white Egyptians?



It's not really a movie about Egyptians, but more of a fantasy on Egyptian themes. There's no attempt to portray the reality of ancient Egypt, but it revels in sets, costumes, effects and artifice. To cast it with actual Egyptians would be to give the shaft to their very real ancient culture. No Egyptian was harmed in the making of this film, which I found preposterous, thoroughly enjoyable, and filled with eye-candy.


Why not?

It's not as if there are any actual egyptians anymore to compare with.

Anything against white egyptians by the way?


Silly place to discuss this. There Were both caucasoid and Negroid. You can see that in the art.

"Ramses II was a Red haired cymnotriche leucoderma", that is a fair-skinned person with wavy red hair.[27][28]"


I have no idea what skin colour the Ancient Egyptians had (although I doubt they were black like the Nubians), but casting Northern European actors just feels incredibly inauthentic, just like casting a black guy as a Norse god.


So it’s a good thing nobody’s beenb dumb enough to have done that!

Oh . . . wait a minute . . .


Yeah, just like how ancient Egyptians have been imagined throughout European history.


better than all the blackwashing going on these days. so many black in medieval Europe these days on tv its is ridiculous. leftist propaganda...
