control to Nolan?


I'm starting to think this is Christopher Nolan, desperate and looking for a job.


His movies have made money hand over fist, really don't think he needs to troll looking for a job.


You are very sad to defend someone you don't know, at the end of the day all you have is an opinion.


Um actually it isn't an opinion, his movies make billions of dollars and he has 8 films in the IMDB Top 250. People love his movies, he doesn't need to come onto moviechat looking for work.




If you don't like Nolan fine but don't make an ass of yourself.


Lol! You're the one making the ass out of yourself with this thread!


Critically and financially the man has never made a bad movie so no it's not an unreasonable idea. Nolan could save this franchise, he saved Batman afterall.


It's unreasonable to anyone with a brain.


How so.......................?


Dude, just go wank to the Dark Knight Rises in your basement and stop spamming the Star Wars board.


No intelligent response, got it, I completely understand you now. I don't need to wank it to TDKR but I will watch it as it is a far better movie than any of these sh!tty Star Wars movies Disney keeps forcing on us.


Well you've clearly proven yourself to be the opposite of intelligent, so why would I even bother?


You're the one who can't keep up here.


I'm sure! Lol!


You again prove your inabaility to form a rational thought.


Are you 12 years old?


Are you mentally challenged?


Critically and financially the man has never made a bad movie so no it's not an unreasonable idea. Nolan could save this franchise, he saved Batman afterall.

Critically and financially Rian Johnson has never made a bad movie either. So what is your point?


Christopher Nolan has 8 films in the IMDB Top 250, how many does Rian Johnson have? Just compare resumes, Nolan beats Johnson on all fronts.


Rian Johnson has not had the chance to build the resume Nolan has. So I still am not understanding. New talent can be discovered you know. That is like comparing a rookie NBA player to Michael Jordan's full career accomplishments. Michael Jordan played 15 years, where as a rookie has only played one. See the difference?


He's been making films ever since the early 2000's and he has never made one that is even close to the level of Nolan. The only thing he ever directed that was truly a masterpiece (which Nolan has made 8 of) was Ozmandias.

He's had plenty of chances and Nolan has beaten him every time.


Nolan has done 12 films if you count the documentary Quay. Six of which are big budget blockbusters. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, Interstellar, and Dunkirk. Rian Johnson has done 4 films one of which is a big budget blockbuster. I do not see how you can compare them it is literally apples and oranges.


If Johnson had made even one film that was up to the level of Nolan that might give your argument some weight to it, unfortunately he hasn't. Nolan can work miracles, he can turn sh!t into gold (Batman and Robin --> Batman Begins)


By what metric are you using to measure the films? Rian Johnson has made critical hits just like Nolan has. Nolan just has more films which is why his resume is more prestigious. Johnson's Looper was very critically loved.


Just look at the IMDB numbers and the box office numbers. Nolan crushes Johnson. The ONLY reason I had a lick of confidence in Johnson was because of Ozymandias but now that's out the window.


So are imdb numbers and box office the end all be all? I thought you mentioned critical reception earlier? Imdb has no critics on it. You said Nolan has never made a critical or financial failure. In order to check critical reception you do not go to imdb...


Nolan also has better MC numbers. You are completely out of your mind if you think Johnson is anywhere near Nolan's level.


MC numbers? You talking metacritic? Again Johnson's resume is not as long. It is a bit unfair to compare someone with a longer resume to someone who barely has anything. I never said Johnson was on Nolan's level I simply found your comparison misplaced.


Again I would take that into consideration if Johnson was able to make just one film that was even up to the level of Dunkirk (which Nolan was not on his A-game for).


You said MC so I assume you meant metacritic. Looper has a higher metacritic score than most of Nolan's work. The only one beating Looper on metacritic would be Dunkirk.


So even Johnson's best film isn't up to the level of Dunkirk in one area, yet all of Nolan's other films crush Looper in all other areas. Looper doesn't even win on RT, it seems both The Dark Knight and Memento are higher. Not to mention that Nolan's films have made far more money.

Face it, audiences like Nolan better than Johnson, and both Nolan and Johnson have been making films for roughly the same amount of time.


You claimed none of Johnson's work could stand up to anything Nolan has ever done. I showed that was not true. Looper beats Batman Begins, The Prestige, The Dark Knight Rises, and Interstellar on RT and MC. The Dark Knight, Dunkirk, and Memento are the only films that beat it critically.


Yet all of his films crush Looper on IMDB and at the box office. Again we are talking about only one film yet Nolan has made 8 that are clear masterpieces.

Nolan did the impossible, he redeemed the damage that Joel Schumacher did to Batman and made the greatest trilogy ever, that cannot be easy.


Imdb is not a critical website which is what you mentioned earlier on in the post. You talked critical reception and box office.

Box office wise obviously Nolan has that because he has had the chance to do huge blockbusters many times. Johnson only has had one which was the Last Jedi.


Doesn't matter, it strongly suggests that people love Nolan far more than Johnson.


Sure but why is this a competition? There are directors that have more career accomplishments than Nolan.


Due to the amazing work Nolan has done I believe he could save the Star Wars franchise.


I disagree. It is doing fine. I mean it did get critical acclaim after all. Which is something you applauded Nolan for getting. So I believe it is just fine. Last Jedi got some pretty solid critical acclaim as well.


I don't know, based on what I have read on this website the franchise seems to be falling flat on its face. I hate everything about what Disney has done to Star Wars, that is why I want Nolan in charge.


I'd also like to point out that Nolan has been nominated for 3 Oscars, Johnson Zero


Nolan wins on IMDB, Box Office, Oscars, RT and MC. Case closed.


Are we using Oscar nominations or wins as a means to determine who is better? Because if that is the case you know there are directors that far surpass Nolan in that regard correct?


It's not just the Oscars, it's everything else and Nolan beats Johnson every time.

The only thing Johnson ever directed that was up to Nolan's level was Ozymandias.


I already proved that was not the case. Looper and Last Jedi actually beat a lot of Nolan's films critically.

Now overall Nolan has the edge because of Dunkirk, The Dark Knight and Memento. Thing is both Last Jedi and Looper beat the rest of his films critically.

While Nolan is overall at this moment better the edge is not as big as you like to try and make it seem.


Maybe in some areas but Nolan's films beat it in other areas. Nolan has 8 films that are masterpieces, Johnson has maybe 1 and it really depends on how you look at it.

Now I will give Johnson some credit, the acting in The Last Jedi was miles better than Rogue One and Force Awakens, the first ten minutes I said to myself "this is much better than Force Awakens, maybe I can get behind this", then the plot started to unfold and I then said "nevermind"


Looper beats The Dark Knight Rises critically across the board. Only area The Dark Knight Rises wins is box office. Which yeah it is a Batman film of course it would make more cash.

Inception, and Interstellar while financially successful films do not make as much as the Dark Knight or the Dark Knight Rises. The reason is quite obvious.


Nope, on IMDB TDKR is the 65th greatest movie of all time and Looper is only a 7.4. Looper wins in some areas, TDKR wins in other areas and Nolan has plenty of other films that destroy Looper. Again Johnson only has one film that is even up for contending with Nolan's 8 films and even then it doesn't come out on top.


the discussion which you brought up earlier was critical acclaim and box office. Imdb has absolutely no critics on it therefore it is irrelevant.


It still has weight to it, it seems that audiences prefer Nolan to Johnson hands down.


And simply because the audience prefers it does not mean it is by default superior now does it? The critical acclaim has weight to it as well. I strongly believe you think it has relevance simply because you like Nolan.


Isn't the point to get audiences to like your film?


Sure but in the end audience's reception does not by default determine which film is better. Especially a site like imdb where you can manipulate ratings.

The Force Awakens made more more money than any Nolan film do you think it is a better film than anything he has done?


I'll bring you back to the original topic: Nolan's films are loved by audiences, they have great critical reception therefore it seems logical that Nolan could save Star Wars much like he saved Batman.


I will also bring you back to the original topic. Star Wars films are liked by critics and financial hits. Why do they need saving?


Fans seem to be turning on Star Wars, just read this message board.


From where I sit it seems to be doing fine. The Force Awakens made over 2 billion dollars and Rogue One made over a billion bucks. Yeah I think it is just fine.


That's fine you still won't change my opinion. I still think they are piles of shit.


And I personally hate them which is why I want Nolan in charge.
