white Egyptians?



Because a director can cast whoever the hell they like. If you have a problem with that, get a Black director to make their own similar movie. Nothing is stopping you guys.


Because they were and are white.

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


So you are saying the Ancient Egyptians i.e the rulers were white...all of them? Where is your evidence...i just give you the SCIENCE..go check it out.Instead of being so superficial, look at the evidence.

ANCIENT EGYPT had many different phenotypes i.e features existing there.By their sculptures and various paintings ..YOU as a EUROPEAN say they are had white features...BUT SCIENCE says their really isn't such a thing. ..

Its isolation that creates regional features if you are in an area of greater blending you get many differing looks and features..Why do you find that hard to understand?

Put it another way lets see you mental processing ..ARE Europeans simply EAST AFRICANS/Middle eastern with a less melanin?

Or are East Africans/middle eastern people Europeans with MORE melanin?




Not white Egyptians, but white actors portraying mortals in a fantasy story about the gods of Egypt and their fictitious interactions with fictitious mortals.

Historically, people of different ethnicities have portrayed gods and iconic persons in their own image, costumes and settings. E.g., European artists have portrayed the Virgin Mary as a light-skinned European, while Mexican artists have portrayed her as a dark-skinned mestizo, yet neither representation is ethnically authentic.

Personally, when I watch a fantasy movie, I'd rathe see white actors rather than non-white actors whom I usually find unattractive.

I'm glad they chose a handsome white actor to play Bek.


Just because regular Egyptians were negroid, doesn't mean that their gods were. They can be whatever color they want to be. If I were a god, I would be white.


Because to have a smash hit you need white people as leads

And don't bother coming up with exceptions, they are few

Also name a $1 billion dollar movie where all the leads were brown

Or heck name a $600 million dollar movie where all the leads where brown

It just doesn't work like that

People don't come in flocks to see movies led by brown people

That's why

This movie bombed at the box office, obviously. But the intent was to make bank, and unless you are on a ridiculously low budget you cannot make money by having an entire cast of unknown brown actors. I didn't say black, I said brown. And movies with all blacks sometimes make money in the US - rarely - and are normally widely disregarded abroad

It's just the world we live in

It isn't fair or unfair

It's the way it is

So your question is really naive


To try and make money


And,...if this was an all black skinned movie and it didn't get an award nomination all hell would break lose in the black world. But when it is not nominated with the majority being white skin it is ok. No one yells fowl....btw I am watching the movie now and it has a lot of black skin in it. It is just the more important rolls are not black. Back to the first comment that brought skin color into this,....its a fantasy movie and people are getting really fed up with race always being brought up. When you want to be a equal then stop complaining because no one else does.


Well, the characters are not supposed to speak English either...


I think ancient Egyptians defined themselves by culture rather than by race.
But nevertheless there are a lot of objects that portray white and black people as two sides of an extreme aka the enemy’s of Egypt.
Google Images "Tutankhamun Cane" or "Egyptian Asiatic prisoners".
