Why this trilogy is irrelevant

Because it´s fan fiction. It´s just something with the Star Wars brand in it, which is a shame.

There is clearly no real plan for the trilogy and the contradictions will be huge. Now we have news of another Death Star. If that is so, it´s the nail of the coffin.

Lucas must be regretting all days of his life having sold to Disney, and leaving the stupid Kathleen Kenedy in charge.

Star Wars Rebels works and it´s great because Filoni knows what he is doing and knows Star Wars and the lore. And Rogue One was fantastic because Edwards did what he wanted, and Lucas visited the srt several times and gave opinions on things.

This new trilogy is completely devoided of creativity, inspiration. And they will be remember as disasters


If Lucas is such a mastermind, why were the prequels terrible?

Also, do you realize The Force Awakens was mostly written by the writer of Empire Strikes Back, Lawrence Kasdan?


THe Prequels are fantastic. What are you talking about?

And? Kasdan was co writer, Abrams did the rest. Also, Kasdan followed Lucas´s ideas on ROTJ. That´s why it works.


Jar Jar is the best! He needs his own movie!!!


The Prequels were great, people just hate them because they are not like the OT.




The prequels could have been great, though, and they didn't need to be like the OT. Real dialogue, some more intelligent choices... Like it just boggles my mind why Anakin was a child in Phantom Menace while Padme was a teenager. If they were closer in age, it would have been SO much better. I know it was toyed with to make Anakin like 13, and that would have been a huge improvement.

That stilted love story, too... And the only thing they needed from the OT was that sense of real fun, charisma and wonder. If that was in there, it would provide a much needed contrast against the darker tones that developed.


Anakin was 10 and Padme was 14, so thats not a huge difference.

"And the only thing they needed from the OT was that sense of real fun, charisma and wonder."

No SW movie past, present or future can capture the magic of the OT again, thats the problem. I think most people were just expecting it. The Prequels was the story of Vader so its going to have dark undertones.


When the boy is 10 and the girl 14 it is a HUGE, practically insurmountable difference in age. I mean honestly bubba...how many freshmen did you date in the fith grade? Now take into consideration the fact that said 14 year old is royalty and ten year old a slave...might just want to delete your poorly thought out statement now and save yourself the embarrassment! Oh and I'm sure bubba can attest to this fact...when a 14year old boy pursues a ten year old girl...it's CREEPY PERVY SHIT(couldn't resist!)

No SW movie past, present or future can capture the magic of the OT

Utter horse shit! It is we that have lost the magic by maturing.the kids are digging this shit
Big time!!! Thier take is all that really matters in my opinion. Nothing is more refreshing than talking to a nine year old about TFA! No Mary Sue tripe,no ANH rehash...rehash,no race hate or griping about practical effect vs. GCI...just a profound appreciation for a kick ass intergalactic romp,and the need for some new action figures!!!


Nothing happened in TPM so its not too creepy, they didn't start dating until 10 years later which makes them 20 and 24 respectively.

You make an excellent point. But 30 years from now when they reboot SW those kids will probably complain about the same stuff we are. If there are any forums still left by then.


I meant to start that with "I disagree, the prequels could have been great though"


The OT is best-agree
The prequals were a bit disappointing but still had some fun moments imo
The newest one seemed like a kickass starting point to me...i really liked it
And Rogue One was awesome and i bought into the tragedy of the sacrifices the heroes made to steal the plans...most 'adult' of the bunch i would say
Im looking forward to the next one...
AND Lucas reaped billions in the exchange so i doubt he regrets anything...
SW should do fine for years to come
No worries


No, it's not irrelevant, it's as relevant as any movie. If it's fun, I'll watch it. If it's really fun, I'll buy a DVD and watch it a lot.

And I doubt Lucas is kicking himself for selling it off, he may have loved his creation but he never took it as seriously as some of the fans. It's entertainment, not holy writ!


Its fan fiction for sure because TFA was a tribute to everything OT. TFA even mirrors ANH by 85%. Lucas sold to Disney with the intention that they would use his scripts as an outline for this new trilogy. But it appears Kennedy lost them in the mail.

Not sure if anyone has noticed but the new pictures of Kylo Ren show him with a scar on his face, Anakin also had a scar on his face in the second movie. So it appears Disney is ripping off the Prequels now. Oh and there is also an evil BB8 droid. ugh


No one notices anything anymore.


This is why I don't post meaningful thoughts about stuff.
