white Egyptians?



What part of this movie screamed realistic to you? It's total over the top fantasy and so are the characters. The fact some of the basic rules of physics are In play amazes me. Wake up, all of you.


"The United States Census Bureau defines White people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who reported "White" or wrote in entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish."
[United States Census Bureau. August 2001. Retrieved 10 March 2011]
"The Caucasian race is a grouping of human beings historically regarded as a biological taxon, including some or all of the populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia, Central Asia and South Asia"
[Coon, Carleton Stevens (1939). The Races of Europe. New York: The Macmillan Company. pp. 400–401.] [Carleton Stevens Coon (June 23, 1904 – June 3, 1981) was an American physical anthropologist, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, lecturer and professor at Harvard University, and president of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists]
N.B. That's why you see most Afghans and some Pakistanis as white as European, e.g., Imran Khan the famous cricketer from Pakistan who is impossible to distinguish from European if you don's know his background. I also thought he was English.
also read: "Gibbons, Ann. "How Europeans evolved white skin". Science. Retrieved April 24, 2016."
Hope that helps


Because white people are better :-)


All gods are white. Evolution has shown us that as we evolve we become more white to be like our creators. White gods just make sense. Black gods make no sense, how could a god not be evolved?


What? Evolution is an idea in science and tells us nothing about "our creators." Religion would try and tell us about "our creators" and religion tends to tell us that we were created in the image of our creators...

If we accept that we're evolving (because we're not stupid and it's evident we are/have), but we were created in the image of our creators (because we're religious and that's probably what we were told there)... then shouldn't that suggest that "our creators" might look something like this: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/09/11/02/2C29763500000578-3228991-image-a-106_1441933522117.jpg


Why make a fuss about it?

The gods' color, only Von Däniken knows :p

The people, if they were to be darker than their gods people like you would make a fuss about it.

They could have gone all black/lightbrown but then they would have had to find enough actors/extra's and as for stars there isn't as much choice there as in white actors although I'm sure Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Halle Berry etc would be great as Egyptian gods.

Now if they would have darkened the white people a bit there would be a fuss about that because that's not politically correct anymore.

Personally I don't care, I don't care about being politically correct either except that there should not be (real) hate speech or calls to violence upon others. To me a MOVIE is always in an alternate universe where different rules apply. All white ancient Egyptian gods universe, fine with me. All black, fine with me. Mixed, fine with me. I don't care, it's a movie, not a documentary. Documentaries should be accurate and that means not politically correct either.

Now stop feeling repressed by a fictional universe. If you are repressed in real life go make a fuss there. Go to film school and make all black Spike Lee movies or whatever you want, you have my support.

If movies would be real there would be a hell of a lot more obese people in it, who complains about that? Where are the beautifically challenged people except for the roles of villains? :)

Now I've had a rant of my own and made a fuss myself so I'm gonna stop here and have a coffee. Peace out! :)


They were fair skinned, and anyway, just look at the royal families of Europe, they all come from the line of Egyptian and Roman emperors, and they are proud of this as they forge their new world order, and they are all mostly white as snow. Ancient Egyptians, northern Africans in general were fair skinned with very caucasian features, as Europeans of today have way more in common via DNA with Egyptians than any other race subgroup. Even Britons and Germans of today share most of their DNA with the boy pharaoh, whereas asians and black from subsaharan africa share almost none. It's simple. Casting a black or asian Egyptian from 4000 years ago would be completely wrong, casting caucasians is as close as you're gonna get, but if you want to be accurate in look, probably a Spanish person would do the trick the best.

--== You were assimilated, resistance was futile! ==--



Let white people pretend they have anything to do with all of human history. Just makes them look and sound pathetic. They lie about their own history and everyone else's.

If you want to see the real history of Africans and (our) MOOR history use the internet. Look up your real roots.

Moors took over the entire world. White never talk about that, they pretend it didn't happen. They tell us we were brought here by them to America. We were already here long before them. We enslaved them(some "know" that but not for how long and only say it happened but know no real details).

White people don't even know why they hate and fear us just that they've been taught to.

You want to know why whites are so obsessed with claiming black history? Jealousy, having been powerless to us for thousands of years.

Our slavery didn't last nearly as long as theirs.

Egyptian artwork shows they were just as dark as any other African with big noses and thick lips. Why keep asking questions and allowing whites the chance to speak on it? They don't know, they don't want to know, they just want to claim.

Whites make up the smallest population in the world. Do you really believe their lies that they are the center of all of human history? Do you really believe their lies that Africans accomplished nothing?

Why is it they NEVER mention the Moors in their "history" books? They only mention themselves really and their "conquests". Stop asking them. You're on the internet, use it. Research Egypt, research the Moors, research true history online. The rest of the world actually documented true history. Only European Americans seem stuck on lying about what actually happened in the world. That's why the rest of the world hates them.

There's no greater crime than corrupting history in your own image because you're too pathetic to face the truth. Whites were slaves longer than anyone else, they suffered, and they never wrote that down in any history book. Why? Greetings, welcome to the real world.

Hollywood is their fantasy, I'm sure they had a lot of them considering how devilish they are. They finally got a taste of power and what do they do with it? Mass genocide of many peoples in the shortest amount of time in human history. All they do is destroy. Destroy history, destroy life, and destroy the planet. But you know all they can do is whine about the Muslims lately.


History is written by the victors, it has always been this way, simple, elegant, amoral, and of course ridiculously wrong. That is why the best sources are from the times in question, or by real researchers. Anyway, Eurocentric views of the world being taught in school are a has-been, people know all about the greatness of China for the last 5000 years, people know that the dark ages were not global, that in fact there were places in the world thriving, including the Moors in the very Europe that was under the grip of the church.

But as far as Egypt is concerned, their DNA does not lie, and they are clearly far more related to the modern Europeans than sub-saharan Africans.

As far as the blacks in Africa today, they have their own gov't to blame, they take money from bankers, then make themselves rich off the backs of their populace and keep them in the hole, always making sure they will never get up, never do anything by themselves. This is by design of course, by European design, and the solution is very simple (but impossible as long as the west wants African resources), mainly keep giving money to the countries and thus keep them reliant. Africa is a resource rich continent, all they need is to stop taking hand-outs (the gov't), and they would easily climb out of the hundreds year old hole they dug for themselves and make their countries great, but this is only possible by their own means, not by handouts which the gov't uses to oppress.

Western Banker to ambassador: "Hey, we'll give you all this money, you'll be rich, and popular since the country will go up in the world index of GDP, all you have to do is let our corporations take what we find, but we'll let your people work there on top of that, make them happy making good money, enough to buy a car even by the end of the year, or, well, maybe a tricycle."
African ambassador: "Make it so".

Money comes, politicians are surrounded by riot police, dissent is destroyed, and populace put in metaphorical chains. 500 years of this and still they have not learned, even after such a great history.

Oh well, Muslims are similar, they are all pissed off now because until the 20th century they were the open minded, smart people, not the backward Christian idiots.

But hey, nothing lats forever.

--== You were assimilated, resistance was futile! ==--


This has to be one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read.

You should seek professional help. You are the only one filled with hate and racism.




We were already here long before them. We enslaved them(some "know" that but not for how long and only say it happened but know no real details).

You want to know why whites are so obsessed with claiming black history? Jealousy, having been powerless to us for thousands of years.

[quote]Whites were slaves longer than anyone else, they suffered, and they never wrote that down in any history book.

So that means that blacks owe reparations to whites for thousands of years of slavery and oppression. You are right, black people as a group need to some out and correct the record that they are the real oppressors, the whites need to stop taking credit for slavery and oppression. It was really the superior black race.

>Egyptian artwork shows they were just as dark as any other African with big noses and thick lips. Why keep asking questions and allowing whites the chance to speak on it? They don't know, they don't want to know, they just want to claim.

>Why is it they NEVER mention the Moors in their "history" books?

Thats right, black people was kings and *beep* and the original inventors of everything.

The real history is that the so called great superior moors were slaughtered by whites and kicked out of white europe.


Ancient Egyptians weren't the arab filth that resides there today. Learn some history and come back..."why?" because you're a clueless moron.


Annie - Not black
Johnny Storm - Not black
Karate Kid - Not black
Cinderella - Not black

I bet you gave this movie a 1 just because you don't like whites.
