MovieChat Forums > No Time to Die (2021) Discussion > If you haven't seen the movie yet ... DO...

If you haven't seen the movie yet ... DO NOT READ THIS POST!!! SPOILERS!

Okay, you have been warned.

Now that Bond is dead, I cannot see this franchise continuing. I was a bit unhappy, that after years and years of adventures, he should die, albeit heroically. I felt the same way about this movie as I felt about "Logan". That film IS a definite masterpiece, but I was hoping for a more upbeat ending.


No matter what they do they are screwed. If they make the next movie about someone other than Bond then it’s no longer the James Bond franchise, if they reboot the series again then they just made his “epic” death scene meaningless.


I agree. While I liked the little touches that harkened back to other films in the franchise, and loved how "007" went from Bond, who then retired, to a new 007 (I had no problem with the new 007 being an African American woman) and then back to Bond near the end.
It's weird how it almost seems like they new movie makers are making these "brave choices" in killing off popular heroes (Bond, Wolverine, etc.) I don't think personally, that they are b rave choices, just dumb.


Yeah if there was a justifiable reason to kill him off I’d be fine with it but there wasn’t. There are so many reasons why Bond didn’t have to stay on that island to die, I mean he has a freaking EMP watch for all he knows they could have used that to zap the nanobots and deactivate them.


This was basically a scifi movie with an "anything can happen" premise, and they've only just cracked open the mystery of the nanobots of which M has tons of research that hasn't even been shared yet. There was some hope for a cure in the future.


Bond's DNA and those nanobots will be used to reconstruct Bond.


Bond: Resurrection (2024)


I don't think personally, that they are brave choices, just dumb.

Not even dumb, just cheap placeholders in lieu of not being able to write something meaningful.

It's just cheap and lazy. Said this on another thread but we've had something like 25 Bond films (including the Craig "Bond" films) spanning over decades and no one had to kill him off previously in order to make their effort stand out. The director should be ashamed really...


yes, cheap and lazy... yet, we keep supporting it. :( we need to stop doing that


No support from me - I gave up after Skyfall!


I liked Skyfall because it was just its own separate thing, I think they started going down a wrong path with Spectre but they had a chance to go out on top with No Time To Die but unfortunately they completely fucked it up.


They need to make a by the numbers Bond flick. Just pick up with a new Bond like they always do and don't explain anything or get into history at all. One thing they have to do is stop looking to the past. Enough with the nods and homages and Easter Eggs. Bond has been in a rut of celebrating itself for 20 years now.


I thought I would feel something watching Bond die, but I didn't. Felt like I was watching Daniel Craig's Bond die. And I kind of felt good riddance, to be honest, even though i've enjoyed some of these movies. They were so disconnected to the previous Bond films, so much their own thing, that it just felt like the closing chapter to a mini series.

It was a terrible death and not a very good ending for this movie either.

Hey, you know what would have been a good nod to the old movies? He flies away on a jetpack in the end.


I can easily see the franchise continuing. They have endless options. Daniel Craig was a n excellent Bond and his films were mostly good (Casino Royale-Great, Quantum of Solace-Good, Skyfall-Very Good, Spectre-Good, No Time to Die-Very Good)...

But, and for the first time ever, this series has ended. This series was a re-boot to a series that had not had an ending because it had only the most tenuous of continuity. Casino Royale being the origin story and No Time To Die being the ending.

One possible continuation would be a new reboot origin story with young Commander Bond getting his 00 status in the 2020s. The only problem here is that they will have to come up with a totally new screenplay. They can not use Casino Royale again. But, there are plenty of elements in the original novels and stories that have barely been touched on and originality IS still an option.

Another possible option is to do a period-piece based on the novels and set in the 1950s cold war. Again, they would have to write a new first screenplay because the Craig Casino Royale was rather close to the novel. But they would have the opportunity to adapt the original novels with their original continuity.

A third, and I think foolish, option is to go with a straight continuation with James Bond being replaced by a new 007, possibly even a ludicrous 007 code-named James Bond in a nod to the laughable canon-obsessed fan theory.


Making 007 just an interchangeable "code name" would be the worst approach ever, and completely against Flemming's vision that the Bond stories were about a very specific PERSON, not a position or title.

And rebooting as a period piece would be an awful idea. For starters, it would be 10 x more work and expense....making every scene of every movie retro....with retro buildings, attire, cars, etc. And alllll that extra effort, for what? There are no NEW stories to tell....about the past. I mean......we already know what happened with the cold war....the Russians, etc. Why retell the stories the Bond films of the 60's and 70's already told?? We already know how the 60's and 70's played out, LOL.

What they need to do is simply create a new Bond film which ignores the story arc of the Craig films. Done.



It can easily go on. No one said these Bond film missions were in chronological order. Very few mentions of present-time in the films other than reflecting some of “today’s technology”. Look at it as there have been plenty of missions James Bond has been on that have not yet been made into a film. Yes, it’ll be weird at first after seeing him blown to bits, but we’ll get over it.
