MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) Discussion > Even The Phantom Menace is vastly superi...

Even The Phantom Menace is vastly superior to this garbage

Obviously TFA doesn't even come close to ROTJ, which is the weakest of the OT but vastly superior to TFA.

With that in mind, i can safely say with complete conviction that TFA is inferior to even Lucas' prequels. Why? Because at least the prequels were original. Sure, the execution was deplorable the writing and acting should have been of a higher quality, but in terms of artistry and creativity it was all there. There are actually moments of genius in the original prequels and these memorable scenes make the films re-watchable. For example, when Qui Gon Jinn meditates during the saber battle with Maul, only from the mind of Lucas could such a scene be executed near perfectly. Just one of many reasons why TPM is vastly superior over TFA


Both films are awful in the story department, but at least TPM has very nice cinematography, art/production/costume design, and casting. Everything feels connected to the OT, except set in the past. In fact, TPM is arguably the best looking film out of the prequel trilogy.

Force Awakens just looks cheap in comparison, like the off-brand Chinese version of Star Wars. All their designs are just lifted from the OT, except worse.


TPM = Great in conception & creativity. Good overall but could have been stronger in execution. Still good overall. Flaws nitpicked and greatly overstated over the years. TFA was just and absolute pile of hot garbage from its cheap, unimaginative conception via corporate comitee & its incoherent execution by a 50 year old man child who treated the franchise like that annoying little ADD kid that nobody liked & your mom forced you to play with as a kid, only for him to come over and break your favorite toy.


I'll go even further. The new trilogy are just really really bad films. As it happens, TFA is the worst by far.

While the prequels suffer in some areas, I do like how they chronicle the rise of Palpatine as Emperor. Very well done.

Not to mention, the prequels have isolated scenes that are very memorable and enjoyable, the fight sequence with Darth Maul being one of them as you suggested.


"I'll go even further. The new trilogy are just really really bad films. As it happens, TFA is the worst by far."

^100% This. A very accurate assessment but one I don't often see even from people who realize TFA was terrible. While most people in retrospect now acknowledge that TFA was a crap movie and an even worse sequel, a lot of people early on were so fooled by the hype that they still can't fully admit how wrong they were about it so TLJ/Rian Johnson is often used as the main scapegoat.

"While the prequels suffer in some areas, I do like how they chronicle the rise of Palpatine as Emperor. Very well done. "

Their full potential may not have been realize but I absolutely believe that the positives of what the prequels brought to the franchise FAR outweighed the negative. Palpatine's Machiavellian rise to power was indeed great storytelling. But I guess according to the Di$ney sequel logic he needn't have even bothered with such a drawn out, orchestrated plan to seize power over the Republic from the inside while playing both sides, when he could have just built a vast armada & the Death Star & hoped the Republic would be to incompetent and cowardly to stop him until it was to late.

"Not to mention, the prequels have isolated scenes that are very memorable and enjoyable, the fight sequence with Darth Maul being one of them as you suggested."

Indeed. I don't care how much of a stubborn & misguided prequel critic a person may be, you can't deny that it had its iconic moments that have stood the test of time. Di$ney sequel is flat out devoid of iconic moments that people will be remembering fondly 10-15 years from now.


" . . . a lot of people early on were so fooled by the hype that that they still can't fully admit how wrong they were about it so TLJ/Rian Johnson is often used as the main scapegoat."

Indeed. I hit a message board or two back when Last Jedi was underperforming at the box office to address those that claimed Star Wars was suffering a backlash because of Johnson. To which I replied that I wasn't going to see TLJ because I lost interest in Star Wars after seeing the abomination that was The Force Awakens, and thought that the backlash after TFA may have had something to do with the decrease in revenue, not strictly because word of mouth for Johnson's film was less than favorable.


Except for the terrible pacing, stiff acting, worse dialogue. CG that was outdated the next year and is painful to watch today. A nuisance character with no redeeming qualities. A bloated and plodding plotline introducing a conflict which has the most uninspiring motivation and scant relevance to the rest of the saga in any meaningful way. The utterly baffling decision to start the saga with the hero as a child who can already do things no other human can do and in a way that doesn't make him likeable and therefore NOT tragic in the movies to come. Plus the fact that the movie was used to push special effects technology forward instead of the other way round... .Yeah The Phantom Menace is great.


Cant stand the phanton menance and you have summarised the reasons why very well and i agree.

Much rather watch TFA than TPM


And TPM is still the best of the prequels.


ROTS for me


I think people are too generous to ROTS personally. The anticipation of the tying up of threads between PT and OT hides the movie's all round dullness and George's almost complete lack of interest by this point.


AOTC is pretty epic too.


Oh believe me, the OT and the prequels at their worst is still better than the ST at its best. The Di$ney films are some of the most soulless, woke cash grabs I have ever seen.
