MovieChat Forums > movieseeker101

movieseeker101 (97)



No logical response got it. Um wrong yes I did. I gave you reasons as to why I love Mary Sues. You simply disagreed. Just because you disagree doesn't make my opinion less valid. You asked me to give my reasons as to why I liked Mary Sues and I did. You then said well to each his own you have a strange taste. Some people just love crap. So no I did provide reasons as to why I think Mary Sues are actually excellent. I love having mystery and no back story it is a nice change of pace for me. It is okay though you like terrible Batman films. Since you want to belittle my taste I will do the same to you. You simply dislike the new Star Wars because you do not understand it. See how much of a douche move that is? Basically you do not allow anyone to have an opposing view. There are some people who just do not like the new Star Wars movies and I can accept that. There are some people that just do not like Nolan's Batman films accept it. You are no less of a person for liking those films and I am no less for loving the new Star Wars. That is rich how did I get my ass kicked? Because I didn't bow down to your silly demands? I cared about an actual debate not playing silly games. Since you're about playing games I no longer care. I couldn't care less what you do. I'm not your puppet. I'm not playing a silly game like that just to soothe your fragile psyche. Even if I were to you wouldn't say a word to him. So no that isnt happening. Anything else or are we done here? Ha absolutely not! You're willing to let lando off the hook for making a false claim, yet expect me to lawyer up for you? Nope sorry! I don't care what you believe. I never made those comments, therefore not my job to correct them. Making baseless accusations is not helping you. Then don't tell me to correct comments I never made. Take it up with them. You won't go there because you know you will fail. So are we going off of the guy who created Mary Sue? If so still opinion. Provide a fact or sit down and be quiet. I myself love Mary Sues. Some don't think before they speak. I never claimed to have facts where as he did. He couldn't provide one fact. Therefore I won lol. An opinion can be disputed so no actually I easily could list why I disagree with him. I gave you the reasons I like Mary Sues. Since it is all opinion neither one is right or wrong. View all replies >